2� 1 ��4�37
<br /> �'rovid��, h�wever, fha� fhe tofal principai indeb�edness outstandin� �nd secured hereby af any one
<br /> time�rvill not exceed �he sum �f T1Nt] HUNDR�D TEN THDL�5AN1] � 21�4��.�D�, exciust�e of in��r�st
<br /> and pro�ec�ive advanc�s authorrzed h�rein �r in any Laan ❑ocum�n� �nd �uch a�her amaunts a���w�d
<br /> by law.
<br /> This trust deed wifl �e due A rii � �4��.
<br /> Trustor- h�r�by warrants tha� T�-usfivr hvl�s good and marke��b�e title in fee simple to �he above
<br /> de�cri�ed Property, that Trus�or has g�vd and lawfu� au�hority to�rust deed �he sam�, th�t the Praperty
<br /> i� free �nd cE�ar of al[ ��ens and �ncumbr�nce�, �xc�pf thos� set forth in a �i�le palicy or title opinion
<br /> purch�sed �y Lender and deemed �cc�pfia�Ie by Lender, in ifs sa[e discr�fiion, in relation �o �his ��ust
<br /> deed and that Trus�or wi�l �varran� and def�rtd �he Property at Trustar'� exp�nse agarns� aIl ciaim�nts
<br /> wh�msaever. Trus�o� alsv h�reby w�ive� and relinquishes a[I ri�hts of d�w�r, Y�omes�ea�, dis�ribu�i�e
<br /> sh�re, �nd e��mp�ian in and t�the�bove descrrbed Rea� �rvperty.
<br /> lt i� understood and agreed befi�v��n Trusf�r� and Lender� fha� this trus� deed is given t� se�ur� the
<br /> r�p�ymen�rn full of the a�! �b�iga�ions, regardl�ss of whether Tru�for�s �i�b�e thereon, and a�I fu�ure �nd
<br /> addi�i�nal �o�r�s �r advances, prote�ti�e or o�herwi�e, which may b� made by Lender, a� its option! at
<br /> fihe reques� of, and to or f�r the accounf of Trustor, any of the parties liable under any vf �he Laan
<br /> Dv�umenfs, fo� any purpo�e, piu� 1nt�res� thereon, aii paya�le �cc�rding �o the �erms of the Lo�n
<br /> Documen�s. Any �b�igations s�cured by �h�s �rust deed sha�1 he paya�Ie when due as �et �orth in �he
<br /> Laan Documents.
<br /> Thi�firu�f deed may secure mare fih�n one Lo�n Do�um�nt.
<br /> Tru�tor hereby assigns, �ransfe��, �nd c�nveys �o Lender aii ��nts, i��ues, in�ame, pr�fits, royal�ie�,
<br /> banuses, �nd d�iay moneys vr ofih�r proceeds tha� may f�-�m time fio time b�come due and pay�ble
<br /> under �r�y r�ar estate lease or under any nir, gas, gra�ei, rocl�, or ��her m�nera! lease of any kind
<br /> Encluding gea�herm�I resources now e�cisfin� �r that may hereafter came Into existence, c���ring the
<br /> P�aperty or any part thereaf. All suGh sums s� receiv�d by L�nder will b� applied to the Dbligafiians
<br /> secured h�reby; ar Lender, ati its �pfiivn, r�nay turn over� and d�liver�o TrusfQr�s} or thelr succe�sars �n
<br /> int�re�fi, any or a11 af such sums wifhnu� prejudice tv any of Lender's righ�s �o �ake and re�ain fufiure
<br /> sums, �nd without prejudice �o any of ifs �th�r ri�hts under �his �rusf d�ed. This a�signm�n� will ��
<br /> cans�ru�d to b� a provis��n far �he paymen� �r reduc�ion af th� �bl��a�Eons, subject ta the Len�er's
<br /> ap�ian �s he�einbefar�pr�vided, independent of the trusfi d��d on the �'roperty.
<br /> T'rustor and each �f them further covena�nts and agrees with, ar ce�ti#ies and represents tv
<br /> Lender�s fallows:
<br /> '[. To p�y alI Ilens, judgments, or oth�r �sse�sments against �he Prop�rty, �nd ta pay when du� ali
<br /> assessmen��, fiaxes, renfs, ut�lities, fees, �h�rges �r encumbr�nce� upon �he Property or under any
<br /> i�ase, p�rmifi, license, �r privii�ge assigne�l �� Lender as addit[onal se�uri�y�� �his trus�deed, including
<br /> those in or an pu�[ic domain.
<br /> �. To lnsure and keep insured a11 buildings and other improWemenfi�, �ncluding fixt�res and attaGhm�nfis
<br /> n�w an or hereaf�er plac�d an �he �2ea[ P�operty to the safiisfacfiian af Lender. Such insuran�e wilI
<br /> cQntain an endorsement showing Lend�r as Ben�ficiary. �n deman�, Trus�ar wi�� furnish sa�d pvIicies
<br /> or proaf�f insurance �a Lender and the �nsur�nce carrier sha�l be sa�isfactvry �o Lender. Trustor sha��
<br /> give written noti�e t� Lende� immediately�f any GIaEm vr I�ss. Any sums so rec�i�ed by Lender may be
<br /> a�p<«d in p�ym�n� �f any mature� o� unma�ured �b��ga�ions se�ur�d by this trus� deed, o� 2�� �he
<br /> ap�i�n of Lender may be used�o pay far reconsfirucfian of the d�stroy�d �mp�-Q��men�s. Such insurance
<br /> wili b� in an amaun� a� f�as� equal t� fihe �esser of the laan ba[�nce, the �ctua[ cash valu� af th�
<br /> Ap�a#:��95�7�; C[F#;3854�; Note#:3D41974 �2�KS Legal❑a�.❑afe:July�1,2n'I�
<br /> F�RM 5Q1�,Trust C�eed and Assignment of Rents Page 3 a�8
<br />