2� 1 ��4�37
<br /> any such amaunts will `rn na manner limit�he right n� L�nder to d�c[are Trustor �n d�fauft �r exercise
<br /> any of Lender's vt�er rrghfis and remedi�s.
<br /> f. ln �he e��nt Lend�r is � party to any [i�igatian affec�ing the Property�r this trust deed, �n�luding any
<br /> actiQn by Lender �a enfor�� this �ru�� deed or any �uit �n which Lender is named a defendan�
<br /> �including eminen� domain and b�nkruptcy praceeding�}, Lend�r� rr��y incur expens�s and ad�ance
<br /> payments for abstracfi fees, attorney's fe�s �to fhe extent a[Iowed �y law}, �osts, e�p�n�es, apprai��l
<br /> fees, and other charges �nd any �mounts sa ad��nced wi[[ become part of th� prinGipal �bligatian�
<br /> seGur�d hereby, be immedi�tely due and pay�ble and b�ar�nter���at the d�faul� r�t� provided in �h�
<br /> Loan C�acuments�rom�he date vf ad�anGe until paid.
<br /> 8. De�ay by Lender in e�cercising its �ights up�n defau�t will nof b� const�ued as a wai�er thereof, and
<br /> any act �f L�nder waivin� any specif�� d�fauit will not be construed as a wai�er of any fu�ure defaul�. If
<br /> the praceeds und�r sale ar fareclosu�e as sef forth above ar� insufficien� ta pay the total �biigatians
<br /> secured hereby, Lend�r w�ll be entitled to a deficiency Judgmen�.
<br /> 9. Any a�vards made to Trus��r or their suc�cess�rs by th� exercise of eminent dar�a�n are her�eby
<br /> assigr�ed to Lender; and L�nder is her�by authorized �� coI[ect and �pply the same in payment af any
<br /> indeb�ednes�, ma�u�ed ❑r un-matured, s�cured by �his trust deed. Trusfor shall imm�diately n��ify
<br /> Lender of�ny actian in eminent domain.
<br /> 'I�.Thi�trus�deed con�titutes a security agreemen��nrith resp�ct�o �il th� Property de�cribed herein.
<br /> 1'I. No remedy here�n canferred upon ar reserved to Trus�ee or Benefi�iary is �ntend�d to be exclu�i��
<br /> of any pth�r remedy h�r�in or by law �ro�ided or pe�rmitted, but e��h will be cumuiative, will be in
<br /> additian to eve�-y oth�r remed� gi��n h�r�unde� ar nvv�r Qr hereafter exiSting at law or �n equi�y or by
<br /> s�atute, and may b�exercised cvncurren�ly, �ndependently Qr sucGessi�e[y.
<br /> 'I�. Trustor acknowled�es �hat the duties and obliga�ions of Trus�ee �i�[ be determined sa�e[y by th�
<br /> �xpress provisions af �h�s trust deed vr �h� Nebraska Trus� Deeds Ac� and Trustee wi�l no� be liab[�
<br /> except for �he perForman�e ❑f such duties and abliga�i�r�s as a�� sp�cifically set forth �her�in, and n�
<br /> impli�d c��enants vr obl�gativns wi[I be imposed upon 7'rustee; Trustee wil[ not be liable for any actian
<br /> by it in g�a�d fa�th and re�sona�ly helie�ed by �t ta b� �uthorize� or within the discretion �r righfis �f
<br /> �owers c�nferred u pon it�y th is trus�deed ar state law.
<br /> '13. T�� covenants con��ined in �his �rust d�ed will b� d�emed t� be se�erable; in fihe ��ent tha� �ny
<br /> par�ian of�his trust deed i� determ�ned tv be void ar un�nfvrGeable, th�t determinati�n will not affecfi�h�
<br /> va�idity�f�h� remaining p�rkion�of the trus�d��d.
<br /> 14. Trus�or hereby r�quests a c�py of any n�tice �f defau��Qr n��ice ��sa[� hereunder ta be maifed by
<br /> certifi�d mail to Trust�r�t the�ddress se�forth herein.
<br /> 'M 5. All nvtices, reques�s and demands to or upon th� respe�tive part�es heretv ta be effeGti�e shall be
<br /> in wri��ng and, unfess othen�vise expressly provided herein, shal[ be deemed t� have been dury gi��n ❑r
<br /> made when deli�ered by hand, a� three days aft�r being depas�ted in the mail, postag� prepaid, or, in
<br /> the case r�f delivery by � natlona[Iy rec�gnized o�ernigh� cour�er, wh�n receiWed, addressed to one or
<br /> more of�he rndividuals execu�ing this fru�t deed an b�half of such par�y at the addr�ss sefi f�rth a�ave,
<br /> vr to suGh �#her addr�ss as such party may designate far itself by lik� no�iGe.
<br /> 7 6. Tru��ar shall prvmptly prv�E�e andl�r execute and deliver ta L�nder such furth�r instruments,
<br /> including, but n�t l�mifi�d tfl, martgages, de�ds of trus�, s�curity agrE�rnents, fin�ncing stat�m�n�s,
<br /> continu�tivn �tatemen�s, �ssignment�, certifcates, �ffidavits, addendur-r��, amendmen�s or resolutions
<br /> in farm �nd subs�anc� s�'�isfactory ta L�nder that Lend��r may require ta effe�tuate, comp[ete, perfec�,
<br /> cvntinu�or pres�rve�his trust d�ed vr any other Laan DoGumen�s, �blig�tions ar liens r�la�ed �her�ta.
<br /> '17. This �rust�eed and a�l vf the Laan Documents constitute the ent�re and cvmplet� und�rstanding of
<br /> the parti�s hereto and supersede al� prior agreements and unders�and�ngs r�lative tv th�subj�ct matter
<br /> hereaf. This trus� deed may not be effectively amended, chang�d, alter��d ar m�difi�d, e��ept in wri�ing
<br /> �xecu�ed b� all parties. Ta �he e�ten� th� provrsians cont��ned in this trust d�ed are incvnsis��nt with
<br /> thase confiained in any o�her Loan Documents, �he ferms and prv�isior�s c�nfained herein shal! cantral.
<br /> �therwise, su�h provisian��ha�l be consid�red cumula�ive.
<br /> '�8. This trus� deed m�y be ex��uted in �ny numb�r vf counterparts and by either p�rky an s�parafie
<br /> c�unf�rp�rts, �ach vf wh�ch shall be deemed an or�g�n�[, bu� all af which �o�ether shall �anstitute one
<br /> and �h��ame instrument.
<br /> '19.Time is of th�essence �n the p�rfarmance❑f this trus�deed.
<br /> 2Q. Th� terms vf this trus��e�d shall bind and b�nefit the heirs, I�g�l r�presenta�iv�s, succe�sors, �nd
<br /> assigns vf the partie�; provid�d, how�ver, �ha�Trustar may nat as�ign this trust deed, or any adW�nces
<br /> made hereunder, o� assign or deleg�t� any of its rights or abl�gatians, withaut the privr wr�itt�n cvnsent
<br /> af Lender.
<br /> App#:53�5�7�; C[F#:3854�; Note#:3�4��974 ��4KS Legal Do�.Date:July�1,2D�5
<br /> FQRIVI 5�11,Trust Qeed and Assignment of Rents Page G of 8
<br />