<br /> 1 �
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<br /> � tt► REMFp1E8 NUT EXGIUSIV�. iru�;toa nn�H�nonr���y.anel nacn ullnem. snan lie em�nt�d to enlorce payment ar,d pertormance of any
<br /> mdflbtadnes5 or obligotions socurod horo6Y and lo oxprc�sp au nghlS and ppwors undor in�s Trusl Dood�r undor any olhor agroe manl oMecuted
<br /> n�cvi�r�ucf�0�t hn�dw�ih v� dny fdwa nuw u�hv�aaH�� m turcn.nulw4irolanJ�ny suuw a,� ai{ul Ihcr such mdebtedness�nd vbl�yaiiui�s se�urud
<br /> herpby m2y now pr hereafter be olhorwiso socurod. whother by mortgage, trusl dQed, pladge, i�en, assignment or p�herWi56 NOi1hAr Ihe
<br /> aCCeptanCe ot th�s Trusi Ueed�ur�is enlurcomont whother by court aCtion or pursuant ta tho ppwer of sale pr olher powers herem conla�neq.s��ail
<br /> pre�ud�ca or in any manner ailect Tru&tee�s or 8enol�ciary's nght ta real�ze upop�r en}orre any other secunty npw or hereafler held by Trustoe ar
<br /> Beneticiary,ii Oemg agreed thal Trustoe and Be�et�ciary,and each olthem,shallbe ontitled to enforce th�s Trusl Oead and any other secur�ty now
<br /> or hereafler held by 8enelieia�y or Trustee in suc�order and manner as they or either ot them may in thoir abSOlute d�screlion determine No
<br /> remedy he�ein conferred upan or reserved to Trustee or Benei�c�ary�5 mtondedto be exclusrva of any olher remedy herein or by law prov�ded or
<br /> � permilted,bul each shall be cumulat�ve and shall be in addition!o eve�y other remedy given hereunder or now or hereatter existing at law or�n
<br /> • equity or by slatute.Every pOwer or remedy provided under this Trusl Deed lo T�ustee or Beneliciary or to which either ot them may be otherwise
<br /> entdled,may be exert�sed,concur�ently or mdependently,trom timeto lime and as aflen as may be deemed expedient try Trustee or Benatic�ary
<br /> and either ot them may pursue�nconsistent remed�es Nolhing herem shall be construed as proh�bit�ng Be�etiCiary}rom seeking a deticiency
<br /> � judgment againsf!he Trustor to ihe extent such action is perm�tted by law
<br /> t
<br /> y part ot ihe Property or�nterest therein�s sold,translerred or otherwise
<br /> Conveyed by Trustor wdhout BeneliCiary's prior wnrien Consenl,excluding�a)the creation ol a I�en or enCUmbranCe subordinate to this Trust
<br /> � Deed,(b)a trans}er by operation ot iaw upon the death of a T�ustor who�s a�omt tenant or�c)ihe grant o1 any leasehold interest o1 three(3)years or
<br /> less which does not contam an option to purchase,such act�on is a breach oi this agreement,and Benef�c�ary mdy. at Benef�c�ary's option,
<br /> ; declareailthesumssecuredbythisT�ustOeedtobe�mmediatetydueandpayabie,provided,furlher,thisT�ustOeedmay,atBenefiCiary'soption,
<br /> + ba declared immediately due and payaale,�1(1)Trustor is a part�ership and any mterest in the parinership is sold or assigned by any means
<br /> � whatsoever,or(2)�t the Trustor is a Corporation and a transfer o1 the ma�ority stOCk ownerShip interest in the corporation occurs,or the Trustor
<br /> corporation merges in any form wNh another corporation or ent�ty. 8enelic�ary shall have waived such option to accelerate it,prior to the sa1e,
<br /> transier or conveyanCe.Beneficiary and the person to whom Ihe Property�s to be sold or transferred reaCh agreement in writingthatthe credit of
<br /> � such person is satisTactory to Beneficiary and that the interest payable on the sums secured by this Trust Deed shall be at such rate as Beneticiary
<br /> ' shaU request.
<br /> �' t 2.ACCELERATION UPON OEFAULT;REMEDtES•SALE.Theta�iure b tne 7rustor,to make an
<br /> � y y payment or to perlorm any pf the terms and
<br /> _ conditions olth�S TruSS Deed,orthe term�2nd cc+�Q�t�ons of the Note,or art,renewdls,moditications or extensfons thereol,or the falure to make
<br /> + paymentof any other�ndebtedness,prior or su0sequent to th�s Trust Deed,and secured by th�s property,or the dealh ot one or more Trustors shall
<br /> be a breach and defau�t of this Trust Oeed and the Benef�c�a�y may declare a defauit and may declare a11 sums secured hereby�mmediately due
<br /> � and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and peyable without presentment,demand,protest or notiCe of any kind.provided.Trustor '
<br /> shall have any statutory nght to cure the defautt betare any notice o1 defauH and demand tor sale may be delivered to the Trustee.Thereatter,
<br /> ; 88neticiary may delrverto Trustee a wntten d�C�a►atipn of de�autl Rnd demand 1or sate.Trustor agrees and hereby grants lhat the Trustee sh311 _
<br /> __ _ haVB th@ pOWer o1 sale n1 the Property and if 8enefic�ary decidesthe Property�e tohA cnld it chau Aannc�t wi�h Tr��g�uo���a Tn�a��gQ�an�►hA tictg —
<br /> or notes and any other documonts ev�doncrng expenditures seCured hareby,and shall delroc�r to Trustee a wniten notice U1 delault and election to �=
<br /> cause the properly to be sold,and Trustee,�n turn,shall prepare a s�milar not�ce in the torm reqwred by law,wh�ch sha11 be duly 1�ledlor record by i_��-,
<br /> Trusfee. j'"Y
<br /> " °�--- jaj i�i�e��ie iapse ot such tr.ne as may be requuetl by law tonowmg tna recordat�on o1 Notice ot DefauH,and Notice of Default and Notice `
<br /> t o}Sale having been given as required by law.Tr�stee,without demand on Trustor,shall setl the Property.�}not redeemed.�n one or
<br /> • more parcels and m such order as Trustee may determine on the date and the time and place des�gnated in sa�d Notice o1 Sale,at
<br /> i public auction according to law.
<br /> R '
<br /> ' (b) WhenTrusteesellspursuanttothepowersherein.Trusteeshallapplytheproceedsollhesaletopaymentofihecostsandexpenses i�
<br /> 01 exercising the pawer o1 sale and o}the sale,including,w�thout limitati0n,attorney's tees and the payment of Trust82's Fees
<br /> � mcurred,which Trustee's Fees shall not in the aggregate exceed the following amOUntS based upon the amount secured hereby and
<br /> remaining unpaid atthetime scheduled for sale:5 percentum on the balancethereof:and then to the items�n subparagraph(c)in tne
<br /> order there stated.
<br /> ' �c) After paying the items specilied in subparagraph(b►,�f the sale�s by Trustee.o��f the sale is pursuant to�udicial foreciosure.the ?�
<br /> ; proceeds of sale shall be appl�ed in the followmg order:
<br /> ' (1)Cost of any evidence o1 title procured�n connection with such sale and of any revenue transfer fee requ�red to be pa�d;
<br /> ' �2)AII obligations secured by this Trust Deed: j��"`'�
<br /> � �3)Junior trust deeds.mortgages.or other lienholders: ;'�".,:
<br /> (4)Tha remainder,if any,to the person iegally entitled thereto.
<br /> ;
<br /> 13.APPOINTNENT OF SUCCESSORTEiUSTEE.Beneficiary may,from t�me to fime,by a written instrument executed and acknowledged by
<br /> BenefiCiary,mailed to Trustor and recorded in the county ar counties in which the Property is located and by otherwise complying with ihe -
<br /> provisions of the eppliCable 18wsof the State of NBbraSka Subsl�tut@ a Successor or successo►s to the TruStee named herein or acting hereunder.
<br /> 14.lNSPECftONS.Benet�c�ary,or�ts agents,representateves or employocs,aro aufnariredta entar ai any reasonabls t+me upon or+n any pan
<br /> olthe Propertyforthe purpose oi inspectfng the same and tor the purpose of performing any of the acts�t is authorized to perform under the terms
<br /> 01 the Trust Oeed.
<br /> ' 15.OPTION TO FpRECLOSURE.Upon the occurrence of any breach and uponthe declaration otdetault hereunder,Benef�c�ary shall have the
<br /> option to loreclose this Trust Deed in the manner pruvided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages on real property.
<br /> 16.FOREBEARANCE 8Y BENEFICIARY ORTRUSTEE NOT A WAIVER.Any forebearance by Benei�c-ary or Trustee�n exercising any nght or
<br /> remedyhereunder,orotherwiSeeNOrdeCbyappl�cabletaw,shallnotbeawaiverotorprecludetheexerc�ssotanysuchr�ghtorremedy L�kewise.
<br /> the weiver by Beneticiary or Trustee of any default of Trustor under Ih�s Trust Deed shall r.ot be dee:^ed to be a wa�ver ol any other or s�m�iar '
<br /> defaults subsequeMly occurnng
<br /> f _ _, _ _
<br /> 17.BENEFICIARY'S POWERS. Without affect�ng pr releasing the liability of the Trustor or any other person I�able for tha payment of any
<br /> obl�galion here�n mentioned.end w�thout af}ecting the I�en or Charge of th�s Trust Deed upon any port�on ot the Property.Benef�c�ary may.Irom �
<br /> I�me tot�me and w�thout not�ce aS the request ot one or more Trustots.(�►release any person I�able,(i�►extend or renew the matur�ty or alter any ol
<br /> Ihe terms ot any such obligations. (i��)grant other�ndulgences.(iv� release o�reconvey.or cause to be released or reconveyetl at any t,me at �
<br /> � 8enflt�c�ary s opUOn any parcet or aU ot Ihe Properly.(v)take or release any other or adtl���onal secur�ry tor anv obl�gahon nn�e�n ment�oned Iv�r
<br /> make sottlpments Ur other a�rangemenls wdh Trustor m ie�at�On therefo All Trustors shall ba�o�nlly and severally obl�gated and bound by Ihe
<br /> act�ons ot the Benot;c�ary or any one or more Trustor as slated�n Ih�s paragraph �
<br /> � L �8 ATTORNEY FEES,COSTS AND EXPENSES. The Bene6c�ary ot tn�s Trust Deed�5 Bntitletl 10 the pi�yment Of clltOrne�s�c�c�s ��oti�� ��nc�
<br /> oxpons�s as prov�ded m fhis Trust Oeed.excopt as othc�rw�se proh�bded hy iaw
<br /> 19 RECONVEYANCE BV TiiUSTEE. UpUr� ynllen requetii ut [�t�nC1����ry anrt upun p�yrnt•nt hy 1 r�i�,fo� t�f Tiu�IC�t•� f��i�ti i�utit�•�• �n,r� iy
<br /> -- �f•.'.Onvey�UTruSlqo.UifhtfpCttiUnf�rpn�5Un51f:(�811yen1it1UdfherLln vnlhou�NYirr,�nty dnypi:�t�pri�,flh��P�t�p��r�y1hPU1��•It1h��ie�un�f�.� it��.•�,�!�. � i ��
<br /> ���t '.ur.r, rntOnrt!yi1nCP i�t.lny rnJtlt�rti nr �;Ir i�,�.h.Ul hh r���irJU'��vl� tirnnl n1 �hr t•ulr:!uln���.ti trit•�a.�,l I ru� q�dntnt• � � .�ny �������.ee•�.�n. . �. . �� �.
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