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2� 1 ��4539 <br /> sen�ences shall �.ot app�� to the pres�nce, use, or storage nn�he Property of smal� quantitx�s�f Hazar�ous <br /> Su�stan�es that are genera�ly re�ogn�zed ta be appropriate to norma� residen�ial uses and to maintenanCe of <br /> th�Proper�y �in�luding, bu�no���m.�t�d�n, hazard�us substance� in consuxner products�. <br /> Borrower sha�l promptly g��e Lender written natice�f�a} any in�est�gat�on, c�a�m, demand, Ia�sui�or other <br /> actz�n by any go�ernmen�al or re�u�at�r�agency ar pr��a�e par�y involving the Property and any Hazardous <br /> Sub��ance nr Environmental Law of wh�ch Borrav�er has actua�kr�owledge, �b} an� En�rxronmen�a� <br /> �andit�on, includ�ng but not limited�o, an� spil�ing, leak�ng, discharge, r��eas��r thr�at of re�ease of any <br /> Hazar�ious Substance, and ��} any cond�t�on caused by the pr�senc�, use or release af a Ha.�ardaus Subs�an.ce <br /> whi�h advers���affeets th��a1ue of the Proper�y. If Borrawer�earris, or is n��if�ed by an�governmenta� or <br /> regulat�ry authori�y, ar any pr�wat�par�y, that an�remo�al or other r�mediat�on�f any Hazardous Substanc� <br /> affect��g the Property is necessary, Barrower shal�promptly take a��nec�ssary r�media� ac�ians in <br /> aCcordarzc�w�th Enviranmen�a� Law. Nothi�ag herein shall create any o���gatian�n Len�.er for an <br /> �nv�rnnmenta� C�eanup. <br /> Nvn-Unifarm �orrenants, Borrower and Lender covenant and agre�as f�llows: <br /> ��. Acceferat�vn; Remedies. Lender�hal� g�ve notice�o Borrower pr�or ta ac�elera��an fo�low�ng <br /> Borrower���reach of any covenant ar agreement in�h�s Secur��y Instrument �but na� pr�ar to <br /> acceleration under Sect�an 1S unless Appi�ca��e Law pro��des o�herwise}. The notice 5ha��specify: 4a} <br /> the defau�t; �b) the ac��on required to cure th�d�faul�; �c� a date, no�less�han 30 days fram th�date <br /> the no�ice is g��en�o Borrvwer, by which the defau��mus��e cured; and �d} tha� Failure to cure the <br /> deFaul��n ar before�he date spec�fied�n �he not�ce may re5uit in acce�erat�on of�he sums secured by <br /> 4 iAt7 Cw6•iux ia�.��ai�a�.,r,u,,s�A�f����������h�prn��ii"��� T�P Y7�l�ll'P��7��� fl�l'��PY'7T'I�fvl�"Tt7 R(3t'Y'fl'UVP?"flf t�'1P <br /> righ��v reinstate after a��e�eration and the r�ght to bring a eaurt a��ion��assert the non�existence of a <br /> defau�t or an.y o�her defense af Barrower to a�celeration and sale. If the default�s nat cured on or <br /> bef�r�th�date spec�fied in the no��ce, Lender at its ap�ion may require immediate paym�nt in full of <br /> a�l sums secured by�his Secur�ty Instru�m�nt w�thou�fur�her demand and may in�oke the po►wer of sale <br /> and any ��her remed�es permitted by App�icable Law. Lender sh�ll b�en�it�ed to�o�lect all expenses <br /> �ncurred in pursuing thQ remedies prov�ded�n this Sect�on 22, inc�uding, bu�not limi�ed ta, reasona��e <br /> at�orneys' fees and costs of t��le evidence. <br /> If�he pawer of sate is in�oked, Tru�tee sha��record a no�ice af defauit�n each county�n wh�ch any <br /> part of th�Pr�perty is�oca�ed and�ha��mai�cop�es of such natice in the manner prescribed by <br /> Ap�licable Law to Borrower and to the other p�rsons prescr�bed by App�icab�e Law. After�he�ime <br /> required by Applica��e Law, Tru�tee shal�g�ve pub�ic not�ce of sa�e tv�he persons and�n the manner <br /> prescribed by A�plicab�e I.�aw. Trus�ee, wi�hout demand on Borrower� shall se�l�he Prope�ty a� public <br /> auct�on t�the h�ghest b�dder at thQ�ime and p�ace and under�he�erms des�gnated in the nati�e of sa�e <br /> in an�or more parce�s and in any order Trus�ee determ�n�s. Trustee may postpone sa�e af all or any <br /> parce�vf�he Property by public announcQmen�at the t�n1e and p�ace af any prev�ous�y schedu�ed sa��. <br /> L�nd�r or its designee may purchase the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upon rece�pt of paymen�of�he pr�ce bid, Trus�e�shal� de��ver to�he purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> �onveying�he Proper�y. The rec�ta�s in the Trus��e's de�d sha�� be pr�ma fac�e evid�nce af�he�ru�h�f <br /> the statemen�s made�h�re�n. Trustee sha�l app�y th�proce�ds of the sa�e in the fol�owing order: �a} to <br /> aI� costs and e�penses af exercis�ng the power of sa�e, and�he sa�e, �ncZuding�he paymen��F the <br /> Trustee's fees actua�ly incurred and reasanab�e a�tarney5' fees a5 permitted by Applicab�e Law; ��} to <br /> al�sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrumen�; and �c} any excess to the person or persans�egally <br /> enti�led tn i�. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�annie MaelFreddie Mac 11NIF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 302$11�1 <br /> VMR[� VMPfi{N�y{1302) <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financia!5er�ices Pag�14 of 1 7 <br />