2� 1 ��4��9
<br /> Caption Headings. Caption headings in#his Assignment a�e fvr con�enience purposes only and are not to be used�o
<br /> in�e�pre�ar define the pro�isions of this Assignment.
<br /> �o�erning Law. Wi�h respec��o pro�edural matters rela�ed tn�he per�ec�ion and enfarcement af Lender's rights
<br /> against the Prope�ty,th�s Assignment will be gar►erned by�ederal law applicable to Lender and fo the ex�ent no�
<br /> preempted �y federal law, the laws of the Sta#e of Nehraska. !n all o�her respects, this Assignmen� wi�� be
<br /> ga�erned by�edera! law applicable�o Lender and, to�he exten� not preempted by federal �aw, �he laws of the
<br /> S�ate of Kansas without regard to i�s cvnfli�ts o��aw pro�isions. H�we�er, if there e�er is a ques�ion about
<br /> whe�her any pra�ision vf this Assignmen# is ►►alid or enforceable, the pro�ision that is questioned wifi be
<br /> go�erned by whichs�er s�a�e or �ederal law wauld find the prarrision to be �afid and enforceable. The inan
<br /> �ransactian that�s e�iden�ed hy the Note and this Assignment has been applied for, cansidered, appra�ed and
<br /> made,and all necessary laan documsn�s ha�e been accep�ed by Lende�r in the 5tate of Kansas.
<br /> Ch�ice of Venue. if there is a�awsuit,Grantar agre�s upon Lender's reques#ta submit to the jurisdi�tion of the�our�s of
<br /> SEDGWICK�vunty,S#a�e vf Kansas.
<br /> � Joint and Se�eral Liability. A1� obl�gations of Grantvr under �his Assignment shall be joint and se�eraf, and afl
<br /> referenc�s ta�ran�or sha�l mean each and every Granfar. This means that each Grantor s�gning belaw is�esponsible
<br /> for a�l abfigations in this Assignment. Where any one or more a�the parties is a�orporativn,partnership, limited liability
<br /> company ❑r similar entity, i� is nat necessary for Lender ta inquire into th� povuers of any vf the offi�e�s, dire��ors,
<br /> partners,members,ar ather agen�s acting or purporting to ac�an the entity's behalf,and any obligations made ar created
<br /> in re�iance upon the professed exercise of such powers shal�be guaranteed under this Assignment.
<br /> Merger. There shall be no merger af the in#erest or estat�created hy this assignm�n�with any ather interes�vr estate in
<br /> the Property at any t�me held�y❑��or fhe bene�if of Lender in any capacity,withaut fhe wriften cansen�o�Lender.
<br /> int�rpretation. �1} Cn af� cases whe�e there is mvre than one 8orrovuer ar Grantor, then all words used in this
<br /> Assignment in #he singula� shal� be deemed to have been used in the plural where the cantex# and const�u�tian so
<br /> require. tZ} ff more than one p�rson signs fh€s Assignment as"Gran�or,"the o�ligations of each Gran�ar are�oint and
<br /> se►�eral. This means�haf if Lender brings a lawsuit, Lender may sue any one�r more flf�he Grantors. If Borrower and
<br /> Gran�or are not �he same person, Lender need n�t sue Borrawer frst, and tha# So�rvwer need no# be jo�ned in any
<br /> �awsui�, (3} Th�names giv�n ta parag�aphs or se�tions in fhis Assi�nm�nt are for c�n�enience purposes on�y. They
<br /> are not�o be used to interp�et or define#h�provisions v�this Assignment.
<br /> Na Vllai��r by Lender. Lender sha�l not be deemed ta ha�e waived any r�ghts under this Ass�gnmenf unless such
<br /> wai�er is given in vuriting and signed by Lender. Nv defay or om�ssion an�he part af Lender in exercising any righ�sha�l
<br /> opera�e as a waiver af such right or any othe� right. A waiv�r by Lender of a provision of this Assignment shall not
<br /> �re�udice o�cvns�itute a wai�er o#Lender's right athen�vise ta demand s#rict c�mplian�e with that p���ision�r any o�her
<br /> p�av�s�an of this Assignmen#. No prio�waive�by Lender, nar any course a�dealing between Lend�r and Grar�t�r,shal�
<br /> consti�ute a waiver af any Qf Lender's righ�s a�af any of Grantor's obl�gations as�a any future transactions. Vllhene�er
<br /> �he consent of Lender�s r�quired under fhis Ass��nmen#,the granting of such�onsent by Lender in any instance shall not
<br /> constitute cantinuing consent to subsequent instances where such cansent�s required and in al�cases such cansent may
<br /> be grant�d or withhe�d in th�sole discret�on of Lender.
<br /> N�ti�es. Any noti�e required to be given under fhis Assignment shall be gi�en in wr�ting, and shall be effective when
<br /> actua�ly de��vered, vuhen actually received by felefa�simi[e �unless atherwise r�quired by law}, when deposifed wifh a
<br /> nat�onafly recogniz�d vvernight cvurier, or, if mailed,when deposited in the Uni#ed Sfates mai[,as frst class,cer�ified or
<br /> regis�ered mail pvsfage p�epaid,directed�a the addresses shown near fhe beginning of this Assignmenf. Any party may
<br /> �hange its address fo�notices under#his Assignmen#by gi�ing formaf wri#ten notice fo the ather par�ies, speci�ying that
<br /> the purpose of the notice is fo change#he party's address. For notice purpvses,�rantor agrees ta keep Lender informed
<br /> at a!1 times of Grantvr's current address. Un�ess atherwise provided or requir�d by law, if there is more than one
<br /> �rantvr,any notice gi�en by Lender to any Grantor is deemed to�e nvtic�gi�en ta a11 Grantors.
<br /> Pawers of Aftorney. The �arious agencies and pvwers af atforney conveyed an Lender under this Assignmen� are
<br /> granted for purposes af secur�ty and may no# be revoked by �rantor un�il su�h #�me as the same ars �envunced by
<br /> Lender.
<br /> Serrerabilify. 1f a �our# of compefent jurisdiction finds any pravision of th�s Assignment #� be il�egaf, invalid, or
<br /> unenforcea�le as to any person or ci��umstance, that finding sha1� not make the affending provision illegaf, invalid, ❑r
<br /> unenforceab�e as to any othe�person or circumstan�e. �f�eas�ble,the o�Fending provisi�n shali be�ansidered m�d�fi�d
<br /> sv that it becflmes legal,�alid and enforceable. If the a�fend�ng provisEon canno#be sa m�dified, �t shal�be consider�d
<br /> dele�ed from �his Assignm�nt. Unless oth�rw�se require� by law, the il�egality, invalEdity, o�r unen�orceability of any
<br /> p�avisivn�f this Ass�gnment shal�nvf affecf the legality,Walidity or enfarceability of any other provision o�#his Assignmen�.
<br /> SlICCBS5U1'S �nd 14SSIgl75. Subje�t to any ��mi�afians stated in fhis Assignment vn fransfer of�ranfor's interesf, th�s
<br /> Assignment sha�f be binding upon and inure to the ben�fit af the parties,#heir successors and assigns. �#❑wnership�f
<br /> the Property be�omes ves#ed in a pers�n o�her�han Granto�, Lend�r,without natic�to Grantor, may deaf wi#h Grantor's
<br /> suG�essors wi�h reference to this Assignment and the�nd�btedness by way of fvrbearance or extens�on with�ut�efeasing
<br /> Grantor frvm�he obl�gations af this Assignment v�1iab�lify under#he Indebtedness.
<br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is o�fhe essence in the per�ormance a�this Assignment.
<br /> 1�lai�e Jury. All parties to this Assignment hereby wai�e the righ�to any jury triaf in any ac�i�n, pro�eeding, ar
<br /> �ounterclaim broughfi by any party agains�any other party.
<br /> Wai�er o� Homestead Exempt�vn. Grantar hereby �e�eases and waives ali rights and benefits of the homestead
<br />