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<br /> , Tho undarS�gned hereby acknpwledges and understands Ihat Ihe dacumonl to ba o�pcuted by ihe undors�gnocf�s i�Irusl douU and not a
<br /> mprtgago,and ihat ttia power of sale prov�ded 1or m the trusl deed prov�des substanUalty diHar�nt nghts and obhgat�ons tu Iho Irustur tt�an a
<br /> mortgage in the evem ot a default or breach a1 obhgaUon
<br /> ; �ated and executed on Ihe _. ._ ._����.._day of_ _. ..__ _ _ D8C8RIt?BT. _.. __� __- -- . , 19 Q9 ,pr�or
<br /> ` � to execulion ol the lallowing Trust Oeed.
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<br /> �/ tl SBCJ�- -� - - ,
<br /> � —� .------- ---�---- Cat y laseg �'`�Cj--
<br /> � Tr+is TRU$T�Eeo,maae m�s . __?8th_ ___aay of _________ ___December _ . �g_89__
<br /> by and among _ Randv an��y�_B1 a�pg�.hL1Sh8Rd and Wife ___ _`___
<br /> whose madmg address�s __ Rt. #1, Box 184, Cairo, NE 68824 _ _
<br /> j �herem �Trustor�'�:and Union Bank and Trust ComRany of Grand Island _
<br /> i
<br /> l whose ma�ting address�s _ _20Q8 No. Webh Road,_Grand Island, NE 68803 __
<br /> � (herem��Trustee'1.and. Union Bank & Trust Comoanv of Grand Island
<br /> � whose mailing address is 20�8 NQ. Webb Road.�G�nd Is nd. NE 68803 �herein"Benef�c�ary"�.
<br /> � FOR VAlUABIE CONSIDERATION.Trustor irrevocabiy granls,transiers.conveys and a�signsto Trustee,IN TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE.
<br /> tor the benefit and secunty o1 BenQf a�y,under and sub�ect to the terms and conditions ot tnis Trust Deed,the follow�ng described real p�operiy, • �"
<br /> located�n r� _ _ � County.Nebraska: ;.,�
<br /> Part of the Southeast One Quarter (SE�) of the Southeast One Quarter (SE�), Section ! .�
<br /> _1 T�a��., c�Lr �?i�l T�a;.�s�:ip ?u�?u� �1�� R�nr,� �3�.,a�; fi�1 N.�lZ �ee�.�tu- 4�!p�r3�.a -_-_. _. _. ._ �-<.___.
<br /> , --.� -.. .--.; ,, �
<br /> more specficially described per attached exhibit. :;_-
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<br /> • TOGETHER WITH all oithe}ollowing,whethe�now owned or hereatter a�quired:rents,prof�ts,royalt�es,�ncome and Other benefilsder�ved IrOm
<br /> , the real proparty:all leases or subleases covering the real property or any portion thereof:all�nterests,estate or other claims,both�n taw and m
<br /> • equity �n the real property; all homestead exempt�ons which are hereby released and waived: all easeme�ts, r�ghts-of-way, tenements.
<br /> hereditaments;all oil and gas rights and profits,water r�ghts:ali nght,t�tle and interest o1 Trustor,m and to any land lying within Ihe right•of-way of
<br /> any strest or h�ghway ad�oin�ng the real property,any and all buitd�ngs,f�xlures.�mprovements,and appurtenances now or hereatter erected
<br /> , thereon Or belonging thereto.�herem re}erred to as �Improvement"or'Improvements'�).and any and all awards made for the tak�ng by em�nent
<br /> damain,or by any proceeding or purchase m I�ou thereot.ot the whole or any part ot the reat property.All of the 1�rego�no estale.property and
<br /> �nterest conveyed ro Trustee herein collecUvety referred to as the'Property° �- -- -
<br /> (a1 The paymeM o1 mdebtedness ev�dencod by Trustor s note or guarantoe 1'Note �dated DecEmber 28 _ ,y89 ;
<br /> in the pnnc�pal sum of _.. �;�� �if teen Thousand.and no�100_��# _.. _, _.._ _ ._._ __._ _ t?�,i,�,s �
<br /> � �c� IS�Qn�.OQ . _ �,together wdh�nierast at Ihe rate o�rates prov�cfed►here�n.and tne pnnc�pai and�nU•r��tit un�ny
<br /> � futuro advarices evidenced by prom�ssoiy+�otos or guarantees statmg they are;secured he�eby and any and an rene�,ais mnh�fiC.li�(�nt.��d
<br /> eutsnsionsthoreot.bnlh pnnupai and+ntorast h,o�nq payabic�n aCtordance wdh the terms set l�rlh ihe���n v�hic'h by 1h�s rp1+•re•nc t•�,�=•.in��.����r1
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