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2� 1 ��4� 1 � <br /> ��v] Th� contractar sha�l a�sa carry un�.bre�Ia.�excess �iab�l�ty �nsuranc� <br /> �n the amount of Three Mill�on Do�Iars �$3,���,O�fl.���. <br /> (c} A11 �nsuran�e �arrx.ed pursuant to this Se�t�on 7 sha�I be vvritten on an <br /> occurrence ba��s and procured from c�mpani�s rated by Best's Rating �uide of r�ot �ess t�an A�- <br /> X, and wh�c�. are authox�ized to da bus�r�ess in t�.� �tate �f Nebraska. To the �x�ent any <br /> deducti�le is permitted or all�wed as a part of an�insurance policy carried by�v�rner pursuant to <br /> this Sect��n 7, �v�ner shall be de�med to be �overir�g the amount thereof under an �nforma�p�an <br /> of se�f insurance; prov�ded, however, t�at in no e�ve�.t sha�� any dedu�tible e�ceed Fifty <br /> Thousa�d Dollars �$5�,4��.��). �vvner sha�� furn�sh to Develop�r a cert�ficat��s} of�nsurance <br /> ev�d�n��ng t�at the insuran�e requir�d to be carr�ed by Dv�ner is in ful� for�e and effe�t. <br /> �d} Any �nsurance prov�s�on that requires another person to be added as an <br /> "additional insured" �ha�� �ncXud�the fol�nv��ng provis�ons: <br /> �i} Sha�l provide that the policy sha1� nat b� cance��d or reduced �n <br /> amount or coverage b��ow the requirements af th�s Agreement, nor sha�l su�h policy be <br /> allowed t� �xp�re v�r�th�ut at �east th�rt� �3�} days pr�or v�r�tten notice b� the �nsurer to <br /> each�nsured and to each addit��na� insured. <br /> (a.�� Sh�.11 provide for severabi�ity�f�nterests. <br /> [��i� Shal� prnvide that an act or om�ss��n of one �1} �f t�e insureds or <br /> additional insureds �vh�ch wou�d vo�d ar othe�-v��se reduc� coverage, shal� not reduce or <br /> vo�d the c�verage as to the other�nsur�ds. <br /> �i�� Sha�� provide for contra�tua� 1�ability �overage with respect ta any <br /> �ndemnity obligat��n set for�h therein. <br /> �, TJTILITI��. �]�ner co�r�nants and agrees to �ooperate vvith Developer, at no <br /> cost to C�wner, a�.d to exe�ute aI� do�uments reasonably necessary for uti��ty servic� for the <br /> ��vner Prope��y and f�r ut��ity eas�m�nts across the �wner Property, �f any, necessary or <br /> des�rable far prov�d�ng ut��ity servi�e to th.e Deve�oper's Froper�y, so I�ng a� the same are n�t �n <br /> a �ocation wh�ch rnaterial�y interferes with �wner's use or maintenance of the inzprovenzents <br /> �ncated on the�v�ner Property. <br /> �. RED�V�I..r►�PI�I��T PL.�,�. �wner ackn��vvledges that the �wner Proper�y is <br /> �a�ated with�n a Master Proj ect and establ�s�ed by the �ommunity Redev�lopm�nt Autharity of <br /> the ��ty of Grand Is�ar�d,Nebraska�the"Author�t�"} and the�ity of�rand Island,N�braska�the <br /> "�ity"} pursuant to that cer�air� Rede�relopment �ontract between Dev��op�r, the Authar�ty a�d <br /> the �ity dat�d �ct�b�r 3�, �D 14, and su�h �t�.er addztional r�so�ut�ons, �rd�nan�es, bonds, <br /> ob��gat�ons and do�uments arising out af, �r related t�, the R�deveiapment ��n�ract <br /> �co��ec��ve�y, the "Redevelopm�nt I]ocurr�ents"}. �wner acknowledges t�at�wn�r has rece��red, <br /> re��e�red and understands the t�rms �f the Rede�r�lapm�r�t �ontract and suc�. add�ti�na� <br /> Redeve�opmer�t D�cuments as C],wner, ir� ��s d�s�retian, has det�rm�.ned are r��evar�t t� �ts <br /> purc�.ase af the �v�r�er Property. ��vner understands that cer�a�n ob��gations under �he <br /> �gM <br />