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2� 1 ��4438 <br /> If Lender receiv�s a payment frorn Borrovsrer for a delinquent Periodic Payxnen� wh�ch include� a <br /> suffic��n� amoun� �o pay ar�y �a�e chargc due, �he paymen�may be appl�ed �o �h� delinquent paym�nt <br /> and the Iat�charge. If mc�re than one Periodic Paymen�is ou�standing,Lender may apply any paymen� <br /> recei�ed from Borrower �o the repaym�nt of th� Perzadic Paymen�s �f, and to the cx�en� �ha�, each <br /> payment can b�paid�n full, To the exten�that any ex�ess exzsts after th�payment is applied to the ful� <br /> paymen� �f one or m�re Periodic Paymen�s, such �xcess may be app�i�d �o any la�e charges due. <br /> Vo�untary prepayments sha11 be app�ied �rst t❑ any prepayment charges and�hen as d�scribed in �he <br /> No�e. <br /> Any applicat�on of payments, insurance proce�ds, ar Misce�lan�ous Proc�eds �o principal due under <br /> �he No�e sha��n�t extend or pastpone the due da�e,or change�he amount of the Per�odic Paymen�s. <br /> 3. FundS for Escrvw Items. Borrower sha11 pay to Lender an the day P�riodic Faym�nts are due under <br /> �he Note,un����he No�e is paid in full, a sum�the "Funds"�to prav�de fnr payment of am�un�s due for: <br /> �a} �axe5 and assessmen�s and ��her��ems whzch can attain pr�ority over this Security Instrumen� as a <br /> lien or�ncumbrance �n the Proper�y; �b� ��aseha�d payments ar ground ren�s on�he Proper�y, if any; <br /> �c} premiums for any and ali insurance re�uired by Lender under Sectx�n 5; and (d� Mor�gage <br /> Znsuranc� premiums, if any, or any sums payab�e by B�rrower to Lender �n l�eu of�he paymen� of <br /> Mor�gage�nsurance premiums in accflrdance wi�h�he pr�vis��ns af Sec�ion 10. These i�ems are ca�led <br /> "�scrow ��ems." A� origina��an or a� any �ime during �he �erm of the Loan, Lender may r�quir� �ha� <br /> �ommuni�y Associat�on Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if an�, be escrow�d by Borrower, and such <br /> dues, fees and assessments sha�� be an Escrow ��em. Borrawer shall pr�mp�Iy furnish ta Lender a�I <br /> natices of amounts to be paid under this Section. Borrovver sha1� pay Lender the Funds for Escraw <br /> Items un�ess Lender wa�ves Barr��rer's ob�iga�ian ta pa�r tihe Funds far any or a�1 Escrow Items. <br /> Lender may wazve Borrawer's ob�iga�ion �a pay �o Lender Funds for any or all Escraw Items at any <br /> time. Any such wa�ver may only be in �vritin�. In the even� of such waiver, Borrower sha11 pay <br /> directly,vvhen and where payab�e,�he amounts due for any Escraw�tems for which paymen�of Funds <br /> has been v�rai�ed by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall furnish �fl Lender r�ceipts e�idencing such <br /> paymen�vvith�n such��m.e per�ad as Lender may require.Borro�ver's ob��ga�ion t�make such pa�m�nts <br /> and�o pro�rid� receip�s shal� far a��purposes be deemed to be a coW�nan�and agreement conta�n�d in <br /> �his Securi�y �nstrumen�, as the phrase "covenant and agreement" is used in Sec�ian 9. �f Borrawer is <br /> �bligated to pay Escro�v I�ems directly,pursuan�to a waiver, and Borro�er fails�a pay th�amount due <br /> far an Escrow��em,Lender may exercise i�s ri�h�s under Sectzon 9 and pay such amount and Borrow�r <br /> sha�� �hen be ob��gated under Section 9 �o repay to Lender any su�h amount. Lender may re�flke the <br /> wai�er as�o any or all Escraw��ems a�any�ime by a no��ce g�Wen in accordance with Sec��on �5 and, <br /> upon such revocat�on, B�rro�ver sha11 pay �o Lender a�l Funds, and �n such amoun�s, �ha� are �hen <br /> required under�his Section 3. <br /> Lender may, a�any txm�, col�ec�and hald Funds in an amaun��a} sufficien�to permi�Lender�fl apply <br /> the Funds at�he time specif�ed under RESPA,and�b}not ta exceed�he maximum am�unt a lender can <br /> require under RESPA. Lender shal�es�imate�he amoun�af Funds due on�he basis flf Curren�data and <br /> reasanable estima�es of expenditur�s af future Escravv It�ms ar atherwise in accordance �xr��h <br /> Appl�ca���La�v. <br /> The Funds sha�l be held �n an ins�itu��on whase depos�ts are insured by a federal agency, <br /> ins�rumen�ality, or en�i�r ��nclud�ng Lender, xf Lender is an�ns�i�u�ion whose d�posits are so �nsured} <br /> or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender sha1� apply �h� Funds �a pay the Escrow I�ems no 1a�er <br /> than�he ��me specxf�ed under RESPA. Lender sha11 no�charge Borro�er fflr holding and app�ying the <br /> Funds, annua�ly analyzing the escraw accoun�, or verifying �he Escrow ��ems, unless Lender pays <br /> Borrower in�eres�on the Funds and Applicable Lav�r perm�ts Lender�o make such a charge. Uniess an <br /> agreement is made in vvri�ing ar AppliGable Lavv requires interest��b�paid on the Funds,Lender shall <br /> n�t be r�quired to pay Borro�ver any in�eres�or earnings on�h�Funds. Borrov�er and Lender can agree <br /> NEI3ItASKA-Singte�'amily-Fannie iNaelFreddie iNac UNT�'U�M INSTRUMENT �orrrs 3fl28 IIUi <br /> �2U04-2�1 f�Compliance Systems,Inc.9d1 b3d44-93dc4 l�h-2�i d.�12.D.2 <br /> Sir�gle Family ReaI Estate-Security Instrument DL��47 Page 4 of 14 <br /> ;3... i;� I'�.. i�� � ��.: 41; �3 I ' I ': I� �li: ;iii I �:� i•,: j : , . , <br /> ��I�I������I�,I�I�����1�,II[I:�I���I���L fl���fll���I��:��l l'��l����II��'llilll���II����„����`���I�:}��������:�I?I l��I�lj 1I���lll��i�I f��I��II��I�'����Ik Ifll�I�� <br /> * D L Z D 4 T - 8 8 [3 1 8 8 2 Q(1 7 --0 7 f} 7 9 5 - 0 9 5 9 - P D W E �. C 2 1 * <br />