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2� 1 ��4539 <br /> B�RR�V4�'ER��VENAN'TS �hat Borra�er�s �awful��seis�c�of th��s�ate h�r�b�cflnv�yed and has �he r�ght t� <br /> grant and con��y�he Pr�gerty and that�he Prap�rty �s unencu�nber�d, except for�n�umbranc�s of r�cnrd. <br /> B�rrawer warrants and vv�l1 defend genera�ly the ti��e to th�Property agains�a��c�azms and demands, sub�ect t� <br /> any �ncumbrances of r�e�rd. <br /> TH�S SE�UR�TY INSTRUMENT combines uniform cavenan�s for nationa�use and non-unif�rm cnvenan�s wzth <br /> ��m�t�d�ariati�ns by�ur�sdict�on to constitute a uniform security instrum�nt cavering reai pr�perty. <br /> lJn�farm �o�enants. Bflrrower and L�n�.er��venant and agree as f�ll��s: <br /> '�. Payment af Principa�, �nterest, Es�row ltems, Prepayment �harges, and Late Charges. B�rrawer <br /> shall pay�irh�n du�th�pr�nc�pa��f, and�nteres�on, �he debt ev�denced by the Not�and any prepaymen� <br /> charges and�a�e charg�s due under�h��o�e. Barrawer sha�� �.so pay funds for Escrow I�ems pursuan�t� <br /> Section 3. Payments due urzd�r th�Nfl�e and th�s S�cur�ty�nstrument sha��be made in U.S. currenc�. <br /> �3o�ever, if any check�r other ins�rument r�c�iv�d by Lender as payment under�he No�e or�his Secur�t� <br /> Instrument is returned to Lender unpaid, Len�er may r�quire that arzy or a�l subs�qu�n�payments due under <br /> the Note and�his Secur�t� �nstrument be mad�in ane�r mor�of�he follawing farms, as selec�ed by Lender: <br /> �a} cash; �b}mone�order; �c}�er�ified check, �ar�k Che�k, treasur�r's check or cashier's Check, provid�d an� <br /> such check is drawn upan an inst�tu�ion whas�deposits are�nsur�d by a fed�ra� ag��cy, instrumenta�i�y, or <br /> en��ty; or td}E���tronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed received b� Lender when rec��ved a��he locat�on designa�ed �n the Note ar at such <br /> oth�r laca��on as ma�r be destgna�ed by Lender zn accordance wi�h the notice prav�s�ons in Sect�nn �S. <br /> Lender may return any payment�r partia� payment if the payment�r partial pa�ments are �nsuffic�en��a <br /> br�ng�he L�an current. Lender may a�cept any paym�nt�r part�a�payment insuff�cien�ta br�n� the Loan <br /> curren�, wxthout v�a��er of any righrs hereunder�r prejud�ce to its righ��t�refuse such pa�ment�r partia� <br /> payments �n�h�fu�ure, but L�nder is not obl�gated to appl�r such pa�men�s at the time such payments are <br /> accepted. If each Feriodic Paymen�i�applied as of its scheduled du�date, �h�n Lender need not pa�r int�res� <br /> on unappiied funds. Lender may hold such unapplied funds until B�rrower makes payments to bring the <br /> Loan curr�nt. If Borrower does n�t d� so�v��h�n a reasona�l�periad of�im�, Lender sha�� ���h�r apply such <br /> fi�.nds ar return them to Borrower. �f not app��ed�arlier, such funds w���be app�ied to�he�u�s�anding <br /> principal baiance under�he N�te�mmed�at��y priar�o foreclosure. No affs�t or c�aim which Borr�wer m�ight <br /> have naw or in the futur�against L�nder sha�l relieve B�rrower fram making pa�m�nts du�und�r th� Note <br /> and�h�s Security Instrumen��r performing th�co��nants a.�d agreements s�cur�d b�this Securi�y <br /> lnstrum�n�. <br /> 2. App�ication of Payments or Prviceeds. E�cep�as ather�u�s�descr�bed�n�h�s Sect�fln 2, all payments <br /> a��ep�ed and applied b�Lender shall be applied in�he follovving ard�r af priori�y: �a} interes�due under the <br /> Note; �b}principal due under the Note; ��} amounts du�under Se�tion 3. Such paymen�s sha��be appl��d ta <br /> ea�h Per�od�c Payment�n th��rder�n wh�ch ����came due. An�remaining amoun�s shaii be appl�e�first to <br /> �ate charges, se�ond�a any ather amounts due under th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�, and�hen t�reduc��he <br /> princ�pa� �alance of the Note. <br /> �f Lender recei�es a paymen�from Borr�vver far a del�nqu�nt Perzod�c Payment v�h�ch �nc�udes a suf�cient <br /> arnount ta pa�any�ate charge due, th�payment may be app�ied�a the d���nquent payment and the �ate <br /> charge. If more than ane Periodic Faymen�is outstar�ding, Lend�r may apply any payment re�eived from <br /> Borrower to�he r�payment of the Periodic Paym�nts if, a�d t� �he ext�nt�hat, each paymen�can be paid in <br /> ful1. Ta the e��ent tha� any excess exists af�er the payment is app�i�d to the full paymen�of an�or mare <br /> Peri�dic Pa�men�s, such excess may be applied��any�ate�harges due. Volun�ar�prepayments sha��be <br /> app�ied first to any prepaymen�charges and�hen as d�scribed in the Nfl�e. <br /> NEBRASKA-Si�gEe�amily-Fannie MaelFreddi�Mac L1NIF�RM INSTRUM�NT Fprm 3Q2$110� <br /> VMP� VMP6{N�)t73�2) <br /> Wolters Kfuwer Financial 5ervices Page 4 of�7 <br />