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2� 1 ��4733 <br /> Al� �nsurance policies required by L�nder and renewals af such polic�es sha��be subject�o Lender's r�gh�to <br /> d�sapprov�such policies, sha�� include a standard mortgage clause, and sha��name Lender as m�rtgagee <br /> andlnr as an additiana� lass paye�. Lender shall ha�e the right�a hold�he poiicies and rene�val cer�ifica�es. �f <br /> Lender requir�s, Borrower shall promp�ly g��e to Lender a�l rec�ipts of pa�d premiums and ren�vva� not�ces. <br /> �f Borrow�r abta�ns an�fornl of�nsurance c�vera�e, no�otherwise required�y Lend�r, f�r damage�a, or <br /> des�ruct��n of, �he proper�y, such palic�sha�� include a standard mortgage c�ause and sha�l name L�nder as <br /> mor�gagee andlar as an add���ona��oss pa���. <br /> �n the even��f loss, Borrawer sha�� g�ve pro�np�not�ce�o�he�nsurance carr�er and Lender. Lender may <br /> nr�.ak�proof�f loss if no�made promptly by Bnrrov�rer. Uni�ss Lend�r and Borrower a�herwise agr�e in <br /> v�r��ing, an� insuranGe proceeds, whether ar not�he under�ying �nsurance was required by Lender, sha11 be <br /> a�pl�eci�o res��ratian�r re�air af�h�Property, �f the restora��on or r�pair is econam�cal�y feasible and <br /> L,ender's s�cur�t�is not lessened. Dur�ng such repair and res�oration per�od, Lender shal�have the right�a <br /> hold su�h�nsurance pro�eeds un�il Lend�r has had an opportuni���o inspect such Pr�per���a �nsur��he <br /> v�rork has heen comp�e�e�.�o Lender's sa��sfaction, pravided that such inspect�on shall be undertaken <br /> promp��y. Lender may d�sburse proceeds for fhe repairs and res�ora�ion in a s�ngie pa�men�or�n a series of <br /> prflgress payments as the work�s comp�eted. Un�ess an agr�emen��s made�n v�ri�ing c�r App��cable Law <br /> requires in�eres��o be pa�d on su�h insuranc�proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrov�rer any <br /> interest or earn�ngs on such proceeds. F�es for pub�ic adjusters, or o�her th�rd par�ies, re�ained by B�rrower <br /> shal� not be pa�d flut�f�he �nsurance proceeds and shall �e the sale obligat��n nf Borrow�r. �f�he restoration <br /> or repa�r is no�econam.�i�a��y feasible or Lender's �ecur��� �vould be lessened, the xnsura�ce procee�s sha�1 b� <br /> appl�ed�o the sums secured b�r th�s 5ecur�ty Instrum�nt, whe�her or nat then due, vvi�h the excess, if any, <br /> paid�o B�rrower. Such insurance praceeds shall b�appl�ed �n the order pro��ded far in Se�ti�n�. <br /> �f�3�rrowe�r aba.�.dons�he Proper�y, L�nder ma� ��e, nego�iate and set��e any avaxla�le insurance c�a�m and <br /> rela�ed matters. If B�rrower does no�respond wi�hin 3�days ta a not�ce from I..�nder�ha�the�nsurance <br /> carrier ha�offered t� settl�a claim, then Lender ma�negatiate and settl��he claim. The 3��day per�ad w��l <br /> begin w�.en the no�xce is g�ven. �n�ith�r ev�n�, ar if L,ender acqu�res the Praper�y under�e�:t�on���� <br /> otherw�se, Borrower hereby assigns�o Lender�a} Borrnwer's rights to any insurance pr��eeds in an amount <br /> no� �o exceed the amaunts unpaid under th�No�e or�his Securi�� Instrumen�, and�b} any other of <br /> Borrow�r's righ�s (o�her�han the righ�to any refund�f unearned premiums paid by Borrower} under a�l <br /> xnsurance po�icies�over�ng the Property, insofar as such rights are applicab�e�o the co�erage of�he <br /> Pr�perty. Lender may use the insurance proceeds either ta repair ar restore�h� Proper�y or�a pay amounts <br /> unpaid under the N�te or th�s 5ecuri�� �ns�rumen�, vvhether ar not then due. <br /> G. �ccupancy. Borro�nrer sha�� occupy, establish, and use th� Prap�r�y as Borrawer's principa� residenc� <br /> wi�hin 64 days after the e��cution�f this 5��uri�y Yns�rumen�and shall continue to accupy the Praper�y a� <br /> Borrower's prin�ipal residence for a�]east one year aft�r the da�e�f occupan�y, unless Lender atherwise <br /> agrees in wri�ing, v�hich c�ns�nt sha�l no�be unreasonably withheld, �r unless extenua�ing circuna.stances <br /> exis�v�hich are bey�nd Borrow�r's control. <br /> 7. Prese��ation, Maintenance and Prvtectian �f the Pra�erty: Inspectians. Barrower shail not destroy, <br /> dar�age or impair�he Pr�per��, a�low the Property to de�eriora�e or waste an the Praper�y. �he�her <br /> �r n��Borr�wer is residing in the Praper�y, Borrower shall nzain�ain�he Pr�perty in arder to pre�en�the <br /> Proper�y from de�eriorat�ng or decreasing in value due ta its conditxon. Uriless it zs det�rnun�d pursuan��� <br /> Section 5 t�at r�pair or res�oration is n�t economica�Iy feas�b�e, Barrower shall promp��y repa�r th� Prop�rty <br /> if damaged t� av��d fur�her de�eriorat�on or damage. Zf insurance or condemnation pro�e�ds are pai�. �n <br /> connection w��h damage�a, or the taking �f, the Property, B�rrower sha�� �e responsil��e for repairing ar <br /> res�oring�he Property�n1�if Lender has rel�ased prflceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse pr�ceeds <br /> NE6RA5KA-SingEe Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac fJNI��RM INSTRUMENT Fat'm 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP��N�y(13��y <br /> Wvlters fCluw�r�ir�ancia!Ser�ices Page 7 a�'�7 <br />