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2� 1 ��4� 1 � <br /> w�th the Dec�aration and the "Deve�oper" under th�s Agreement shaX� a�v�ays be the sam�.e entity <br /> as the"Deve�oper"under the Dec�arati�n. <br /> 1�. �'�RM. Except as atherw�se pr�vided herein, this Agreem.ent and each and every <br /> c�venant and�ond�tion here�f sha���ontinue �n perpetu�ty. <br /> 12. RIG�IT T� ��I3IFY. This Agreement may be ter�minated, extended, rnod�fied <br /> �r amended by �vvner and Deve�aper, or their r��pect�ve successors and ass�gns, by �vr�tten <br /> agr��ment signed by the partres to be bound b�the amendment a�d re�orded in th� off�ce of th� <br /> Recorder of I�e�ds for I-�a�l�ounty,Nebraska. <br /> 13. INI)EPE�TD]C�T ��NTl�ACT�R�. Nothing contained �n th�s Agreement nor <br /> a�y acts af the par�ies sha�l be construed to make the par���s hereto partn�rs or j ozn.t venturers, tfl <br /> create th� reiationship of pr�nc�pai and agent or any other associat�on bet�een the par�ies, or t� <br /> render either of sa�c� parties Iiab�e for the debts or �bl�gations of th� �ther, �xcept as e�pres��y <br /> provided in this Agreement. <br /> 14. WAIVERS. No de�ay or om�ss��r� irz exercising any r�ght or remedy accxuing <br /> under th�prov�s�ons of this Agreemer�t sha�l rmpa�r an�r r�ght or r�medy or be construed ta be a <br /> �a�ver thereof. No e�press v�aiver �f any defau�t, rig�t or rem�dy sha�l affe�t any defau�t or <br /> �ov�r an�period�f t�rne other than the default, right or rem�dy spec�f�ed in such expr�ss waiver. <br /> �ne or mare wa�vers by ��ther of the parties hereto of any of the c�v�nants, conditiar�s �r <br /> agreenzents hereof sha11 r�ot be construed t� �� a �a�ver of any subsequent brea�h thereaf or of <br /> an� other co�enant, �ondit�on or agreement hereir� conta�ned. The �onsent or apprava� b� any <br /> party to this Agre�n�.ent to or of any act or request by any other par�y or parti�s hereto requiring <br /> consent or approval sha�l not be deemed to v�a��re or render urinecessary consent or approval to <br /> or of any subsequent sirr���ar a�ts ar requ�sts. <br /> 15. C[�UNTERPA.RTS. Th�.s Agreen�.ent may �e signed in several caunterpar�s, <br /> each of vvhich sha�l b�deemed an or�gir�al and aIl such counterpar�s together s�.a�l const�tute one <br /> and the s arr�e instrument. <br /> 1 d. �'ARTIAL I�TVALIDITY. If any terrn, prov�sion, c�ndition or covena�t <br /> contained �n t�.is Agreement sha�I, to any extent, be he�d to be �nva�id or ur�enfor�eable by a <br /> cour�of competent jurisdicti�n, the renlainder�f t��s Agreemer�t(�r the app�icat�or�of such term, <br /> prov�sion �r��nd�tian ta persons or circurnstances ot�er than those in respect of vvhich �� is ���d <br /> inva�id flr uneriforceab�e} �hal� not be affected thereby, and ea�h and ever�r oth�r term,prov�s�on <br /> and con.d�t�on of this�igreenlent sha��never�he�ess rema�n in fulX force and effect. <br /> 17. �APTI��fi�. The capt�ons af the se�tians and paragraphs of th�s Agree�nent are <br /> f�r conveni�nce on�y and sha�l n�t be �ons�dered or ref�rred to in reso�ving �uesti�ns of <br /> interpre�ation or cond�t�on. <br /> 1�. �TC�TI�E. AXl not���s �r comnzunications �"Not�ces") to be given under �r <br /> pursuant t� th�s Agre�ment shal� be in v�rriting, addr�ssed ta the part��s at th��r respective <br /> addresses as pr�vided b�1ow, and if de��vered in person (eff�ctiv� upon de��very�, �f sent by <br /> reputab�e overn�ght couri�r (�ffect�ve the bus�ness day follo��ng d���v�ry to such �ourrer} or by <br /> �ertif��d ar registered rnail, return re�e�pt requested,pos�age prepazd �effective tvvo bus�ness days <br /> _��_ <br />