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2� 1 ��4733 <br /> for�he r�pairs and restflration in a single payment ar �n a s�r��s nf pragress pa�m�nts as the wark�s <br /> �omp�e�ed. If th� �nsurance or cond�mnation prflceeds are nat suffici�nt to repair or restare the Prflperty, <br /> Borrower is no�r���eved�f Borrou�er's ob�igatxon for the cflmpl����n nf su�h repa�r�r res�ora�ian. <br /> Lender or its agent may mak�rea�onab�e entr�es upon and inspections Qf th�Proper�y. �f�t has reasonab�e <br /> caus�a Le�der may�nsp�ct th��n�eri�r of the�mpro�emen�s on�he Proper��. Lender shall give Borrow�r <br /> nat�ce a�th��ime of or pr�or�o suCh an int�r�ar�nspect�on spec�fying such reasonable cause. <br /> 8. B�rrawer's Lvan App�i�ati�n. Borrawer sha�l be in defaul�if, dur�ng�h�L�an apg���ation pr�ces�, <br /> Barr�wer or any persans or ent���es acting at�he direction of B�rra�ver ar w�th B�rravver's knavv�edge or <br /> c�nsent g�ve mat�rially fals�, m�is�eading, �r inaccurate informatian or staternents�a Lender�or fai�ed�o <br /> pr�vide L.end�r w��h ma�erial infvrmat�on} in c�nnectian�ith the Loan. Ma�eria� representat�ans inc�ude, �u� <br /> are no�limited�o, r�pr�s�n�ati�ns concerning Bnrrower's ocCupancy of the Praper�y as Borra�er's princ�pa� <br /> res�dence. <br /> 9. Pr�t�Gtian af Lender's Interest in the Prvperty and R�ghts Under this Security lnstrument. �f�a} <br /> Barrower fails to perform�he covenan�s and agreemen�s canta�ned�n th�s SeCur����nstrum.en�, �b} there is a <br /> lega�proceed�ng that m�gh�szgnzficantl� affe�t Lender's interest in the Pr�per�y andl�r rights under this <br /> Security �ns��rument �such as a proceeding in bankrup�cy, prabate, for condemnati�n or forfei�ure, far <br /> enforcement of a��en�vhich may attain priori�y o�er this S�eur��y Instrument or�o enfarce laws or <br /> regu�ations}, �r�c}Bor�awer has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay for whate�er is <br /> reasonable or approprxa�e to prat��� Lender's interest in�he Praper�y and rights under this Securi�y <br /> �nstrument, inc�uding protecting andlor assessing the value of�he Proper�y, and securing andlor repa�r�ng <br /> �he Proper�y. Lender's acti�ns car�inclu�e, but ar�na���m.ited to: �a}pa�ing any sums se�ured by a 1��� <br /> whzch has pr�ority over this Secur��y �ns�rument; �b} appearing in caur�; and �c}pay�ng r�asonab�e a�tarneys' <br /> fe�s�o pro�e�t�ts in�erest in�he Property andlar righ�s under�his Securi�y Ins�rumen�, in�lud�ng i�s se�ur�d <br /> positzan ir�a bankrup�cy proc�eding. Se�uring �he Praperty in��udes, bu� i� nat �irn���d�o, en�er�ng �he <br /> Propert�ta mak�repairs, C��g�IQC�S, replac�o�-baard up do�rs and windo�vs, dra�n water fr�m.p�pes, <br /> �li�r�ir��t�bu�l�.ing ar a�h�r�od�viQ��.t�Qr�s or d��.g�ro�s �o�d�t�o��, �x��k��v�ut���tx�s t���d a�or of_fa <br /> Although Lender may take act�on under this Section 9, L�nder does n�t have�Q da so and is not under an� <br /> duty or abligatxon��do so. I� is agreed that Lender incurs no �iabili�y far nat taking an�or ai� act�ons <br /> au�horized under thxs Se�tzon 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender und�r this Sec�zan 9 sha�� became additianal debt nf Borrovver secured by <br /> �his S�curity Ins�rumen�. Thes�amounts sha�l b�ar intere�t at the Note ra�e from�he date�f d�sbursement <br /> and shall be payable, ���h such inter�st, up�n no�ice from Lend�r to Barrower requestzng paymen�. <br /> �f�his Security Instrumen�zs on a leaseh�ld, Borrower sha�l comply w�th a�� the provisx�ns of the�ease. If <br /> Barrower acquires fee t��l�to �h�Pr�per�y, �he l�asehold and the f�e�itle shalX not merge unless Lender <br /> agrees to the m�rger in writing. <br /> �fl, Mvrtgage �nsu�ance. �f Lender r�quired Mar�gage Insurance as a canditian af mak�ng the Laan, Borrow�r <br /> sha��pa�the premzums required�o ma�ntain the Mortgage �nsurance in�ffect, If, for any reason, the <br /> M�r�gage�nsurance Caverag� r�qu�r�d by Lender c�ases to be a�a�lable from�he mor�gage insurer that <br /> prev�ously provid�d such insurance and Bflrrower was required to make separa�e�y designated payments <br /> tov�rard the pr�miums for Martgage Insurance, Borro�ver sha�l pay the prem�ums requ�red to obtain coverage <br /> su�s�an��ally equival�nt to the M�r�gage �nsurance pre��ously �n effect, at a cost suh��an�ial��r equi�valent ta <br /> �he cost to Borrower of th�Mortgage Insurance pre�iflusly xn effect, fram an alternate mor�gage insurer <br /> selec��d by Lender. �f subs�ant�ally equiva�en�Martgage �nsurance c�verage is not available, Borrower sha�i <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-�annie MaeJFrecfdi�Mac LINIF�RM INSTRUM�NT Forrn 3028 11q� <br /> VMP p VMP6tNEy t13D2} <br /> Wolters Kfuwer Financial 5er�i�es Pag�S v#'#7 <br />