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2� 1 ��4539 <br /> fnr th�r�pairs and restaration �n a single pa�m�nt�r in a serzes of progr�ss payments as �he�vork is <br /> compi��ed. �f the �nsurance ar cond�mna�ian prnc�eds are not sufficien�to repair or res�ore�he Prflperty, <br /> Borrower is not rel�eved�f Borrow�r's ob�zgation for the camp�etion af�uch re�a�r or restflrat�on. <br /> Lender ar its agent may mal�e reasonable entri�s upon and insp��tzons of the Property. �f it has r�asonable <br /> cause, Lender ma� �nspec�the�nt�rior�f the�mpro�ements on the Pr�per�y. Lender shal� giv� Borrower <br /> notice at�he tim�of�r prior ta such an inter�or inspectian spec�fy�ng su�h r�asonable cause. <br /> 8. Bvr�awer's Loan Applicat�on. Borrower sha��be in default if, dur�ng the Loan applicati�n proces�, <br /> Barrawer ar any person��r er�tit�es acting at�he d�rect�on of Borrow�r or vv��h Borrow�r's kr�ovvledge ar <br /> consent ga�e materiall�false, rn�slead�ng, nr ina�curate�nf�rma�i�n ar statemen�s to Lender��r failed to <br /> pr�vide Lend�r wi�h mater�a� in��rnzat�on} �n�onnect�on w��h th�Loan. Ma�er�a� representations include, bu� <br /> are no���mited�o, repre�entat�ons Concerning Borrower's�c�upancy�f the Proper�y as Barrov�er's principai <br /> resid�nce. <br /> 9. Prvtecti�n nf Lender's lnterest in the Property and Rights Under th�s Secur�ty Instrument. �f�a} <br /> B�rrower fai�s ta perfarm�h�co��nan�s and agreements c�nta�n�d in thzs S�curit� Instruxnent, �b} there�s a <br /> legal proceeding�hat migh� signi�cantly affect Lend�r's int�rest in the Property andlor r�gh�s under this <br /> Securi�y �nstrument�such as a proc��d�ng in ban�ruptc�, pr�bate, for candemnatian or forfei�ure, for <br /> enforc�ment of a lien v�hich may attazn priarity�ver th�s �eGuri�y Ins�rumen�or to enforce laws or <br /> regulatians}, or�c} Bnrrower has abandon�d�he Proper�y, then Lender may do and pay for wha�ever is <br /> reasonab�e or appropria�e tfl pro�ect Lender's interest in the Property and right�under th�s Securi�y <br /> Znstrument, inc�ud�ng protec�ing andlor assessing the�alue of the Pr�p�rty, and secur�ng a.�.dlor repa�r�ng <br /> +1-.Q D.-.�,Ya�+� ���'�er'� nr�ttnr,� r►�, ir�n1�..2�'E hiit �r�nn�- lir��Pr-�#n• (��r�a�ri�r� �t-��� C���S cPr�ir�r�h�i ?�1PY7 <br /> 411tr 1 1Ll 4 L • L1L.+1 1 �7 C.iU4LL111LT 4 1 A.l V1. � LJLa�.►-i �+iiv1��aa v �.v. ` �.a,a b , v�.. vvv....a v, <br /> which has prxor�ty over�h�s Securit� Instrumen�; �b} appearing in cour�; a.nd �c}pay�ng reasanable attorneys' <br /> fe�s tn pro�ec�its in��rest in the Proper�y andl�r rights under th�s Security Instrumen�, �nc�uding i�s secur�d <br /> posi�i�n in a bankruptc�proceeding. Secur�ng the Proper�y �ncludes, �u� is not l�mi��d�a, enter�ng the <br /> Pr�perty ta make repaxrs, change�ocks, repia�e or baard up doors and windows, drain water fram pipes, <br /> e��minate bu�lding or other cade v�o�a���ns or danger�us condi�ions, an�ha�e utilities turned an or off. <br /> A�though L�nder may�ake acti�n under th�s Sectian 9, Lend�r�.�e�not have ta do so and is not under an� <br /> dut� �r o��igatxon to do so. �t�s agreed that Lender incurs n���a���ity for n�t tak�ng any�r al� actions <br /> authar���d und�r�h�s Section 9. <br /> Any am�un�s disbursed by Lender un��r this Sec���n 9 sha��became add�t�ona� debt of Borrow�r Secured by <br /> th�s S�curi�� �ns�rument. These amount�shall bear�n�erest a�the Note rate fr�m�he date of disburs�ment <br /> and sha11 be payable, with such interest, up�n not�ce from Lender t� Borrower reques��ng payznen�. <br /> �f th�s Security Ins�rument is on a�eas�hold, Borrow�r sha�� con�.p�y���h al� the prov�sions of the lease. �f <br /> Borr�wer acquire� fee t�t���o �he Property, �he�easehold and the f��t���e shal�n�t merge un�ess Lender <br /> agr��s to the merger in wr���ng. <br /> �0. Mortgage Insurance. If Lend�r re�uired Mar�gag��nsurance as a��nditian of making the Loan, Borr�wer <br /> sha��pay the premiums required��ma�ntain th�Mor�gage�nsuranCe zn effe��. �f, f�r any reasnn, the <br /> Mortgage Insu�rance ca�erage re�u�r�d by Lender ceases to be a�a��ab�e from�he mortgage insurer tha� <br /> preWiausly pr���ded such in�urance and Borrower was required to�ma�e separate�y designated paymen�s <br /> toward the premiums for Martgage�nsura�.ce, Borrower shall pay the pr�miums re�u�red to obta�n caverage <br /> substant�al�� equ�va�en� to �he M�r�gage Insurance previously in effec�, at a�ost substan��al��equ��a�en� to <br /> the cost t� B�rrower flf�he Martga�e�nsurance pre�viously in effect, from an a�ternate mor�gage insurer <br /> selec�ed by Lender. �f substantia��y equi�alen�M�r�gage�nsurance c�verag�is na� a�aiXab�e, Borrower shall <br /> NEBRASKA-Singie�amily-Fa�nie MaelFreddi�Mac UNIFQRM IN5TRLIMENT �orm 3fl28 11a1 <br /> VMP[� VMPfi{N�y(1342y <br /> Wvlters K luwer Finar�cial Services Page 8 of�7 <br />