2� 1 ��4�37
<br /> cr Any breach or ma�erial misrepresen�atior� of any ��rrn, agreemen�, cavenant, condition,
<br /> ��rtif�cati�n, representation or warranty as pravided in �hls trusf deed, or any otMer Loan Document.
<br /> d. Sale, �ransfer, or conv�yance of �he Praperty described herein wi�h�u� priar written c�nsent of
<br /> Lender.
<br /> e. Any us� o� loan proceeds far a purpose �ha�wr�l contr�hute ta exc�ssive erosion of highly e�odib�e
<br /> land or�� fhe conversion of�efiiands f� produce or�o mak� possible the produc�lon af an agricul�ural
<br /> commadify, as�Further explained in 7 CFR Part'194�, Subpart�, Exhibif M.
<br /> f.The d��th, dissoluti�n ar inso�vency af any T�-us�a�-; �he appvintmenf❑f a receiv�r far any Trus�ar or
<br /> their Prop�rty; any assignment for the benefii� �f creditors by the Trus��r; or appIication af any debt�r
<br /> reIief law �a Trustar, �ncluding any �ype 'o�F �v�rk�ut or commencement af pra�eeding und�r any
<br /> bankruptcy or insvlvency laws by or agains�any Trus�ar ar Borrawer�n any Lvan Document or other
<br /> �bligat�an secur�d by�his��us�deed.
<br /> g. Any of �he p�-eceding e�ents ❑ccurs wi�h respect fo any guaran�or, enda�ser, surefy, vr
<br /> accommoda�ian party of any o�the�b�igafions or any gua�an�or, endorser, surety, ar accamm�dation
<br /> party dies or becames incompetent, or revokes or dispufes the �alidi�y of, or iiabili�y under, any
<br /> guaranty�t the�bligatlons.
<br /> 7, [n �he ev�n�of a �efau�t and a�any �ime ther�afte�, Lender, at its vpfion, subject�o any requirem�nts
<br /> under �he Farm �redl� Ac� �r other appIieab�e federai or s�ate law, may �xercise one or mare of the
<br /> fo��owing rights and remedies, in addi�ion ta any ather ri�hts or remedies p�rmit�ed by Iaw:
<br /> a. Declare all �bligations s��ured hereby�o be immedia�e�y due and payable and fhe whole w�l1 bear
<br /> in�eres�at the default ra�e as provided in �he Laan Docum�nts.
<br /> b. Lender may imrnediately au�horl�e Trus�ee �o exercise fhe pow�r of sale granted her�in in �he
<br /> mann�r pro�ided in fhe Nebraska Trust D�eds Ac�, or, at fh� aption af fhe Lender, may fareClase the
<br /> trust deed in the manner prvvided by Iaw fa�fhe f�recI�sur� of martgages on real prvperty, includ�ng
<br /> �he appoin�men� af a receiWer u�an ex parte applicatian, no�ice being hereay express[y wai�ed,
<br /> wi�hout regard �a �he �alue af th� prvperty ar fh� suffciency fhereof �o discharg� the indebtedness
<br /> secured her�by ar in fhe Lvan Docum�nts.
<br /> Should Lender e�ect�a exerc�se the pvwer of sale gran�ed herein, Lender�ri11 nv�ify Trus'�ee wha w��I
<br /> record, pubiish, and deliWer ta Trusfor�s} such Noti�e o� aefaul� and No�ice of Sa1e as �hen r�quired
<br /> by law and will In the manner pravided by law, se[� �he praperty at�he time and place of sa�e fixed in
<br /> the notice of sale, either as a whoIe or in separa�e lots, p�rcels, or items and in su�h �rder as Trustee
<br /> wil[ d�em expedRent. Any p�rson may bid at fhe sale inc�uding Trus�or, Trustee, or Lender.
<br /> c. Lender, ei�her in p�rson or by agent, with �r wi�hau� br�nging any action or pr�ceeding and wi�h �r
<br /> without regard �o �he value of �h� Pra�erty or the sufficiency �hereaf to discharge the �bliga�i�ns
<br /> secured hereby, is authorized and en�itled to en�e� up�n and �ake passession of the Property in its
<br /> own name or in the name of�he Trustee and da any acts �r expend any sums ifi deems necessary �r
<br /> desirabie �o p�ofect or preserve the Walue of �he Property or any in�erest �herein, or increase th�
<br /> income �herefrvm; and with �� without �aking possession of �he Pr�perty is autharized t� sue for ar
<br /> otherwise collect the ren�s, issues, crops, prafi�s, and income �thereof, including thase past due and
<br /> unpaid, and apply th�same upQn any �b�iga�i�ns seGured hereby or in fhe Loan Documents.
<br /> d. Lender will be enfi�led fo a receiver �v take immediat� possessian of fihe Prop�rty and aIl rents,
<br /> issues, craps, profits, and incvme therevf, w�thau� regard tv �he �alue af the Pr�perty, or �he
<br /> sufficiency thereaf �o discharg� the trus� deed deb� and �he foreciosure casts, fees, and expenses.
<br /> Su�h receiver may be �mmedia�ely appo"rn�ed by any court of competent jurisdic�ion upan ex parte
<br /> appli�ation, notice being hereby �xp�essiy waived and shall serv�withou� bond if the Iaw af�ows. The
<br /> receE�er wiEi apply a11 ren�s, issues, crops, profi�s, and income of the Property �o keep �he same En
<br /> ��od repair and condi�i�n, pay alI taxes, ren�s, fees, charges, and assessments, pay insurance
<br /> pr�miums nec�ssary to keep�he Prnp�rty insured, pay the expense af the receivership and a�arney's
<br /> fees incurred by the receiver, and apply the ne� proc��ds �� the payment of fhe �bligat��ns secur�d
<br /> hereby. Such receiver will have all �he o�her usual po�rvers �f recei�ers au�horl�ed by 1aw and as the
<br /> c�urt may direcfi.
<br /> e. Cn �he e�rent Trust�r fails �o pay any liens, judgmen�s, assessments, �a�es, rents, fees, or charges
<br /> or maEn�ain any insurance on �h� Property, buildings, fixtures, atta�hments, or �mproVemen�s as
<br /> pro�ided herein or in the Loan Documents. Lender, at ifs option, may make su�h paymenfs�r pravide
<br /> Insurance, main�enance, ar repairs and any amQunts paid fherefor wi[! become part of fhe pr�ncipa!
<br /> �bliga�ivns secured herelay, be immediately due and payable and bear in�eres� at the defaul� rate
<br /> prvvided in the Laan Documents fram the date of paymen� until paid. The ad�ancemenf lay Lender vf
<br /> App#:5396�7'[; CIF#:38�4Q; Note#:304�974 �2�KS Legal Dac. Date:July��,2Q�5
<br /> F4ftN[5���,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 5 of 8
<br />