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2� 1 ��4539 <br /> in the Property and r�ghts under�his Secur��y �ns�rument; and (d}�akes such ac�ion as Lender may <br /> reasonably require to assure tha� Lender's �n�ere���n�he Proper�y and r��hts under th�s Security �ns�rument, <br /> and Borrower's obi�gatian ta pa�the sums s��ured b� th�s Se�ur�ty �ns�rument, sha�1 c�ntinue un�hanged. <br /> L.ender may require tha�Borr�wer pay such reins�at�xnen�sums and�xp�nses in flne or more af th�f�llowing <br /> fonns, as se�ected by Lend�r: �a}cash; ��}xr�oney�rder; ��} ��rt�f�ed ch�ck, bank check, treasur�r's check or <br /> cashzer's check, provided any such check�s drawn upon an ins��tut�on v�hose depasits are insu�red by a <br /> f�derai agency, instrumen�al�ty or en�it�; or�d} Eiec�ronzc Funds Transfer. Upon reinstat�m�n�by Bo�rrower, <br /> �h�s Security Instrum�nt and�bliga��ons se�ur�d hereby shali rema�n fu��y effe�ti�e as �f no acceierat��n had <br /> flccurr�d. ��we�er, this ri�ht to r�insta�e sha��not apply in th��as�of accel�ration under Section 1$. <br /> �0. Sa�e nf Nvte; Chang� af Loan Ser�icer; Notice �f �rieWance. The Note or a par�ia� inter�st �n th� <br /> N��e�together with this Secur��� Instrume��}�an be s�id one or mare�imes v5r�thou�prior no�ice to <br /> Borr�wer. A sale might resu�t �n a change in�he en�ity �kn�wn as the "�.na��Servi��r"� tha�collects Period�c <br /> Paymen�s due under�he No�e and�hxs Secur���Instrument and performs o�her n�.ortgage loan ser�i�ing <br /> �b�i�at�ans under the Note, �h�s Security Ins�rument7 and App�icab�e Law. There a�so might be one or rnore <br /> changes of the Loan Serv�cer unrela�ed�o a sa�e of�h�No�e, If ther�i�a change of�he I,oan Ser�iGer, <br /> Borrower vWiil be given written not�ce af�he�hang� which w�l� s�ate the name and address of the ne�v Loan <br /> Servicer, �he address�a�vhich payments shauid h�made and any other infflrma�ion RESPA requ�res in <br /> connection vvi�h a notice of�ransfer af servic�ng. If�he Note is sold and�hereafter�he Loan is sexviced by a <br /> L�oa�� Ser��cer o�her than the purchaser af the Note, �he mor�gage�oan servic�ng obligations to Borrower will <br /> remain wi�.h�he Laan Ser�icer or b�transferred to a successor Loan 5ervi�er and are not assumed by�he <br /> Note purchaser unless o�hervvise proWided 1�y th� No��purchas�r. <br /> Neith�r Borrow�r nar Lender may cammence,j�in, or be j o�ned to any�ud�Gial action �as either an <br /> �ndividual l���gant or the member of a class}that ar�ses fr�m the other par�y's actions pursuan�ta this <br /> Securit� �nstrumen�or tha�al�eges tha��he o�her part�has breached an�pro�i�ion�f, or any duty owed by <br /> reas�n of, �his Securi�y �ns��, un��� such Borrow�r or Lender has notified the other par�y �with such <br /> natice gi��n�n compliance w��h the requirements of Section �5��f such al.���ed�reach and a�'forded th� <br /> other party hereto a reasonable period after�he gi��ng�f su�h no�x�e t�take c�rrective a�tian. �f App��cable <br /> La�v provid�s a time period which mus�elapse b�fore cer�ain ac��on can.he taken, that t�me period wi��b� <br /> deemed to be reasanab�e far purposes of�h��paragraph. The no�ice of acce�eration and opportun��y to cure <br /> g��en�o Borrower pursuant�o S�c�ion 22 and the no�xc�af accelera�i�n given to Borr�w�r pursuan�to <br /> ►]GLLiVII 1� �IIC�11 UG�CCti�CU l�.V �[���71��I1G IIt�L1LG��.Ll V�.3�.'lV.E Li�i�;�,i�y�V Lc��'G 4c'?�i 1 c,�i.i'�'�a��iv�i��'�Y�.�l.i��� i��iilS <br /> SeCtiori 24. <br /> ��. Hazardvus Substan�es. As used in�h�s Sec��on�I: �a} "I�'azardous Substances"are�hose subs�ances <br /> de�ned as toxic or hazardous substancesy pol�u�an�s, �r wast�s by Env�ronmen�al Law and�he fo���wing <br /> substances: gasoiine, ker�sene, a�her f�ammable ar taxic pe�raleum produc�s, �ax�c pesticides and herb��ides, <br /> ��Iat�le sn��en�s, mater�als conta�n�ng as�est�s or forma.�dehyde, and radioac�ive mat�riais; �b} <br /> "�`rtvirannzental Law"mea�s federa� �aws and �avvs of the jurisdictian vvhere the Pr�p�rt� is locat�d that <br /> re�a�e to hea�th, safety ar env�ronm�n�al pro�ec��on; ��} "�'nvir�nmentar Clea�up"includes any response <br /> ac���n, remediai action, or removal action, as def�ned in�n�r�ronmental Law; and (d� an "Environmer�ta� <br /> C`or�dition"means a cond�tian tha�can cause, Gon�r�bute to, or atherwise�r�gger an En�ii-onmen�al C�eanup. <br /> Borrower shall no��au�e or permu��h�pr�s�nce, use, dispasal, s�arage, or reiease of any Hazardous <br /> Subs�ances, or threaten ta re�ease any Hazardous Substan�es, on or�n the Praperty. Borrower shai� nat do, <br /> n�r aXlow anyone else to da, any�hing affecting�he Proper�y �a} �hat is �n vi�la�ion of any Enviranmen�a� <br /> Lav�, �b} which crea��s an Environmentai Condi�ion, ar�c} wh�ch, due fo the presence, use, or re�ease af a <br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that advers�ly affec�s the va�u�af�he Proper�y. The preced�ng�wo <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Far�nEe Mael�redd+e Mac UNt�aRM INSTRUM�NT �arm 3�28 1101 <br /> VMP[r� VMPfi�N�f(i 3�2f <br /> Walters Kluwer�inancia�Ser�ices Page�3 of�7 <br />