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� 2� 1 ��4539 <br /> ��. Borrower Nv� Re�eased: For�earance By L.ender Not a 1Nairrer. Extens�on of the time far payment ar <br /> madification of amar�izat�an of�he sums se�ured b��h�s Se�uri�y �nstrumen�gran�ed by L.�nder to Borrow�r <br /> or an� Successor in �nteres�of Borrou�er sha��na�opera��ta re�ease the��a�����y af B�rrower or any <br /> Successors in�nteres��f Barrawer. Lend�r sha�i no�be requir�d�o com.mence praceedings against any <br /> 5ucc�ssor in In�erest of Borro�v�rer or to refuse�o extend��me far paym�nt or otherwxse m�dify amor��zat�an <br /> af�he sums secured�y�his Se�urity Instrumen�hy r�ason of any demand made by th�or�gina� Borrower or <br /> an� Succe�s�rs in�n�eres��f Borr�vv�r. Any forbearance by Lender in exercis�ng any righ�or remedy <br /> inc�uding, withou��xrn��at�on, Lender's ac�eptanc�of payments fram�hird persons, en�ities or Succ�ssors �n. <br /> �nterest of B�rrnwer or�n amounts less�han the amoun�then due, shai�no�be a wa�wer of or preclude the <br /> e�.�rc�se of any right�r remedy. <br /> �3. Joint and Se�eral L�a�ility; C��s�gners: Successnrs and Assigns Bound. B�rrower co�enants and <br /> agr�es�hat Barrower's o���gat�ons and liabi�ity sha�� be join�and se��ral. �owe�er, an� Borro�ver who <br /> �awsigns this Securit� �ns�rument but�aes na�execu���he Note�a "co-signe�r"}: �a} �s co-signing this <br /> Security Instrumen�only to mortgage, gran�and convey�he ca-s�gner's �n�erest in �he Property und�r�� <br /> tern-�af this Security �ns�rumen�; �b� is no�personally�b�iga�ed to pay the sums secured��this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument; and��} agrees that Lender and any o�h�r Borrflwer ca�agree to e�tend, modify, farbear or make <br /> any ac�omm�dat�ons v�i�h regard to the terms of this 5ecurit��ns�rumen�or the N�t�wi�h�ut th�co-signer's <br /> consen�. <br /> 5ub�ect to the provisians of Sect�an �S, any Successar in�n�eres��f B�rrovver who assumes Borrovver's <br /> �b�igations under this Secur�ty Instrument in writing, and �s appro�ed b� Lender, shall obtain al� of <br /> Borravver's righ�s and benefits under this Securi�y Instrument. Borrow�r shal� no�be re�eased from <br /> B�rrower's ab�iga�ions and �iab�li�y under�h�s Secur��y�nstrument unless L.�nder agrees to such release �n <br /> v�rri�ing. The co�enan�s and agreements of this Secur�ty�ns�rument shali b�nd �except as provided in S�c�i�n <br /> 20} and benef�t�he successars and assigns of Lender. <br /> '�4. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borr��ver fees f�r serv�ces performed in connectian with Borr�vver's <br /> d�fault, far the purpose of pro�ec�ing Lend��r's �n�erest in the Proper�y and rights und�r this Secur�ty <br /> �n�trument, in�Zuding, �ut not limited ta, att�rneys' fees, prope�ty inspe���on and�alua�i�t�fees. In r�gard�o <br /> any nther fees, the absenc�af express author��y�n th�s Security Ins�rumen��o charge a sp�cif ic fee to <br /> Borrovver shall no�be cons�rue�i as a prohi�ition on�he charging of such fee. L�nder may na�charg�fees <br /> �ha�are express�y pr�h�bited by this Secur�ty�nstrument or�y Appl�ca�Ie Lav�r. <br /> If the L�an�s subj�ct to a Iaw wh�ch sets max�mum Ioan charges, and�ha��aw �s final�y interpr�ted sv tha� <br /> the�nter�s��r a�her�oan charges collected ar ta be col�ected in conn��ti�n with the Loan exceed the <br /> p�rm���ed Iimits, �hen: �a� any such ioan�harg�sha��be reduced b�r�he amou�t necessary to reduce the <br /> cha�rge t��he permit��d�im�t; and �b} any sums alr�ady coliected from Borrower which exceeded pernu��ed <br /> ��mits will be refunded to Borrower. L.�nder may chaose��make this r�fund by reducxng the pr�nc�pa�ow�d <br /> under the Note ar by makin�a�irec�pa�rmen��o B�rrower. �f a refund reduc�s pr�n�ipa�, the reduct�on w�1� <br /> be treated as a partia�prepayment w��hou�any prepa�rmen��harge�v�hether or n�t a prepaym.ent charge is <br /> provided far under the No�e�. Borrower's a�cep�ance of an�such refund made by d�rect payment to <br /> Borrovver wi�� constitufe a�vai�er of any r�ght af act��n B�rrflwer xnigh�hav�arisin�out of such o�ercharg�. <br /> �5. Not�ces. A1�noti�es given by Borrower or Lend�r in�onnection w��h this Secur�t� �nstrument mus�be�n <br /> writing. Any notice to Borrvwer�n conne��xon wx�h th�s Secur�ty �nstrument �hall be deemed to have�been <br /> g��en to Barrovver when ma��ed b� first c�ass rnail �r when actua�ly delivered to Borrower's notice address if <br /> sent by other means. Nat�ce to an�one Borrower shai� constxtute noti�e to a�I Borrowers uniess App�icable <br /> Lav�expressly r�quires atherwis�. The no�ice address sha�l be the Proper�y Address unless Borrower has <br /> NEBRASKA-Sing�e Farnily-Fannie MaelFrer.idie Mac L1NIF�RM INSTRLIM�NT Form 3��8 jl0i <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�)t'�3a2] <br /> Wolters K#uw�r Financiaf 5er�ices Page 1 i a#17 <br />