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2� 1 ��4�37 <br /> connection with vr evidencing any �bligatian �includ�ng any amendment, restatement or modification <br /> �here�o}. <br /> ��ligati�ns: Incrudes, withaut limitatian, aii credit including principal and any advances, interest and <br /> other amounts due �o Lend�r under�he Loan Documents whe�he� �r not �h�s trust dee�1 is specifical[y <br /> referred to �n the evidence of d�b�, including without limi�atian, fees, casts, and expenses, tag��her wE�h <br /> a11 �enewa�s, �xtensions, vr refinanGing of same and any future and add�tional loans vr advances made <br /> at L�nde�s aptian ta vr on beha[f of Barro�er by Lender ar under any ather Laan Document for any <br /> purpose whether re�ated o� unrelated ta the purpase vf th� original c�ed"rt, including advan�es far the <br /> profection of the P�operty, all a�torney fees, costs and expenses incurred by Lender to the ext�n� <br /> permit�ed by law in the callection of any foan o� in the enfarc�men� �r preserva�ian of fihe ri�hts of <br /> Lender in and to the Property, regard fess of whether Trustor is obligated thereon as a maker or co- <br /> maker, signer or cv-sign�r, vr as a guarantor, endorser, sure�y vr ather accvmm��ation party. <br /> Persona� Property: All equipment, fix�ur�s and other persona[ p�aperty �ha� are nvw vr hereafter <br /> a�tache�l ar af�ixed to the Rea1 Properfy; tage�h�r wi�h all accessi�ns, parts and additi�ns ta, all <br /> r�piacements of and al[ substitu�ions f�r any of such pr�perty. <br /> Real Prvperty: Tagether wifh �he below [�gal[y described rea[ estate, all exisfiing vr subsequen�ly <br /> erec��d or affixed �uildings, structures, impravements or fix�ures; all cr�ps, timber, �imber to be cut, <br /> trees, plan�s, vines ar other plantings; all water, water r�gh�s, including riparian rights and surface water <br /> righfis, watercourses, irri�afi�n, drainage and di�ch ��gh�s; all rents, issues, U5�5, incame, profits and <br /> royalties; all leases, p�rmits, licenses, pri����g�s, easements, rights vf way, rights tv pos�ess�on; all <br /> rights in and fio �he lands Iying in streefs, alleys and �aads adjoining the Real Praperty and <br /> appurtenances; all feases, permits, [icenses, or pri�ileges, appurt�nant or non-appurtenanf to the <br /> proper�y, nv�nr or hereafter issued, extend�d, ar renewed by Trustar, any 5ta��, the Unifed Sta�es, or <br /> any departmenf, bureau, ins�rumentality, �r agency fih�reof; al[ prviceeds Rn emin�nt domarn, insurance <br /> payments, proceeds or refunds of premiums or any other paym�nf or se�tlemenf relafing ta the <br /> Property; al[ �i[, gas, gravel, rvck, geothermai and simifar resources ar oth�r mineral righfs af whaf�ver <br /> nature; and any and all other�ights rela�ed�o the real property. <br /> Praperty: Cvllec��v�ly the R�a� Praperty and the Personal Property, including withvuf limi�ation a[[ <br /> insuran�e pr�ceeds and refunds of insurance premiums rela�ed to said Praperty. <br /> Trustee: As sef forth abo�e. <br /> Trustor: As set forth aba�e. <br /> The aba�e named Trus�or for goad and valua�I� cansideration, hereby irre�ocab�y transfers, conveys <br /> and assigns to Trus�e�, 1N TRUST, VIIITH P�VIlER �F SALE, fo� �he b�nefit and security of the <br /> Benefcrary, i�s successa�s and ass�gns, an ass�gnment and security in��res�in all of Trusfor's r�ght, t�tle <br /> and interest wh�th�r currently existing or h�reinafter acquired in and fo fhe following-describe� Real <br /> Pr�per�y in Hail County{`r�s�, Nebraska_�to wit: <br /> Tract �: The Sauth�as� �uarker �SE%4} of Section Nine �9}, Tvwnship Ten ���} <br /> North, Rang�Twefve ���}VVes�of the 5�h P.M., Ha[� C�unty, Nebraska <br /> ln add�t�vn, Trustar h�reby gran�s to Lender a Uniform �ommercial ��de security interest in al� <br /> Persana� Property; and a�l proce�ds from any sa[e ar other disposition of the Property. The trust deed is <br /> also eff�cti�e as a financEng statemen�filed as a fx�ure filing under the Uniform Commercial Code. <br /> l� is unders�ood and agreed between Trustor and Lend�r �hat this trust deed is given to secure the <br /> repayment in full of the Dbligations as set forth in �his trust d�ed and any Loan Dvcument. A[I amaunts <br /> shall b� paid when due as provided �or in the Laan Dvcuments creating �h� �bliga�ion� s��ured by�his <br /> trust deed. <br /> This trust deed secur�s all �bliga�ions, including, but nat limi��d to the following: <br /> Dat� vf Nate s vr�ther L�an ❑ocument s Principal Amaunt <br /> 07����2��� ����?oo�.�� <br /> App#:539507�; C1F#:38540; Nofe#:3�4�g74 ���KS Lega[Doc.Date:July��,2016 <br /> F�RM 5��1,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 2 of 8 <br />