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2� 1 ��4539 <br /> designa�ed a subst�tute notxGe address by n�tice to L�nder. Bnrro�er sha�l prompt�y n�t�fy Lender of <br /> Borr�wer'�change�f address. �f Lender specifz�s a procedure for r�parting B�rraw�r's change of address, <br /> th�n Borrower shall on�y repart a chan�e�f address �hrough tha�specified pr�e�dure. <br /> Th�re may b�only one designated natice address under�h�s Security �nstrument at any one��me. Any no��ce <br /> to Lender sha�� b�given by deli�ering it ar by mailing it by first class mai� to Lend�r's address s�at�d here�n <br /> unl�ss Lender has designat�d another a�idress�y n�t�ce to Barrfl�ver. Any no��ce in connec��on w��h th�s <br /> Security ��s�rument sha�� no�be�eemed�o have been g��en ta Lender unt�� actual�y rec���ed�y �ender. �f <br /> any no�ice r�quir�d�y th�s Security �nstrumen��s a�so requ�red under App��ca��e Law, the App�icab��Law <br /> r�quirement will sa�isfy the carrespondxn�requ�remen�un�er thzs Secur��y �nstrurn.en�. <br /> ��, G��ernin� Law; Serr�rab�lity; Rules �f Canstruct�on. This Security Instrumen�sha�l be governed by <br /> f�dera� �aw and�he 1aw of the jurisd�c�ian in wh�ch the Proper�y is l�ca�ed. A�l rights and obligations <br /> conta�n�d in�his 5ecurity�n�truxnent ar�subjec�t� any r�quiremen�s and lim�ta�ions of App�icab�e Law. <br /> App��cable Law migh�expl�ci�ly ar implici���all�w �he part�es to agree�y contrac��r it migh�b�s�lent, but <br /> such s��ence sha�i na�be construed as a proh��ition against agreemen�by con�rac�. �n the e�ent that any <br /> provision or c�ause of this Security �ns�rument or the No�e c�nf��cts w�th App�ica��e Law, such confl�ct sha�� <br /> n��aff���other pro��sions of th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�flr th� No�e whzch can be given effect�vithou� the <br /> conf�ict�ng pro�isz�n. <br /> As used in�his 5ecurity �nstrumen�: �a}�ards of the masculine gender shall mean and include cflrresponding <br /> neu�er words or�vords of�he feminine gender; ��}vvards in the singu�ar shall m�an and �nclude th�plural <br /> an�v�ce versa; and�c} the word "may" gi�es sole d�scret�an wi�hout any ol�iiga�inn to�ake any actian. <br /> 17. Borrower's Capy. Barrower sha�� �e gi�en one capy�f�he Note and of this Security Ins�rument. <br /> 7 S. Transfer �f the P�operty or a Beneficial �ntere�t in Borrower. As used in this Section �8, "�nterest in <br /> the Praperty" means any l�gal ar ben�ficial int�r�st in the Pr�p�rty, including, but n�t��mi��d ta, those <br /> �eneficia� interests transferred in a bond far�eed, �ontract far deed, �nsta�lmen�sa�es cantra�t or escr�w <br /> agr�ement, the intent�f which�s th�transfer af tzt�e b�r B�rr�wer at a fu�ure da�e�o a purchaser. <br /> �f al� ar any part af the Pr�perty or any �n�erest�n the Prop�r�y is so�d ar trar�sf�rred ��r if Bflrrower�s na�a <br /> natural person and a�enefi�ia� zn�erest in Borrow�r is so�d or trax�sferr�d} wzthou�Lender's pri�r written <br /> consent, Lender may requ�re immediate paym�nt in fu�� of a�l sums s�cured by th�s S�curity Instrumen�. <br /> �Iawe�er, �his aption sha�� not be e��rcised by L��.d�r�f such exer��se xs prohibited by Applicab�e Law. <br /> If L�r�der�xercises�his op�ion, L�nd�r sha�� gxve Borrower no�ice of acceleration. Th�n�ti�e sha��pravide a <br /> p�r�od of no��ess than 3�days fram�he�a���he notic�is gi�en in ac��rdanc�with Sect�an �S �iri�hin u�hich <br /> Borr�wer xnust pa�r a�� sums s��ur�d�y thzs Securi��Ins�rument. �f Borr�wer fails t��ay the�e sums prior ta <br /> �h�e�pira�ion af this per�od, Lend�r may in�oke any remed�es perm��tted by�h�s Secur�t�r �nstrum�nt wi�hout <br /> fur�her no�iee or demand�n Borrower. <br /> 7 9. Borrawer's Right to Rein�tate After Acce�erativn. If Borravver meets�er�ain condi��ans, B�rr�wer <br /> sha��ha�e the r�ght ta have er�force�nent of�h�s Security Instrument d�scant�nu�d a�any time pr�ar to the <br /> ear��est of: �a} five days befar�sale of�he Property pursuan���any power of sal�c�n�ained in�his Security <br /> �nstrument; �b} such other peri�d as Appli�able Law mi�ht sp�cify for the term�ina��on of Barr�wer's righ�t� <br /> re�ns�ate; �r�c}entry nf a judgmen�enfarc�ng this Secur�ty �n��rum�n�. Thase cflndi�ions are�hat Borrawer: <br /> �a}pays Lendex a�i sums whi�h then wou�d be due un�.er th�s Security Ins�rument a.nd th�Not�as if no <br /> accelera�ion had accurred; �b}cures any defau�t of any a�her co��nants or agr�ements; �G}pa�s all expenses <br /> incurred in enfarc�ng�h�s Security Instrum�r�ty in��ud�ng, �ut not limi��d�o, reas�nab��a�tflrneys' fees, <br /> praperty inspectxon and Waluation fees, and other fees xncurr�d f�r the purpose of protect�ng Lender's in�er�st <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFrsddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUM�NT Form 302$1101 <br /> VMP[r� VMPfi(NEy{�302y <br /> Wolters IC luwer Finar��ial 5er�ices Page 12 af 17 <br />