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<br /> � 1 PAY�AENY OF PHiNCIPAL AMD INTEREST. Trusto► sh�ll pramp�ly p�y When dun Ihe principal ot �ntl �nlerost on Ihp �nqpbtodness
<br /> owdQnp fl��y t�e Note.and all other Charqos a�d teas as prov��le�1�n�hP Note,and the pnnupat ot and�nta,n,4 u��any F uture Advancos socurad
<br /> - `�- ' by ihis 1 ruSt 09ed
<br /> 2.WARiiANTY OF YITLE.Tru&tor�s lawfully seized and possessdd ol yood and�ndefeas�bta I�tle and estate to the Property her oby conveyed
<br /> and has Ihe nght to g�ant and convay tha Property,lhe Property is lree and clear of all I�ens and encumbrances excepll�ens now of record:and
<br /> Trusto�will warrdnt and defend ihe titie to the Property agamst all claims and demands
<br /> 3 MAINTENANCE AND COMPL111NCE WITH LAWS.Trustor shall keeplhe P�operty in good repair and condit�on and shall not commit waste
<br /> or permil inpair�nent or detenoration o1 the Property and shall compiy with the provisions ol any lease�f th�s T►ust Deed�s on a leasehold No
<br /> improvement now or hereaiier erecled upon ihe Property shall be altered,removad or demol�shed w�thout the pr ior wniten consent of Benel�ciary
<br /> Trustor shall comply wUh all laws,ordinances,regulat�ons,covenanis,cond�tions and rest�ictions attecting the Property and not Cornm�t,suffer or
<br /> permll any aCt to be done in or upon the Property in v�olat�on o1 any law,ord�nance,regulation,covenant,condition or restnction Trustor shall
<br /> Complete or restore promptly and in good�vorkmanlike manner any�mprovement on ihe Property which may be damaged or destroyed ancl pay.
<br /> when due,all Claims fo�labor pertormed and matenals lurmshed therefor and for any alterations thereot
<br /> 4.INSURANCE.Trustor,at�ts expense,w�ll ma�nta�n with�nsurors approved by Benel�c�ary,msurance with respect to ihe�mprovements and
<br /> personal property,constitut�ng the Property,aga�nsl loss by fire,lightn�ng,tornado,and other penls and hazards covered 6y standard extended
<br /> coverage indorsement,m an amount equal to at IeaSt one hundred percent(100°b�ot ihe tull replacemant vatue thereol and�nsurance against
<br /> sueh other hazards and in such amounis as is customarilycarried by owners and aperators of Similar properties or as Beneticiary may require lor
<br /> its protection.Trustor will comply with such other requ�rements as�eneficiary may irom time to time request for the protect�on by�nsurance ot the
<br /> mterests of the respective parties.All insurance policies maintained pursuaM to this Trust Deed shal{name Trustor a�d Benehciary as msured,as
<br /> their respect��e�nterests may appear,and prov�de that there be no cancellat�on or modification without alleast 15 days pnor wr�tten not�f�cat�on to
<br /> Trustee and Benellciary may proc ure such msuranco in accordance with the prov�s�ons o1 parag�aph 6 hereof.Trusto�shall del,ver to Beneticiary
<br /> the original policies o1 insurance and renewals thereof or memo cop�es otsuch pol�c�es and renewals thereof Fa�lure tafurn�sh such insurance try
<br /> Trustor,or renewals as required hereunder shall,at the option of Benet�ciary,constilute a detauN
<br /> 5.TAXE9.ASSESSMENTS ANO CNARtiE5.Trustor shall pay all taxes,assessments and other charges,�nciud�ng,without I�mi181ion.fines
<br /> and impos�tions attnbutable to the Property and le8sehold naymAnts or ground renls.if any,b�!ora tha sama bacome del�nyuent.Trustor shaii
<br /> promptly furn�shto benefic�ary all nolices of amounlsdue under this paragraph,and m theevent Trustor sAall make payment directly,TrustOrshall
<br /> promplly turnish to Benei�ciary receipls evidencing such payments. Trustor sha�l pay all lazes and assessments which may be lev�ed upon
<br /> Benef�ciary's interest herem or upon this Trust Deed without regard to any law that may be enacted�mposmg payment of the whole or any part '
<br /> thereol upon the Benefiaary.
<br /> -- -- s.AODITIDNAL UENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICI4RY'S SECiia�TV_T.,���..._►;���;,;;���"__•• '
<br /> : ..M.,�mo.^�i5"vi iiiiern�i ano pnncipai antl i.:.�_
<br /> paymBMs oi any other charges.fees and expenses contracted ta be pa�d to any �.�sLng or subsequem henholder or benehc�ary,under any � `i
<br /> exisling or subsequeM mortgage or Irust deed before the date they are dehnqont or�n delault,and promptly pay and d�SCharge any and all olher -
<br /> liens.claimsorchargeswhichmay�eoparditethesecur�tygrantedherem NTrustorlailstomakeanysuChpaymentorlailstoperlormanyo}the � l
<br /> , ._
<br /> covenants and agreements conta�ned in Ih�s Trust Oeed.or the Note reterrrd t:,no.a��.,,,�„�n�r',�'�:���M�y���;;r�;;i C6cd.v��i any nciron or -
<br /> - - .. .
<br /> •--°- °°- Nroceaoing�s commence0 w�ich materially a}tects Benefic�ary s�nterest m the Property.�ncludmg,but not hm�ted to,emineM domam proCeed- ±
<br /> ings,proceedings�nvolving a decedent,not�ce of sale by Trustee,not�ce ot de}ault by Trustee.mortgage loreclosure act�on,or�1 Trustor fails to
<br /> . pay Trustor's dobts generally as they become due,then Bene}iciary,at Bene}�ciary s option and w�thout notice to or demand upon Trustor and '
<br /> w�thout releas�ng Trustor lrom any obl�gat�on hereunder,may make such appearances.dishurse such sums and take such action as�s necessary
<br /> to protect Beneficiary's inlerest. including, but not I�mited to, tlisbursement o} reasonable attornay s fees. payment, purChase, contest or f
<br /> comprom�se of any encumbranCe,charge or I�en,entry upon the Property to make repairs,or deClarat�on ot delault under th�s Trust Ooed.In the
<br /> event that Trustor shalt fa�l to procure ins�rance or to pay taxes,assessments.or any other chargps or to make any payments to any existing or
<br /> subsequent I�enholders or existing or subsequeM bene}�aanes.Benefic�ary may procure such�nsurance and make such payment,but shall not =�'
<br /> be obl�gated to do so.Any amounts d�sbursed by Benef�cfary pursuant to th�s Paragraph 6 snall become add�UOnal�ndebtedness af Trustor �
<br /> seCUred by this Trust Deed.Such am0unts shall be payable upon notice}rom Beneticiary to Trustor requesting payment thereof,and shall bear
<br /> interestfrom the date Of d�sbursement at the rate payable lrom time to t�me on outstanding pnncipal underthe Note unless payment of interest at "`
<br /> such rate would be contrary to appl�cable taw,in whicn event such amounts shatl bear�nterest at the h�ghest rate perm�ssibie under appl�cable �-
<br /> '►aw.Nothmg conta�ned in this Paragraph 6 shall reqwre Benet�c�ary to�ncur any expense or take any achon hereundec
<br /> 7.ASSIGN�AENT OF RENTS.Benei�c�ary shall have the ngM,power and authonty dunng the coM�nuance o1 th�s Trust Deed to colleci the ��-�
<br /> rents,issues and prolits o1 the Property and of any persona�property located thereon with or without fakin � ";�'
<br /> hereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and uncond�tionally ass�gns all such rents,�ssues and pruf�ts to Benef c�ary Bene1�C ary hroweverahereby �
<br /> Consents tathe Trustor's c011ect�on and retent�on ot suCh rents,�ssues and prof�ts as they aCCrue and become payable so long as Trustor�S no1,at '
<br /> such iime,in default w�th respect lo payment ol any indebtedness secured hereby,or in the performance of any agreement hereunder.Upon any
<br /> such detauH.Beneficiary may at any time,e�ther in person,by agent,or by a rece�ver to be appo�nted by a court.w�thout not�ce and w�thout regard
<br /> tothe adequacy of any secunty forthe�ndebtedness hereby seCUred.(a)enter upon and take possession o11he Property or any part thereo},and�n
<br /> its own name sue for or olherw�seC011eCt such rents,issues and prof�ts,�nclud�ng those past due and unpaid.and apply the sama.tess Costs antl
<br /> expen&es of operati0n antl Coflection. including reASOnable attorrtey's fees, upan any �ndebtedrtes� secured hereby, ana �n such order as
<br /> Benef�C�ary may determme:(b)pertorm Such acts o1 repau or proteCUOn as may be neCessary or proper to conserve the value ot the Properry:(c)
<br /> lease the Same or any part ihereot for such rental,term,and upon such conditions as�ts�udgment may dictate,or terminate or ad�ust Ihe terms and
<br /> conditions o}ex�sting leases.UnleSS Trustor and Benef�c�ary thereof agree otherw�se�n wr�t�ng,any appt�cation of rents.�ssues or prof�ts to any
<br /> ` �ntlebtedness secured hereby sha11 not extend or postpone the due date ot the �nstallment payments as provtded �n said promissory note or
<br /> changethe amount of such�nst2ilments.The entering upon andtaking possess�on of the Property,the colleCtion o'such rents.�ssues and prol�ts.
<br /> ancl the application thereof as aforesaid,shail not waive or cure any default or not�ce of default hereunder or�nval�date any act done pursuam to
<br /> such not�ce.Trusior atso assigns to Benef�c�ary,asturther secur�ty for the performanceof the obi�gaF:ons secured hereby.a!1 p.oaa�d rents and a�i
<br /> mon�es wh�Ch rnay have been or may hereafter be deposiled w�ih sa�d Trustor by any lessee of Ihg Properfy.to secure the payment nf any renl or
<br /> damages,or upon defautt m the performance ot any of the prov�s�ons hereot,Trustc•agrees to dei�ver such rer-s and depos�ts to Benet�c�ary - -
<br /> Dol�very of wrdten noUCe of Eer.ef�ciary's exerc�se otthe nghts graMed herem,to any:e�a�toccupymg sa+d prer^s�s shall be suff�c�ent to reqwre , �
<br /> sa�d tenant to pay rent to the Benef�c�ary unt�l turther notice
<br /> 8 CONDEAANATION. N title t0 eny part of the Property,hall be taken m condemnaUOn proCeetlmgs.by nght of emmenl doma�n or s�mdar '
<br /> act�on.or shall be Sold under lhreat ot condemnation.all awards,dama�es and proceeds are hereby ass�gned and shall be pa�d to Benef�c�ary �
<br /> who shali epply such awards.damages and proceeds to Ihe sum secured by th�s Trust Deod.w�ih the excess.�f any. oa�d io Trustur n i��,siu�
<br /> reC6�ves any notiCe or other�nlormaUOn regardmg SuCh acl�ons or procoodings.TrustOr shatl g�ve prpmpt wr�tten notice Iher�>�,f t��f•n�f�r.�dry
<br /> Benefic�ary shall bo entitled,at�ts opt�on.lo commence,appoa��n and prosecute�n dS own name any yuCh aCti�n or�rnc��Cd�nqti,�r,ri�r,a�i hc�
<br /> � I c�nl�lled tU make any CUmpromise or setllement�n connec!�un w�th any such act�or.or prnceed�nqs
<br /> � 9 FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon repuest ot Tn,stor.f3enehc�ary,�t 6enel�c�ary s opl�nn pnU�10�ecunv�yAnt.e r�11nF•1'n.�,r��ly In f���ti��•. ��•,�� h•
<br /> fi18kE'1UTU�fr�(�y�p�OSfDT�US10� $UCh1UlU�@advt�nr.as Wi�h�nit•roSllhc�eon_sha!�GCSerurEdG 11i��j�USlI)f`/�f1dJh(�n�•;-i�r�ii�
<br /> note�,stat�nq thai sa�d not�es are securer�n r•� y ��r t�;�„������•...,.•, ",�Z�
<br /> C !,t y p�UVi7cd Ih�t at nn hmp<t�;�ll 1hp sPCU�r.tl �nnr i �t�
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