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2� 1 ��4� 1 � <br /> Redevelopment Documents run with the Iar�d and wi�l encum.b�r the C]v�rner Prope�t�during the <br /> term af the Redeveiopnzent Documents. �wner ac��nowledges and a�r�es that �t �vi11 fi�ily <br /> comply v�ith, and cooperat� v�it� the Auth�rit�, City and D�ve�oper to ensure full camp��ance <br /> v�r�th, all r�qu�rernents and ob�igat�or�s associated �vith the Redeveloprn.ent Do�uments burd�n�ng <br /> the D�ner Proper�y and the Master Proj ect. �v�n�r's cooperat��n sha�l inc�ude wzthout <br /> limitatzon: (a} complianc� w�th the ob�xgat�ons af the Red�v�iopment Dacuments; [b) execut�Qn <br /> of such author�2ations or ather docum�nts as the Author�ty, �ity or I]eve�oper shal� request in <br /> cannection v�ith the Redevelopment Documents, within �ve �5) bus�ness days �f any such <br /> reque�t, (c} furnish�ng to the Authority, City ar�d Devel�per��urner's bus�n�ss name, address, and <br /> federal and state identi�cat�on number�, and any add�tional bus�ness 1�lfnx'I11c�.tl�I1 requested, <br /> w�thin five �5) business days af any suc� re�uest (the "Business Informat�on"}; (d} ac�ount for, <br /> collect and remit any �nhanced Emp�oyment Act Ta� Rev�nues �n comp��ance w�th the <br /> Redeve�apment Documents and the �av�r; �e} prepare and file accurat� and cornplete saXes and use <br /> tax returns, v�r�.�ch sha11 inciude Enhanced Ern.p�oyment Act Tax Revenu�s; [f} pr�vide to the <br /> Author�ty, ��t� and Developer, as �ell as any bond trustee, upon request, �ales ta� r�por�s or <br /> receipt� of��vner filed w�th the Nebraska Depar�rr�.ent of R�venue, within frve �5� bus��.ess days <br /> af any suc�request; and(g] authorize the Author��y or�ity to obtain sa�es �ax r�por�s �r rec��pts <br /> �f C�wner fr�m t�e Nebraska Department of�..evenue, with�n five �5) bus�ness days of an� such <br /> request. �v�rner v�aives an� r�ght to protest or appea� the assessa�nent or va�uation of general �r <br /> sp���a� r�a� esta�e taxes of the �v�ner Praperty dur�ng the t�r�m of the Redevelopment <br /> Documents. Notwithstanding anything to the �ontrary conta�ned in t�.e Redevelapment <br /> Documents, +Dv�ner agrees that��vner shali have no right ta any�nhance�.�mp��yment Act Tax <br /> Revenues or to a�.y TIF Revenues under the Redeve�opment Docurn.ents �the "R�v�nu��"} and <br /> [�wner assigns al�right, t�t�e and interest�n the Revenues to Deve�oper. T�.e inten.t of t��pa�ties <br /> �s for the r�gh�s to ail Re�renues und�r the Redeve�opmer�t Documents to r�ma�n the right and <br /> proper�y of D�ve�oper, its successors and ass�gns. In add�tion to aIl of rights ar�d rernedies af <br /> Deve��per under this Agreernent, �wner hereby appoints I]eve�oper as xts attorney-in-fac� to � <br /> carry�ut the provis�ons of th�s Sect��n 9 and ta take any act�on and ex�cute any docurnent which <br /> Developer may deem necessary or advisab�e t� acc�mp�i�h the purpos�s her�of, which <br /> app�intment �s irrevocab�e and coupled w�th an interest. The ob�igations of�v�rner under this <br /> Se�tiorz 9 s�a�l run v�ith th� �and ar�d be l�ind�ng upon��rn�r and it successors and assigns in the <br /> �vvner Proper��. A�l caprtal�zed t�r�n� r�ot at�er�i�e d�f�ned ir�thzs Section 9 ar� def�ned in th� <br /> Redeve�opment I�ocuments. <br /> 1D, ��VEN.,A�NT� TC� 1�IJ� �VITH L.��D. Except as o�hervvrse prov�ded herein, <br /> each and a�i of th� covenants, restrict�ons, cond�tions and pra�is��ns conta�ned �n this <br /> Agreernent, �rhet�er of an aff�r.�mat�ve or negative nature, �a} are made for the direct and mutual <br /> benefit af the ��rner Proper�y and the Deve�oper's Praper�y, and each a�.d ever�por��on thereof, <br /> and con�titute covenants rur�ing v�it� the land; �b} sha�� bind ��r�ry �v�ner of a porti�n of the <br /> �wner Praperty and the Deve��per's Pr�per�y to the extent that su�h por�ion is affect�d or bound <br /> by th� covenan�s, condition� �r restr�ct�ons ta be performed on beha�f of such port�on and �heir <br /> respe�t�ve succ�ssors and assigns; and �c} rnure to th� b�nef�t of the par���s and their respective <br /> successors ar�d ass�gns, the owner�s} from t�me to t�n�e of the I�eve�oper"s Proper�y and the <br /> ov�ner�s} frorn t�me to t�me �f adj�in�ng pro�er�xes nov� flr hereafte� owned by Developer. The <br /> r�ghts of th� "Dev��oper"under t�is Agr�en�.ent may be ass�gned fr�rn tirne ta tirne in acc�rdance <br /> _��.. <br />
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