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2� 1 ��4539 <br /> cantinu�to pa� to Lender the amoun�of the separa�e�y designated payxnen�s that wer�due when the <br /> �nsurance co��rage c�ased t�be�n effec�. Lender u�i�� accept, us�and re�ain these paym�nts as a <br /> non-refundable l�ss res�r�e�n lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Such ioss res�rve shall be non-refundabie, <br /> riotv�ri�hstanding the fact�hat the Loan is u�timate��pa�d�n full, and Lender shall not be required to pay <br /> Borrower any �nt�rest or�arnings on such loss r�serve. Lender can no �onger requ�re�oss r�serve payments <br /> �f Mor�gag� Ynsuranc��o�erage�in�he amount and for the period�hat L�nder requires}prav�ded by an <br /> insurer selected hy Lend�r again becomes ava�lable, �s abtain�d, and Len�.er requires s�parate�y designated <br /> payments taward�he premiums for Mortgage Insuran�e. If Lender require�. Mor�gage�nsurance as a <br /> �ondi�ion af making�he L�an and Borrovver was requ�red ta make s�para����designated paymen�s toward the <br /> prem�ums for Mortgage�nsurance, Barrow�r sha11 pay the premiums r�quired��mainta�n M��gag� <br /> �nsurance�n effect, or�o provide a non-r�funda��e loss reserve, unt�1 Lender's requ�rement for Mortgage <br /> �nsuranc�ends in accardance v�i�h any wrxt�en a�r�ement be�we�n Borrower and Lender pro�id�ng far such <br /> termina�ion or until �erm�nation�s requ�red by App�ica���Law. Noth�ng in this Sect�on 1�affec�s <br /> Borrower's obligation�o pay interes�at the ra�e prov�ded xn�he No�e. <br /> Mor�gage Insuran�e re�mburses Lender�or any entity�hat purchases�he N��e} f�r certain�osses it may incur <br /> if Borrawer daes nat repay �he L�an as agree�. Borro�ver is no�a par���o�he Mar�gage Insurance. <br /> Mor�gage insurer5 eWaluate the�r to�a� risk on ali such �nsurance in forc�from time�o time, and may enter <br /> in�o agreements with other par�ies tha�share ar modify th�ir risk, or redu�e losses. These agreements are on <br /> �erms and conditions �hat are sa�isfactory�o the m�r�gage insurer and �he o�her party ��r par�ies� �o these <br /> agreements. These agreements may requ�re the mor�gage insur�r to make payments using any source of funds <br /> that the mar�gage insurer may ha�e a�ailable�which ma� inc�ud�funds obtained fram Mor�gage Znsuran�e <br /> premiums�. <br /> As a resul�of th�se agreements, L,�ndery any purchaser of�h�No�e, another insurer, an� r�insurer, any other <br /> entity, or an� aff�liate af any of the foregoing, ma� recei�e�dire���y or�ndirec�ly} amoun�s �hat der�v� fram <br /> �or�b�charac�erized as} a par��on c�f Borr�wer's paymen�s for Mortgage�nsurance, in exchange for <br /> sharing or m�d�fying the martgage insurer'�ri�k, or reducing lasses. �f suc�.agreem�n�provides�hat an <br /> affiliate of Lender takes a share of�h�insurer's risk�n e�change for a shar��f�h�premiums paid to the <br /> �nsurer, fhe arrangement �s often term�d "captive re�nsuranc�." Fur�her: <br /> �a� Any su�h agr�em�en��w�ll not aFfect�he amoun�s that�orrnwer has agreed to pay for Mortgage <br /> Tn���tr�n�Ps �r�ny��h�r�erm�nf�h�T.(�an s ����h �gre�m��.��w�li �o���n�rea���he amount <br /> �orrower wi�l owe for Mor�gage Insurance, and they�vi��not ent�tle Borro►wer to any refund. <br /> �b� Any su�h agreements w��l not aFfe�t th�rights Borrower has�-�f any�vvith respec�ta the <br /> Martgage Insurance under the Homeowners Pratection Ac�of 1998 ar any ather�aw. These righ�s <br /> may�nc�ude the righ�ta recei�e cer�a�n d��c�o�ures, to reques�and obta�n Cance�latian of the <br /> Mor�gage Insurance, �o ha�e�he Mortgage In�urance�erm�nat�d automatica�ly, andlor to rece��e <br /> a refund of any Mnrtgage Insurance premiums that were unearned a�the��xne of such <br /> cance��ation or term�nat�on, <br /> �1. Ass�gnrnent of Mis�ellanevus Prace�ds; Forfeiture. A�X M��cei�aneaus Proceeds are here�y assigned to <br /> and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> rf�he Proper�y �s damaged, such Miscellarieous Pr�ceeds shai� b�app��ed t� res�orat�on or repair of�he <br /> Prapert�, �f�he restorat�on or repaxr xs ecanom�cally feasib�e and I..�nder's s�curi�� is not lessened. During <br /> such repair and re�torat�an periad, Lender sha��ha�v�th�r�ght ta hold such Miscellane�u� ProGeeds unti� <br /> Lender has had an opportunity�o inspec�such Proper�.y�a ensure�he vvork has been completed to Lender's <br /> N�BRASKA-Singl�Famity-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRL#M�NT �or�n 3Q28 11�� <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NEf(13d2j <br /> W�fters Kluwer Financial 5er�i�es Page 9 af i 7 <br />