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2� 1 ��4539 <br /> requir�d by RESPA, and Barrower sha��pay to Lender the am�unt necessary to make up the deficiency in <br /> a�cordance with RESPA, bu� in no more than ��monthly payments. <br /> Up�n payment xn fu11 of al� sums secured�y th�s S�curity �ns�rument, Lender shall promptly refund tfl <br /> B�rrower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Char�es; L�ens. Borrower sha��pay all ta�es, assessments, charg�s, firz�s, ar�d impositians attr�butab�e�� <br /> th�Property v�hich can a��ain pr��rity over this Security Instrument, leaseh�ld paymen�s�r ground ren�s on <br /> ���Proper�y, if any, and Commun�t� Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and Ass�ssm�nts, �f any. Ta the exten�that <br /> these i�ems are Escro�v �tems, Borr�vv�r shal�pay them in the manner prav�d�d in�ec���n 3. <br /> B�rr�wer shai���r d�s�harge any lien vvhich has pr��r�ty aver���s�ecurity �ns�rument un�es� <br /> Borr�wer: �a} agree� in vvr�ting t�the pa�ment of t�e ab�igat�on secur�d by th���en�n a mann�r acceptab�e <br /> to Lend�r, but only sa Iong as Borrovv�r�s performing such agr�e�ment; tb} con�ests th�lien in goad faith�y, <br /> or defends against enfarcemen�af th�l�en�n, �ega1 proceeding�v�hich in Le�d�r's op�n�on operate to preven� <br /> �he enforcemen�of th�lien wh��e th�s�proceed�ngs ar�pend�ng, bu�anly unti� su�h proc�edxngs are <br /> conclud�d; �r tc} secures frorx��he hol�i�r of th���en an agreemen�satisfactory t� L�nd�r subord�nating �he <br /> lien�o thxs Secur��y Instrument. �f Ler��ier det�rmines tha�any par�of th��'roperty is subject�o a�ien wh�ch <br /> can a�ta�n priority o�er this Secur�ty�nstrumenty Lender may give Borrow�r a not��e identif�ing�h�lien. <br /> Within I�days�f the date an which that na�xce is g�ven, B�rrower sha�� sat�sfy the��en or one or m�re <br /> �f the actians��� for�h abnve in th�s Se����n 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrawer to pay a on�-t�me charge far a rea� es�a���ax v�rification andlor reporting <br /> servi�e us�c�by Leric�er i�a c:��u�e�li�t� wi�la ����� Lu�u�. <br /> 5. Property InsuranGe. Borrower sha11 k�ep the improvem�nts now exis�ing or h�reafter erected on the <br /> Pr�perty insured against �ass b��r�, hazards incluc�ed�v�th�n the term "extended�a�erage," and an� o�her <br /> hazards including, but no� l�mited to, ear�hquakes and floads, for which L�nder requzr�s �nsurance. This <br /> xnsurance shal��e main�ain�d�n�he amaun�s tzncluding deduct�h�e Ie�ve�s} and far the periads �hat Lender <br /> requir�s. �hat Lender requires pursuant to th�preceding sentences�an change during the term of the Laan. <br /> The insurance�arrier prowiding th��nsurar�ce sha�l�e ch�sen by BQrr�v��r sub�e�t�o Lend�r's right t� <br /> disappr�ve Borrow�r's choice, whi�h right sha11 n�t be e�ercis�d unreasonab�y. L�nder may requir� <br /> Borro�ver t�pa�r, in c�nnec�xan with this Loan., e��her: �a}a one-t�me charge far flood zone determ�.nat�on, <br /> cer�i�ca�ion ar�d �rac�ing serv�ces; ar�b} a one-t�m�charge for�.00d zone det�rmina�ion and cer�ifi�at�on <br /> servic�s and subsequent charges each time remapp�ng��r sim�lar changes occur which reasonably might <br /> affect such determinati�n or cert��cation. B�rrower sha�� ais�be responsible for the payment of any fees <br /> irnpn���by the Federal �mergency Mana�ement Agency in Gonnection vsr��h�he re��ew of any flood zone <br /> d�terminati�n resulting from an ob�ec��on by Borrower. <br /> �f Borr�wer fai�s��maintain any of the co�erages d�scribed ab�ve, L�nder may ob�ain insurance c��erage, <br /> at Lerzd�r's option and Borrow�r's e�pense. Lender ��under na�b��ga�ion to purchase any par�iGular type or <br /> am�urzt of coverage. Th�refore, such coverage sha�I cover Lender, but migh�or m�gh�na�protect Barrower, <br /> Borrow�r's equity in�he Prop�r�y, or�he c�nten�s of the Proper�y, aga�ns�any r�sk, hazard or liabi�ity and <br /> m�gh�prav�de greater or le��er coverage�han v�as previously in effect. Bflrra�er acknow�edges that th�cost <br /> of the �nsurance coverage so abtained mzgh�significantly exce�d the�ost of insurance that B�rrov�er couid <br /> ha�e�b�ained. Any amoun�s disbursed�y Lender under�h�s Sec�ian 5 sha�.� became addi�iana�debt of <br /> Borr�w�r s�cured by�his Security�nstruxnen�. These amaunts shail btar znteres�at the Note rate frflm�he <br /> date of disbursement and sha�� be payable, v�r��h such�n��rest, up�n not�c� from Lender to Borrovv�r <br /> requ.estzng payment. <br /> NEBRASKA-Si�gle�amily-Fanni�MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM lNSTRtJMENT Farm 3028�1�� <br /> VMP Q VMPfi{N�f f 1302y <br /> Walters K luwer Financ�al Ser�icEs Page fi of 17 <br />