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2� 1 ��4��9 <br /> �xemption laws vf the State o�Nebraska as to all lndebtedness secured by this Assignment. <br /> 1Nai�er of Right of Redemp�ian. N�TWITHSTAND�N� ANY �F THE PR�V�SI�NS T� THE �4NTRARY <br /> C�NTAINED IN TH�S ASS�GNMENT,�RANT�R HEREBY 1NA�VES ANY AND ALL RIGHTS QF REDEMPTIUN FRDM <br /> SALE UNDER ANY �RDER ❑R JUI�GMENT QF FQRECL�SURE �N GRANT�R'S BEHALF AND �N BEHALF �F <br /> EACH AND EVERY PERS�N,EXCEPT JUD�MENT�REDfT�RS�F GRANTOR,ACQUIR�NG ANY lNTEREST IN QR <br /> T�TLE T�THE PRQPERTY SUBSEQUENT T�THE C7ATE DF THIS ASSIGNMENT. <br /> DEFINITi�NS. The following capitalized words and terms shall hav�the fo��owing meanings when used in this Assignment. <br /> Unless speGificaliy stated to the confrary, al! references to dol�ar am�unts shali mean amounts�n lawful money of the�nited <br /> States of America. Words and terms used in the singu�ar shall in�lude fhe plura�,and the plural shail include the singu(ar, as <br /> the �ontext may require. VV�rds and terms nat otherw�s� defined in this Assignmenf shai� have the meanings attribufed to <br /> such terms in the Un�fo�m Commercial Cod�: <br /> Ass�gnmen�. The ward "Assignment"mean� this ASSI�NMENT C]F RENTS, as this ASSfGNMENT�F RENTS may <br /> be amended �r modifed from #ime to time, fogether with af[ exhib�ts and schedules attach�d to this ASSiGNMENT QF <br /> RENTS from t�me to time. <br /> 6o�rawer. The word"Borrawer"means 4 G Prope�ties,LLC;and Westar Foods, I nc.. <br /> Defaul�. The word"Default"means the D�faulf set fo�#h in�his Assignment in the section fitled"Default", <br /> E�ent af Defaul�. The words "Event of Defau�t" mean any of the�ven#s �f�efau�t sef forth in this Assignment in the <br /> defau�t section of this Assignment. <br /> Grantvr. The vuord"�rantar"means 4�Propert�es,LLG;and Westar Faods, Inc.. <br /> Guarantar. The word "Guarant�r" means any guarantor, surety, ar accornmodation party af any or all of the <br /> fndebtedness. <br /> Guaranty. The word"�uaranty"means the guaranty fram�uaranfor to Lender,including withou�limita�ion a guaranty of <br /> a11 or part of the Note. <br /> Indeb�edness. The word "Indebfedness" means the inde�fedness e�idenced by the Nflte �� Refated Documents, <br /> inc�uding af� prin�ipa� and interest toge#her vui�h al! other Endebtedness and c�sts and expenses fv�which Grantar is <br /> respvnsibfe under this Agreement or und�r any af the Related Do�um�nts and (a}fhe paymen�of Grantflr's ob�igations <br /> (whefher j�int, s����al ar othennr�se} t❑ Lender as e�idenced by any other note�s} or �th�r�vidence of indebtedness <br /> executed �y such Granfor and al! amendmen�s, madificativns, renewals, ex#ensions and substifut�vns thereof and al� <br /> su�sequent n�tes vf greater ar fesser am�unts payable ❑r assigned to Lender; �b} the performance of each Debtar's <br /> ob�igatians under this securify agreement("Agreement"};and�c}the payment of any and al�other indeh#�dness,direct or <br /> indirect, ma�ure or unmatu�ed ❑r�vn�ingen#, joinf ar se�eral nvw vr hereafter owed fa Secur�d Par�y by each Debtor, <br /> includ�ng �without limitatian} indebtedness unr�fated or d�ssimilar to any indeb��dn�ss in existence or con#smplafed �y <br /> any Debtor at the time this Agr�ement was exe�uted or af the fime such indebtedn�ss is incurr�d. <br /> Lender. The vuord"Lender"means UMB E�ANK,n,a.,�ts su�cessors and assigns. <br /> No�e. The word"Note"means the promissvry no��dated July�Q,�0��, in the �rig�nal �rincipa� am�unt of <br /> $345i274.�� from Grantor to Lender, fage�her wifh af� renewals af, extensions of, modifications vf, refinancings of, <br /> consaf�dat�ans of,and substitutions for the prvmissory n�te or agreemenf. <br /> Property. The vuard "Praperty"means a!I o��rantvr's right, t�tle and interes�in and to all�he Proper�y as described in <br /> #he"Assignmen�"s��t�on of fhis Assignment. <br /> Rela�ed aacuments. The words"Relafed Da�um�nts"mean a!f promissory notes,credit agreements,laan agr�ements, <br /> envi�anmen�af agreemen�s, guarantLes, se�urify agreements, mortgages, deeds vf frust, security deeds, collateral <br /> mar�gages, and all other instrumenfs, agreements and documen#s, whether nvw or herea�ter existing, exe�u��d in <br /> cannectian with the�ndebtedness. <br /> Ren�s. The word"R�nfs"means aff of Gran#�r's present and�uture rights,t'rt�e and interest in,to and under any and a�i <br /> p�esent and futur� feases, incfuding, with�ut lim�tafion, all rents, reWenue, �ncome, issues, rvyalties, bonuses, a�caunfs <br /> recei�able, cash or security deposits, ad�ance rentals, profits and prviceeds from the Praperty, and other paymen�s and <br /> �enefits de�ived or to be derived frvm such leases of every kind and na#ur�,whe�her due now ar later, includ�ng vuithvut <br /> limifat�an Grantor's r�ght to enforCe such leas�s and to receiv�and cal[ect payment and proceeds thereunder. <br />