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<br /> QEEa �� �rRusT
<br /> Lvan Na: ����93963 tC�ntinued} Page 5
<br /> Deed o�Trus#has been ac�ep�ed by Lender in�he 5ta�e of Nebraska.
<br /> Time is v#the Essence. Time is o�the essence in the per�ormance a'��his �]eed ❑f Trus�.
<br /> Wai�er of Homestead Exemption. Trustor hereby releases and wai�es all r�gh�s and benefits af the hamestead
<br /> exemp�ivn laws a#�h� State��Nebrasl�a as ta a!1 Endebtedness seGured �y this Deed a�T�ust.
<br /> DEF�NlT14NS. The foEl�wing wards shall ha�e�he fa!lawing meanings when used �n�his Deed o�Trust:
<br /> Beneficiary. The ward "B�nefi�Eary" means Fi�e Points Bank, and its suc�essars and assigns.
<br /> E3arrower. The wvrd "Bn�-rower" means BRiAN J ASCHE and KERRfE L ASCHE and includes a!I co-signers and
<br /> �o-makers signing�he Credit Agreement and al!their successors and assigns.
<br /> CredEt Agreement. The w�rds "Credit Agreement" mean the credit agreement dated July 19, 2���, w�th credi�
<br /> lim�t of $3�,��Q.�Q from Trustor to Lender, �ogether with a�l renewals a�, extensions of, modifications of,
<br /> refinancings af, consolidations af, and substitu�ions�ar�he pramissory no�e❑r agreement.
<br /> Deed o� Trust. The words "❑eed a� Trust" mean �his Deed v� Trust among Trus�vr, Lender, and Trus�ee, and
<br /> Fncludes wi�hout limita�ion all assignment and securi�y interest pra�isions re�a�ing ta �he Persanal Property and
<br /> Ren�s.
<br /> En�irvnmental Laws. The words "En�ironmenta� Laws" mean any and all sta�e, federal and la�a� s�a�u�es,
<br /> regu�ativns and o�-dinances relating to the prote�#ivn o� human heafth or #he en�ir�nment, including withaut
<br /> limitatfan the �omprehensi�e En�irvnmen�af R�spvnse, Cvmpensativn, and Liabitity Act o� '198�, as amended, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. Section 9601, et seq. �"�ERCLA"}, the Super�und Amendments and Reautharization Act of 1986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 ("SARA"�,the Hazardaus Materials Transporta�ian A�t, 49 U.S.C. 5ection �S��, e#seq.,the Resvurce
<br /> �onser�at�on a�d Reco�ery Ac�, 42 IS.S.C. 5ectian �94'f, et seq.. or other applicab�e sta�e ar �ederaf �aws, rules,
<br /> or regulations adop�ed �aursuant thereta.
<br /> E►rent of Detauit. The words "E�enfi af Defaul�" mean any af�he e�ents of default set�orth in this Deed of Trus�in
<br /> �he e�en�s ot de�ault sect�an n�this Deed a�Trus�.
<br /> Exis�ing lndeb�edness. The words "Existing lndebtedness" mean the indeb�edness described in the Exis�ing Liens
<br /> provis4on❑f this Deed❑f Tcus�.
<br /> �mprvuemen�s. The word "[mpro��men�s" means aIl exis�ing and future impro�ements, buiEdings, s�ruc�ures,
<br /> mabile homes a�fixed ❑n �he Rea! Property, �aciiities, additions, replacements and other construction an the Real
<br /> Proper�y.
<br /> lndebtedness. The word "lndebtedness" means all principal, in�erest, and other amaunts, cvs�s and e�penses
<br /> payable under the Credit Agreem�n� or Related Da�uments, rtto.g��.he�;�vu,�t�i,,,,,����t�aru:a�.�-�,Qf�,�.�enssons of,
<br /> F � ir -- i i.. G r•a.^�1 n +
<br /> mvdi�ica�ions ❑�, consolidat�ons o� and substi�u�ivns #ar the �re�i�>A�.re;���r��=:�r.,F���ted�,Do�cume�ts and any
<br /> amounts expend�d ar ad�anced by Lender �o discharge Trus�ar's ❑bli���.�Qn�"s�$�o�=�e�€R��nses incurred b� Trustee or
<br /> �
<br /> Lende� ta enforce Trustor's obligations under this Deed ❑f Tr�t�st��,�;Qc�;���_�n, v�r;�t��:�in�e��st��'n�suct�' �maun�s as
<br /> pro�ided �n�his Deed ❑#Trust. '.`.�.'�``x.���;��"`.:'��:�:"`t�'�,,�.�n�`s,�'..'• . -•.�ro
<br /> Lender. The ward "Lender" mean� Fi�e Points 6ank, its successors and assigns. The wards "successors or
<br /> asstgns" mean any persan or company that acquires any in�erest in the Credit Agreement.
<br /> Pe�sonal Property. The words "Persanal Proper�Cy" mean aff equipmen�, fix�ures, and ❑ther articles o� persvnal
<br /> property nvw or herea#ter owned by Trus�ar, and now or hereafter attached or affixed -to the Real Praper�y;
<br /> tvge�h�r with alf accessions, par�s, and addi�ivns tv, all replacements of, and al[ substitutions �or, any of such
<br /> property; and toge�her with afl proceeds �Enciuding wi�hvu� [Emita�ian all insurance proceeds and refunds of
<br /> premiumsy from any sale or ather dis�vsition of the Property.
<br /> Prvperty, The ward "Proper�y" means c�llec�i�ely the Real Proper�y and�he Personal Property.
<br /> Rea! Proper�y. The words "Real Proper�y" mean the rea! praperty, in�e�ests and rights, as further described in this
<br /> Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> Related Ov�umen�s. The wards "Related Dvcumen�s" mean all promissory notes, credi� agreemen�sr Ivan
<br /> agreements, en�ironmental agreements, guaranties, security agreements, ma��gages, deeds of �r�sst, security
<br /> deeds, coflateral mor�gages, and all ather ins�rumen�s, agreements and documents, whether naw or hereafter
<br /> exis�ing, executed in connectivn with�he lndeb�edness.
<br /> Rents. The word "Rents" means afl present and �u�ur� rents, re�enues, incom�. issues, roya�ties� pro�its, and
<br /> other bene#its deri�ed trom the Prvperty.
<br /> Trustee. The w�rd "Trus�ee" means F��e Paints Bank, whose address is P.� gox �5�7, Grand lsland, NE
<br /> 688��-1507 and any substitu�e❑r su�cessvr�rus�[ees.
<br /> Trus�ar. The wnrd "Trus�or" means 6RlAN J ASCHE and KERRIE L ASCHE.
<br />