2� 1 ��4�37
<br /> Property, or the re�lacement cost of th� Praperty, and w�ll at a minimum, caver Ivsses Gaused I�y fire,
<br /> lightning, explosion, �io�, a�rcraft, ��h�cie�, �andal�sm, Givil commotton, smoke, winds��rm, and hai[.
<br /> Trustor will ab�ain and keep f[�od insurance in forGe tv �over�osses by flnad as required hy Lender and
<br /> by the Na�ior�a� F[ovd [nsur�nG�A�t�f �9�8, as amended, and by r�gu[atEons implementing �he same.
<br /> T�-us�or �ur#h�� agrees tha� Lender is naf and wili not b� liable for any faiCur� by T�usto� or by any
<br /> insurer, �or wha�ever reason, �� o�tain and keep �his insurar��e in farce. Trustor shal! give written no�iGe
<br /> ta Lend��immediately af any cancellation, �ermina�ion or material modification of any such insu�ance. �f
<br /> Trus�or f�ils to maintain fi�� ��verage describ�d abo�e, Lender may, a� Lender's option, Qbtain
<br /> cvve�age�o prot�c�Lender`s rights in the Praperty accor�ling to th�terms af ti�is trust d�ed.
<br /> 3. To keep a[[ buildings, fixtures, attachmen�s, and oth�r� improvem�nf� now on or her�a�ter pfac�d on
<br /> the Real Praperty accupied �nd rn gaod repair, main��nance, and condifiian and to nei�her comrnit nor
<br /> permi� any a�fs �f was�e or any imp�irment �f th� v�lue vf the �r�per�y. Trustor sf�al! n�t �emo�e ❑�
<br /> demolish any imprvvement withou� priar written appr�v�i �f the Lender. Trus�ar sh�ll gi�e �mmediate
<br /> noti�e �� Lender of any ma�erial damage ta or cons�ruction on �r reEat�d tv any vf�h� Property. Len�er
<br /> may�nte�r up�n the Real Praperty f❑ insp�ct the sam� or fio p�rFQrm �ny��ts au�hori�ed h�rein or in the
<br /> L�an Do��m�nts. Any jnspec�ions, reparts �r sam�le� conducted by Lender sha[I b� for their vwn u�e
<br /> and benef[t, and Lender shall nat be required to d�s�lose the result� of any insp�cti�ns to Trust�r far
<br /> any r��s�n, r�gardless af whe�her Lender has done so an any o�her oc�asion unless Lender agre�s �o
<br /> do sa in a se�ara�e wri�fng. Trustor is �esponsible f��monitvring, preserving and �nspecting the Praperty
<br /> �ndepen�enfly �f L�nder, and Lende� ma�es no repre��nfation, statement or warran�y re�arding the
<br /> accuracy of any inspection, repart�a�sta�ernents r�lated ��the Property'$ cond�tian, quan�ity, �r quality
<br /> ot any na�ure, and Trus��r agrees R� shaCl nat reiy upon stat�men�s r�la�ed �here�o made by a
<br /> represen��tive of Lender.
<br /> 4. Tha� Trus�or is, and shall continue fio he, duly �rgan�z�d, Walidly �xisfiing and lega�ly qualified fa d�
<br /> busin�ss under the law� of the ��ates in wh ich Trustor operates, ir� campliance with federal, state and
<br /> loca[ [aws �r regulafi�ons, and ha�e I�ga[ authvrE�y �n �u�h s�ates to canduct Trustor's business
<br /> vpera�ions and ta own agricultural real es��t�, No chan�e has b��n made in the nart��, ownershi�,
<br /> can�rol, reiationship, legal �tatus, o� or�ani�a��onal and formativn dacum�n�� of any undersigned �ince
<br /> the �im� any such info�rmation wa� last pro�id�d t� Lender. Any barrow�ng r�s�lu�[vn vr similar
<br /> docum�n� pr��ided to the Lender, whether an Lender's farm �r otherwise, has b�en �xecuted by all
<br /> thos� w�th an awnership interest in �he T�rustor's enti�y and such designated signor as �et forth in �he
<br /> borrv�ving reso[ution is �u�y authori�ed ta exe�ute any and all Loan Dacumen�s vn beh�lf the entity,
<br /> inc�uding this�rust d�ed.
<br /> 5.AII known saur�es a�existrng vr p�tential �n�ir�nm�n��l can�amina�i�n �n ar near any Real Property
<br /> awned ar aperated by Trusta�has been fully disclosed tv Lender; the op�r�tions of Trusfor comply, and
<br /> during �he term of this �rust deed w�ll a� all times cvrr�p[y in a[� respeet�, with a�� enWir�nm�nfial �aw�;
<br /> Trusfor h�s obtain�d and wil! mainf�rn �Il ficenses, ��rmits, authorizations and regi�t�atians required
<br /> under �ny �nvironmenfia� I�w and n�cess�ry fQr its vrdinary course oper�t�ons, all such �nvEronmenta�
<br /> permi�s are in �ood standing, and Trustor is in compl��n�e with all m����-ial terms and conditions of such
<br /> en�iranrr�ental �ermits! neither Trustar nvr any ❑f �ts prese�nt Pra�perty or op�rations �� subject �o any
<br /> outs�andin� writken order from or a�reemen��nri�h any gv�ernment�l authority or subject ta �ny judici�l
<br /> ar da�keted adminis�rative proceeding, r�specting any envir�nm�ntal law, environmen��l claim or
<br /> hazardous mater�al; there ar� n� hazardous materials �r ather conditions ar circumstan��s existing, or
<br /> ar�sin� from �peratians pri�r to the da�e af th�s trust d��d, with �espect t� any Pr�p�rty vf Trustor tha�
<br /> �rauld reasonab�y be expected ta g�ve �ise ta material environmenta[ claims. in addition, Trusfor shai�
<br /> hold Lender harmiess from any [�abili�y far enviranmental waste ar con#aminativn on any Prope�ty
<br /> awned �r �perated by Trustor ar liabi�ifiy imposed as � can�equenc� �y reas�n of Trustor's activi�ies
<br /> and wii[ def�nd and indemnify Lender agains� al! claims, Ias�es, �iabilifiies, and ��pen��s inGurred by
<br /> Lender�s a result thereof. This �v�en�n�will survi�� ��ncellation, expir�tion or ter�min��ion vf�h�s tru�t
<br /> dee�.
<br /> �. Each of the fol[vwing shall c�nstitut�an evenf vf defau�t:
<br /> a. Failure �a make any payment when due under any Loan Dacument ar other�bligatian secured by
<br /> �h is�ru�t d e�d.
<br /> b. Fa�lure to pay any liens, judgments, assessrrti�nts, taxes, r�n�s, fees, or charges or maintain any
<br /> insur�nce on the Praper�y, buildings, fiac�ur��, attachmen�s, or �mprovem�nts as provided in �nis �rus�
<br /> deed, ar in any other Lvan Dacument.
<br /> App#:5396�71; CIF#:3854Q; Note#:3���974 �2�FCS Le�al Doc.Date:July��,�D�6
<br /> FQRM 5D11,Trust fleed and Assignment vf Rent� Pa�e 4 of�
<br />