2� 1 ��4539
<br /> Any applicati�n of paymen�s, �nsurar�ce proc�eds, or M�sce��aneous Pr�ceeds to pr�nc�pal due under the Note
<br /> shali not�x�end or postpane the due da��, or chan�e�he amount, of the Per�odic Paym�nts.
<br /> 3. Funds far Escrow I�ems. Borrovv�r sha��pay to L,ender on the day P�riadic Payments are due under�he
<br /> Notey until �he Nate is paid in full, a sum��he "Funds"} to prov�d�for payment of amounts due for: �a3�axe�
<br /> and a�sessmen�s and o�her i�ems which can a�tain pr�ority o�er�h�s Securi���ns�rument as a lien or
<br /> encumbrance on the Proper��; ��} lease�aa�d payments ar ground rents on�h�Property, if any; �c}premiums
<br /> far any and al� insurance required by Lend�r und�r Secti�n 5; and�d} Martgage�nsuranc�prerniums, �f any,
<br /> �r any sums payab�e by Borrov�rer�� Lender in lieu of th�paymen�af Mor�gage Insurance premiums in
<br /> acc�rdance wi�h the pra�is�ans of Sect��n 10. These i�ems are ca�led "Escrow Items." At orig�natiQn o�r a�
<br /> any t�rne dur�ng�he�erm of the Laan, Lender ma�require�hat Commun��y Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Ass�ssments, xf any, �e escrovved by Borrower, and such du�s, fees and assessmen�s shall be an Escro�r
<br /> ��em. ��rrov�er shall promptl�furnish ta Lender aI� na��ces of a�rzounts��be pa�d under�his Sect�on.
<br /> Borro�ver shall pay Lender the Funds f�r Es�ro�v �te�ms un�ess Lender waives B�rrawer's obliga�xon ta pay
<br /> �he Funds for any or a�l Escrow It�ms. Lender�ma�wai�e Borrower`s obliga��an to pay�o Lender Funds for
<br /> any�r all Escrow �tems a�any time. An�r such wa���r may on��r be in wri�ing. In the��ent of such wa��er,
<br /> BorrovWer sha��pay directly, when and wh�re payab�e, �he am�unts due for an�r Es�r�w I�ems for which
<br /> pa�ment of Funds has been waxved by Lender and, if L.ender require�, shall furnish to L.ender receip�s
<br /> e�idenc�ng such payment�v�thin such t�me periad as Leend�r may requir�. Borrower's obligat�an ta make
<br /> such payments and�o pra�ide receipts sha�I for a�1 purpases be�eemed�a be a cov�na��t and agreement
<br /> cantained in th�s Security Ins�rument, as the phrase "co�enan�and agreement" is used in Section 9, �f
<br /> BorrovWer is ob��ga�ed to pay Es�rov� Items directly, pursuant�a a�vaiver, and g�rrower fa�ls t�pa�r �he
<br /> amaunt due far an Escrov� I�em, Lend�r may exerc�se its rights under Se�tion 9 and pay such amaunt and
<br /> Borrov�rer sha�� then be obiiga�ed under Sec��on 9 tv repa� ta Lender any su�h amount. Lender may revoke
<br /> the waiver a��o any�r ail Escrow Items at any ��m.e by a natice given in accordance wi�h Section �5 and,
<br /> upon such revoca�ion, Barrawer shall pay�a Lender a�� Funds, and in such amoun�s, that are�hen requ�red
<br /> under this Section 3.
<br /> Lender ma�, at any time, col�ect a�.d h��d Funds in an amount �a} sufficient�o perm��Lend�r to apply the
<br /> Funds at the time spec��ed under RESPA, and ��}not to e�ceed th�ma�imum amount a l�nder can requ�r�
<br /> under RESPA. I..�nder sha�i estimate�he amoun�of Funds du�on the basis of current data a��d reasonab��
<br /> esti�na�es of expenditur�s of future�scra�v I�ems�r��herwise in accordanc�wi�h App��cabl�La�v.
<br /> 'I�he�unds sha11 be he�d�n an inst�tution w�i�s�deposits are�nsured by a federal agency, ins�ru�nen�ali�y, o�-
<br /> en�ity �including Lender, if Lender�s an institution wh�se deposits are so insured}or�n any Federal �3ome
<br /> Loan Bank. Lend�r shall app�y the Funds��pay�h� Escrow ���ms n� �ater�han the txme specified und�r
<br /> RESPA. L.�nder shali no�.charge Borravver far ho�d�ng and apply�ng the Funds, annual�y analyz�ng�ae
<br /> escraw account, or v�r�fying�he Es�r�w �tems, unless I,ender pays Borrower interest on th�Funds and
<br /> App�iCable Lav�pernlits Lender to make such a charge. Unless an agreement is made in writing�r
<br /> App�icabie Law requ�res interes�to be paid on�he Funds, Lender sha11 not be r�quired to pay Barrov�rer any
<br /> �nterest or earn�ngs on the Funds. �nrrow�r a.nd Len�.er can agree �n�rri�ing, hovv�ver, that inter�s��hai�be
<br /> paid vn�he Funds. Lender sha�� gi�e�o �orrower, w�thout charge, an annua� a�count�ng of the Funds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> if�here is a surplus of Funds held in�scrovw, as de�ned under RESPA, Lender shali a�count to Borrov�er for
<br /> the excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If there zs a shar�age of Funds he�d in�s�raw, as defined under
<br /> RESPA, Lender sha�� notif� Borro�ver as requ�red by R�SPA, and Borrawer shal�pa� to Lender the amount
<br /> necessary to make up the shortage in accordance w��h RESPA, bu� in na more than �2 mfln�hly paymen�s. Zf
<br /> �here �s a deficiency�f Funds held in escrow, as def�n�d under RESPA, Lender shall na��fy Borrawer as
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiiy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN#F�RM INSTRUMENT �orm 3Q�8�1�1
<br /> VMP� VMPfi�NEy f 13�25
<br /> Wofters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 5 of i 7
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