2� 1 ��4539
<br /> A11 insurance polici�s requir�d b� L.�nd�r and renewa�s of such pol��ies sha�i be subject to Lender's right to
<br /> disapprove such�o�icies, shall �nc�ude a s�andard m�rtgage c�ause, a.nd shail name Lender as mor�gag�e
<br /> andlar as an addi�ianal lass payee. L,�nder shal�ha�e the right ta hold the policies and renewal certifica�es. �f
<br /> Lender requ�res, Borro�er shal�promp���give�fl Lender a11 re��i�ts of pa�d prem�ums and renewa� n��ices.
<br /> If Borrn�ver obtains any farm of insurance coverage, no���herwise required by Lender, for damage t�, �r
<br /> destruc��on of, �he Proper��, such pfl�ic� shall include a s�andard m�r�gag�c�ause and sha11 name L�nder as
<br /> mor��agee andlor as an addi�ivnal loss payee.
<br /> In the event of�oss, Borr�wer sha�� gi��promp�nat�c��o the�nsurance carrier an� Lender. Lender may
<br /> make proof of�oss if na�made prompt�y by Borrower, Un�ess Lender an�B�rrawer otherv�►��se agree�n
<br /> wri��n�, any �nsurance proc�eds, �rhe�h�r ar not the under��i�g �nsuranc�was required by Lender, shai�be
<br /> app�ied�a res�oration ar repair of the Praper�y, if�he restora�ion or repa�r�s econamica�ly feas�b�e and
<br /> Lender's securi�� is not�essened. During such r��a�r and res��ra��on peri�d, Lender shal�have�he right�o
<br /> ho�d �uch insurance pro�eeds un��� I.�nder has had an oppor�uni�y t� inspec�such Proper�y�a ensure�h�
<br /> w��-k has b�en�omp�e�ed�o Lender's sa�isfac�ian, pra��ded tha�such�nspection sha�1 be undertaken
<br /> promptly. Lfender may disburs�prace�ds far the repairs and res�ora�ion xn a singl�paymen�or�n a ser�es�f
<br /> pr�gress paymen�s as the work is c�mpl�ted. Un�ess ar�agr�emen�is�rnade in vvr�txng or App�icable Law
<br /> requ�res interest to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shali not be requ�red�o pay Borrflwer an�
<br /> �nterest�r earnin�s on such praceeds. Fees for pub��c adjusters, or�ther�hird parties, retained b� Borrawer
<br /> sha�� n��be paid aut of the insurance pr�ceeds and sha�i be th�so�e�bliga�ion of Borrov�rer. �f�he restora�ion
<br /> or repair is not economical�y feasible or Lender's secur��y v��uld�e lessened, the insurance praceeds shall be
<br /> app]�ed ��fhe sums s�cured by th�s Secur��y �nstrument, vvheth�r or not then due, with�he excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borr�vver. Such insurance praceeds shall be app�ied�n the�rder prov�ded fvr in Section 2,
<br /> If Borrow�r abandons �he Praperty, Lender may f�l�, nego�iate and settle any a�a�lab�e insurance ciaim and
<br /> rela�ed matters. If Barr��er does nat r�spond v�r��h�n 3�days to a noti�� fr�m L�nder that the insuran�e
<br /> carrier has offered�o settie a c�aim, �hen Lender may nego�ia�e and�e���e the��aim. Th�3�-day period wil�
<br /> begin when�he natice is given. In e�ther even�, or if L�nder a�qu�res �he Proper�y under Sect�an Z2�r
<br /> otherw�se, Borrnwer her�by ass�gns�� L�nder�a} Borrnwer's rights�o an� insurance proc��ds in an amoun�
<br /> no�to exceed the am�un�s unpaid under�he Na�e ar�h�s Securzty �ns�rurnent, and �b} an� o�her af
<br /> Borr�w�r's rights �ather�han the righ��o an�r refund�f unearned prern�ums pa�d�y Borrawer} under al�
<br /> insurance palicies covering the Pr�per�y, insofar as such rights are applicable�o the co�erage af�he
<br /> �.i ia�'i��iy. �iI►.`�.��i�lica�y uSc::��?i.�ii,���L��QIICrL.�1,�V LL:LU�41�L�.�,�.i iij.���al�i�i�i.5 i�i U i�ii.i�i t3�u��'ia�i�Ya�'aI�'i�uIiiS
<br /> unpaid under�he No�e or��is Secur�ty �ns�rument, v�he�h�r or no��hen due.
<br /> �. Dccupancy. So�rrow�r sha�i oc�upy, establish, and use the Proper�y as Borrovver's principa� res�dence
<br /> �v�thin 6D da�s aff�r the execution nf this Secur�ty Instrumen�and shai� �on��nue�o flccupy�he Prape�y as
<br /> B�rrower's principa� res�dence for a�Ieas�on��rear after�h�da�e of occupancy, un��ss Lender otherwise
<br /> agrees in v�ri�ing, v�hich c�ns�nt s�.a�l no�he unrea�onably w��hhe�d, �r unless ex�enuatxng c�rcumstances
<br /> exis�which are be�ond Borrow�r's controi.
<br /> 7. Preser�ration, Maintenance and Protectivn of the Praperty; �nspections. Borrower shal� na�destroy,
<br /> damage or impair the Proper�y, al�av�r �he Pr�pert�r t� deteriorat�or commit waste on the Prnperty. �hether
<br /> or not Borrawer i�residing �n the Proper�y, Borrower shal�ma�ntain the Property �n�rder to prevent the
<br /> Praperty fram deteriorating or decrea�ing �n va�ue due to i�s condi�ion, Unless it is determined pursuan�to
<br /> Section S that repair�r r�s�ora��on is no�economical�y f�a�i�ie, �orrower sha�i promp��y repair the Property
<br /> if damaged�� a�oid further de�er�ora�ion or damage. �f insurance or�QY�demnation pr�ceeds are paid�n
<br /> �onnection wi�h damage�o, or�he�aking af, the Proper�y, Borr��ver shall be respons�ble far repairing or
<br /> restaring�he Property onXy �f Lender has re�eas�d proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�amily-Fanni�MaelFreddie Mac UNE�QRM INSTRUMENT Form 3428 11�1
<br /> VMP[� VMPfi�NE1 t13�2)
<br /> Wolters Kluwer�inan�ial Ser�ices Page 7 0#17
<br />