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<br /> 20.N�TtCE9.Except tor nntices,demands,requesis or other communicat�ons requ�red under appt�cabte law ta 6e g�ven�n another manner,
<br /> � whenever Bene9ic�ary,Trustor o�Trustee g�ves o�serves any not�ce lmclud�ng,wilhout limuation,notice of default and nol�ce of sale►,demands,
<br /> � requesis or othar communiCation wUh respect to th�s Trusl Oeed.each such notice,demand,raquest or other cammu�icat�on shall be m wnt�ng
<br /> and:,h�tt b��ftoCtsva only if tha sama�&detiver3d by parson7l service or is md�{ad by�eriifie�ma�l,postaga p�apaic�,acld�eysed lo ihe addrass as
<br /> se1 tortA atlhe beginn�ng of this Trust Deed.Any party may at any time chanc�e�ts address for such notices by del�ve�mg or ma�ling Ip the olher
<br /> patty hereto,as aforgsaid,a�otiCe o1 such cAange.Any nptice hereu�dar shall ba deemed to hava baan givsn to Trustor or Beneiiciary,whan
<br /> given in ihe manner designated herein.
<br /> 21.REQUE9T FOFi I�IOTICE.Trustor and Beneficiary horeby request a copy o1 any notice of default,and a capy of any npticoof sale thereunder.
<br /> be maited to each person who is a party hereto at the address tor such person sef forih in the lirst paragraph of this T►uat Deed
<br /> • 22.(�OVERNINti LAW.This T�ust Deed shall be governed by the Iaws of the Slate of Nebraska.
<br /> ; 23.SUCCESSORS ANO ASSI�NS.This Trust Oeed,and all tarms,canditions and obligations herein,apply to and inure to the benefit o1 and
<br /> binds all parties hereto,their heirs,�agatees,devisees,personal representat�ves,successors and assigns.The term"Benelic�ary"shall mean
<br /> i the owner and holder o}the Note,whether or not named as Benefic�ary herein
<br /> 24.JOINT ANO SEVERA�LIA8ILITY.All covenants and agreements of Trustor shall he�omt and severai
<br /> , 25,SEVERA8ILITY.In the event any one or more o}the p�ov�sions contamed m this Trust Deed,or the Note or any other secunly�nstrument
<br /> f g�ven in connection with ihls lransaction shall for any reason ba held to be invalid, �Ilegal or uneMorceable in any respect,such invahdity.
<br /> �Ilegality,or unerttorceability shall,at the option o1 Benel�c�ary,nat atfect any other provision of this T►ust Deed,but this Trust Deed shail be
<br /> construed as itsuch invalid,illegal,or uneniorceable provision had never been conta�nedherein or therein.If the lien of the Trust Deed is mval�d �
<br /> � or unenforceable as to any part of ihe debt,or if the lien�s�nvalid o�unenforceable as to any part of the Property,the unsecuretlor partially secured
<br /> ' portion ot the debt shall be completely paid pNOr to the payment ot the rema�n�ng and seCUred or partially seCU�ed portion ot the debt,and all
<br /> i payments made on the debt,whether voluntary ar�nvoluntary,sha116e considered to have been f irst paid on and dpplied to th9lull payment of thal
<br /> � portion of the debt wh�ch is not secured or not fully secured by the lien o}this Trust Deed.
<br /> 28.TRUSTEE LIABILITY.So long as the Trustee shall act�n good faith and in reliance upon notices and other�nlormation which it,in ils sole
<br /> � disCretionmaydeemtobe�eliable.andsolongasTrusteeshallexercisereasonableprudenceandcarein�isadministrationhereunder,T�ustee
<br /> ' sfiatl not be liabte for any loss or damage sustained or incurred by the Trustors or any Benefic�ary or by any other pArson�whomcoaver.it be�ng
<br /> ; expressly stipulated that the Trustee shall be iiable only for its own gross negligence and willful de}ault In the premises.
<br /> � 27.NUMBERANDOENOER.Wheneverusedherein,thesingularnumbershallincludetheplural,andtheuseofanygendershallbeapplicabl8 ' �
<br /> � to all genders. ;
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<br /> i
<br /> _ j 28.ACCEPTANCE BY TRUSTEE.Trustee accepts this Trust when this Trust Deed,dulyexecuted and acknowledged,is made a public record . + :�
<br /> , - I as provlded by law. }: ?,:_
<br /> � IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Truslor has executed th�s Trust Oeed as of the date and year hrst above wntten. i�r�A
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<br /> The toregoing mstrumeM was acknowledged betore me on the ._�tL1..day of _ ne - mh Z______ _ ___ ., 19_.�9._ _,
<br /> � by _1Zandv and Ga�hy Blacen. _;�;.;���_and_lilif�--
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<br /> ��4'.�NE1�W�'rH NotaryPubhc R.�. Hellbusch � ; �
<br /> ������� My Commi&s•Gn exp�res .. OCtO�eT. Z9� 1990 ' .
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