2� 1 ��4739
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan No: �Q'i�93963 �Corltitlued� Page 3
<br /> Lender may dfl sa. I� any ac�ion or prviceeding is cvmmenGed that woufd materially a�fec� Lender's interes�s in -the
<br /> Prvperty, th�n L�nder on Trus�or's beha4� may, hut is nat required ta, �ake any action �hat Lender belie�es t❑ be
<br /> appropriate �o pro�ect Lender's in�eres�ts. All expenses incurred or paid by L�nder �ar such purposes wil� �hen b�ar
<br /> in�erest at the �ate charged under �he Credi� Agreemen� #ram the date incurred ❑r paid by Lender ta the date o�
<br /> repaymen� by T�us�or. All such e�cpens�s will become a par� ❑f the Indebtedness and, at Lender's vption, will �A� b�
<br /> payabEe ❑n demand; �B� be added t❑ �he balance af the Credit Agreement and �e appor�ioned among and be payable
<br /> with any installmen� payments to E�ecome due during either �1 j the t�rm�#any applicable insu�-ance policy; or t2} the
<br /> remaining �erm o�the Credit Agreemen�; vr {C� be treated as a ballaon paymenfi which wi[! be due and payabfe a��h�
<br /> Credit Agreement's maturi�y.
<br /> WARRANTY; DEFENSE�F T17LE. The�oflowing proWisions relating�a ownersh+p o�the Property are a part v�this Deed
<br /> o�Trust:
<br /> Titie, Trustor warrants that: �a} Trustar holds gaad and marketab�e �itl� ❑f recvrd to the Proper�y in �ee simple,
<br /> �ree and �lear of a11 liens and en�umbrances other than �hose set �arth in �he Reai Property description ar in �he
<br /> Ex�s�ing Indebtedness se�tion below or in any tit�e insuran�e pv��cy, �i�se report, ar�inaf�i�l� apini�n issued in faWor
<br /> at, and accepted by, Lender in c�nnec�ion wi�h this De�d ❑��l"rust, and �b� Trus�ar has the fu!! righ�, powe�-, and
<br /> authori�y�o execute and deli�er this �eed ❑f Trust ta Lender.
<br /> Detense of Title. Sub�ec� t❑ the excep�ion in the paragraph abaWe, Trustor warranfis and wiii fore�e� defend the
<br /> titie to the Praper�y again�t�he law�u� claims o�all persans.
<br /> EXISTING �NOEBTEDNESS. The�oilowing p�o�isions concernRng Exis�ing Indebtedness are a part of this ❑eed ❑f Trus�:
<br /> Exis�ing Lien. The Eien af �his Deed �f Trus� securing ths Indeiatedness may be secondary and in�erior ta an
<br /> exist�ng lien. Trus�or expressly co�enants and agrees tv pay, Qr se� �o the payment v�. �he Existing Indeb�edness
<br /> and to preven�any de�ault an such indebtedness, any default under the ins�ruments evidencing su�h indeb�edness,
<br /> a�any de#ault unde�any security dacumen�s#flr such ir�debtedness.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Trus�or wi�! be in de�ault under this Deed o�Trust if any af the folfawing happen: �A} Trustnr
<br /> commi#s fraud ar makes a material misrepresenta�ion at any time in conne�tion v�►ith the Cse�it Agreement. Thss �an
<br /> include, for examp�e, a fialse statement about Trus�or's �ncome, asse�s, liabili�ties, ❑r any ather aspec�s of Trus#or's
<br /> finan��al candition. {B} Trustor daes na� mee�the repayment term� of the �redEt Agr�ement. �C� Trustor's action ❑r
<br /> ina�t�an ad�ersely af�ects the calia�eral or �.ender`s righ�s in t�e coilateral. This can inciude, �vr example, �ailur� �❑
<br /> maintain required �nsurance, waste or destructi�e use o��he dweffEng, �ailure to pay�axes, dea�h of a!i persons liable ❑n
<br /> the aecaunt, �ran�#er a� title ❑� sale ❑# �he dwelling, creativn o� a senEor Eien an the dwelling withvut Lender's
<br /> permission, foreciosure by the holder flf an�ther�ien, or the use a�funds or the dwelling �ar prahibited purpvses.
<br /> RIGHTS AN❑ REMEDlES nN DEFAULT. Upan the oc�urrence ❑f any �vent ❑f Default under any indebtedness, ar
<br /> shou�d Trus�or faEl t❑ comply with any vf Trus#or's obligations under this Deed of Trus�, Trustee vr Lender may exercise
<br /> any ane or more a�the�vllawing righ�s and remedies:
<br /> A��eleration Upon Defauit;Addi�ionai Remedie�. i�any E�ent of Detault❑c�urs as per the�erms of the Credit
<br /> Agreement secured hereby, Lender may declare all lnde�tednes� secured by this Deed a�Trust to be due and
<br /> payable and the same shail thereu�vn laecome due and payabie withaut any presentmen�, demand, protest ar
<br /> na�i�e ot any kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> �a7 Either in person or by agent, wi�h ❑r wi�hou� bringing any ac#ian ❑r praceeding� or hy a recei�er
<br /> appointed by a caurt and withvu� regard to the adequacy o�i�s security, enter upon and ta�e pvssessivn
<br /> nf�he Prvperty, or any part�hereo�, in its awn name ar in the name of Trus�ee, and do any acts which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirab�e to p��ser�e the�alue, mar��tability or rentabi�sty o#the P�operty, vr part a#
<br /> �he Property ar in�eres� in the Prvper�y; increase �he incame from the Property or prate�t fihe secu�ity o�
<br /> �he Prvperty; and, with ❑r without �a�ing pas�ession �# the Prvperty, sue for vr ❑therwise collec� the
<br /> �-en�s, issues and pro�its o��he Property, including �hose past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less
<br /> cvsts and expenses o�operation and cvllection attarneys' �ees, to any indeE�tedness secured by this ❑eed
<br /> a� Trust, all in such ❑rder as Lend�r may determine. The entering upan and taking possessian of the
<br /> Prvper�y, the colle�tian of such r�nts, issues and prafits, and the application �hereo� shall no� cure or
<br /> wai�e any de#auft❑r nfltice af de�ault under �his �7eed af Trust or in�alidate any act done Fn response ta
<br /> such defau��or�ursuant to su�h nots�e o�de�au4t; and, notwi�hstanding the con�inuance in possessivn o�r
<br /> the Prvperty or the �vl�ectian. receip� and applica�ivn of rents, issues or profi�s, Trus�ee or Lend�r shall
<br /> be entit�ed to exercise ��ery right pra�ided for in the Credit Agreemen� or the Related Documents ar by
<br /> law upon the accurrence a�any e�ent of de�ault, including�he righ��v exercise the p�wer of sale;
<br /> {�} Commence an actian�o fiareciose th'rs Deed o�Trus�as a mortgage, appoint a re�ei��r ar specifically
<br /> en�orce any❑�the co�enants hereofi; and
<br /> �c� Deli�er to Trustee a wri�ten dec[aration a�de�ault and d�mand �vr sale and a written notice of de�aul�
<br /> and elec�ion�o cause Trustvr's interest in�he Proper�y ta be sofd, which notice Trus�ee shalf cause t❑be
<br /> duly fii�ed far reGc�rd in�he appropriat�o�#ices o�the County in which�he Property is located; and
<br /> �d} VIlith respec��o atl or any part a�the Persana4 Property, Lender shaSS ha�e all ti�e rights and remedies
<br /> a�a secured party under the Nebraska Un�farm Cvmmer�ial Code.
<br />