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2� 1 ��4��9 <br /> any r�asan. <br /> Insol�ency. The dissolutian or termination of Gran�ar's existen�e as a going �usiness, #he�nsal�ency af Granfar, �he <br /> appo�ntm�nt af a receiver for any par� of Grantvr's prvperty, any assignment �ar the ben�fit of credit�rs, any type of <br /> cred'€tor workout, or the cammencement of any praceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or against <br /> �rantor. <br /> Creditor or For#ei�ure Pra�eedings. Cammencemenf of for�c�osure �r for�eiture proceed�ngs, wh�fher by judic�al <br /> pro�eeding, se�f-help, repossession or any other method, by any creditor af Granfar or by any governmental ag�ncy <br /> against the Rents ar any prop�rty securing#he lndehtedness. Th�s�ncludes a garnishmenf of any of Granfor`s accounts, <br /> including deposit accoun�s,with Lender. Hawe�er,this Event of❑efault shail not apply if there is a good faith dispute by <br /> Grantor as to the validi�y or reasona�leness of fhe claim which is fhe basis flf the credi�or❑r fvrfeiture proceeding and if <br /> Grantor gives L�nde�wriften notice of the creditflr or forFe�ture p�aceeding and deposits with Lender monies or a surety <br /> bond for the creditor or fo�feiture proceed�ng, �n an amoun� determined �y Lender, in its sole d�sc�e#ion, as being an <br /> ad�quate reserve or bond for�he dispu�e. <br /> Prope�ty Damage vr Loss. The Proper�y is Iosf,s�o�en,su�s�antEally damaged,sald,❑r borrowed a�a�ns�. <br /> E�ents Affscting Guarantor. Any a� the preceding evenfs vc�urs wifh respect to any Guaranfar afi any �� �he <br /> Indeb#edness or any Guaran�or, or revokes or disputes the �afidity of, or lia�€�ity under, any Guaranty of the <br /> lndebtedness, <br /> Ad�erse Ghange. A material adv�rse change occurs in Granfor's financial condition,or Lender believes�he prosp��t fl� <br /> payment or performance flf�he Indebtedness is impaired. <br /> RI�HTS AND RENIEDlES �N �EFA�LT. Up�n the vccurrence af any E�ent of Defaul�and at any time ther�after, Lender <br /> may�x�rcise any one❑r mare of�he�allawing rights and remedies,in addi�ian ta any ofher righfs or remedies pravided by law: <br /> Accelera�e Indebtedness. Lender shalC have the�ight at i�s option ta decla�e the ent�re fndebtedness immediately due <br /> and payabfe,incfuding any prepayment penal�y that Grantar would be�equi�ed ta pay. <br /> Collect Rents. Lender shall have the right,withau�noti�e�a Grantor,tv take possession of the Property and cvlle�t�he <br /> Rertts, �ncluding amounts pasf due and unpaid, and apply the n�t proceeds,o�er and abov�Lender's costs, against the <br /> Indebfedn�ss. In furtherance afi this r�ght, Lender sha�f haWe all�he rights prvvid�d�ar�n the Lender's Right fa Rece�We <br /> and Co�lect Ren#s Secfian, above. [f the Rents are�ollected by Lender,then Grantor irrevocably designates Lende�as <br /> Grantor's at#orney�in-fact ta endvrse instrumsnts re�eived in payment thereaf in th�name o�Grantor and ta negotiate the <br /> same and cflllect the pro��eds. Payments by tenants ar v�her users to Lender in response#o Lender's demand shall <br /> satis�y the obligat€ons for which the payments are made, whether ar not any praper grounds for the demand exis#ed. <br /> Lender may exer�ise its rights under�his su�parag�aph�ither in person,by agenf,ar through a re�eiver. <br /> ��her Remedies. Lender sha��have aff other righfs and remedies prflvided in this Assignment or#he Note or by law, <br /> Ele��ivn o�Remedies. Elec�ian by Lender�v pursue any remedy shall not exclud�pursuit of any other remedy,and an <br /> election ta make expenditures or ta take action to perfvrm an obligation❑f Granfar under th�s Assignmen�,after Grantor's <br /> �ailure ta perform,shall na#affect Lend�r's right to d�clare a defau�t and exercise��s remedies. <br /> A���rneys' Fees; Expenses, 1� Lender ins�ftuf�s any suit ❑r action to enforce any o�#he terms of th�s Assignm�n#, <br /> Lender sha�l he entitled�a reco�er su�h sum as�he court may adjudge reas�nab�e as attvrneys'fees at trial and upon any <br /> appeal. Whether o�not any��ur�action is invol�ed, and to fh� exten# no#prohibifed by law, aIl reasonable expenses <br /> Lender incurs that in Lender's opini�n are ne�essary at any time for fh�prvtectian of its interest or fhe enfarcement af its <br /> rights sha�l become a part of the Indebtedness payabEe�n demand and shall bear interesf at the Note rate from�he date <br /> of the expenditu�e until repaid. Expenses cvvered by this paragraph include,without fim�tation, howeve�subject to any <br /> limits under app[icab�e �aw, Lender`s afitorneys' fees and Lender's legal expenses, whether ar not there is a �avusuit, <br /> including atforneys'fees and expens�s for bankrup��y proceedings �including e�f�rts tv madify or vacate any automafic <br /> stay or injunction}, appeals, and any an#�cipafed post judgment c�llection se�vices, the cost vf s�arching recvrds, <br /> obta�ning�itle repo�ts �including fareclasure reports}, surveyars' reports, and appraisal fees, fitle insuran�e, and fees for <br /> the Trustee,#v the extent pe�mi�ted by applicable law. �rantor also wil�pay any caur�costs,in addition tfl ail othe�sums <br /> p�ovided by 1aw. <br /> C�MMERCIAL CREDIT�ARD DBL��AT�DNS.AI�o�ligations and indebtedness incurr�d by Borrawer#a Lender by the use <br /> o�the Borraw�r of any ��mmercial �redit card�s} issued by Lender to 6o�rower sha�l �onst�tute Inde�tedness under �his <br /> Agreemenf, and shal� be secured in a�l respects by the Cofla�eraf and the t�rms and provisians of th�s Agreem�nt. All <br /> obligations and inde�tedness incurred by garrower to any Aff�1�a�e of Lend�r by the use hy Bvrravuer of any�omm�rc�al credit <br /> card{s} �ssued by such Affiliate ta Borrower sha�� constitute lnd��tedness under�his Agreement, and sha�! be secured in a€! <br /> respecfs by#he Callaferal and the ferms and provisions of this Agreement. <br /> The word "Aff[iate" means any entity that, directly ar indirecf�y thraugh one or more interm�diaries, �onfrols or €s under <br /> common cantral with Lender ar any subsidiar�o�L�nder. �or�h� purposes of this definition, "control' means the power t❑ <br /> dire�t the management and poficies af such Affiliate ent�ty, direc��y or indirec#ly, whether �hrough the ownership of va#ing <br /> securities ar in�erests,�y con�ra�t ar o#herwise. <br /> ��SCELLANE�US PR�VISIQNS. The fallawing miscellanevus pravisions are a part af this Assignmenf: <br /> Amendments. This Ass�gnment, togeth�r with any Relate� Documents, constitufes �he ent�re unders�anding and <br /> agreemenf of the parties as �a the mat#e�s set forth in this Assignment. N❑ alteration of or amendment �a this <br /> Assignment shall be ef�ec�ive unless given in writing and signed by the party or parties sought ta b�charged or bound by <br /> the altera�ion ar amendmen�. <br />