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2� 1 ��4438 <br /> T�GETH�R WITH al� �he improvemen�s now or hereaf�er erected on �he prnperty, and al� easements, <br /> appurtenances, and fixtures navv or her�afti�r a part of the property, A�1 replacem�n�s and addi�ions sha11 a�so he <br /> covered by this Securx�r �ns�rumen�. All �f �he foregoing is referred �o in this Security Instrument as �he <br /> "PraperCy." B�rro�er unders�ands and agrees that MERS holds �n�y le�al title to the interests �ranted b� <br /> Borrower zn this Secur��y �nstrumen�, bu�, if n�cessary �o �omp�y �i�h �av�r flr custom, MERS �as naminee for <br /> Lend�r and Lender's success�rs and assigns} has �he r�ght: to exerc�se an�or a11 af those interes�s, �ncluding, bu� <br /> not limited to,�he righ�to fnreclase and sel��he Prop�r�y; and�o�ake any act�on required�f Lender including, but <br /> no�1im�ted tfl,releasing and canceling this Securit�r�ns�rument. <br /> _ BC�RR��TER CaVENANTS that Borrovver is �awfu�ly seised flf�he e��ate hereby conveyed and has�he righ�to <br /> grant and can�ey �he Prapex�y and �ha� �he Praper�y is unencumbered, excep� for encumbrances of record. <br /> Borro��r warrants and w�11 defend generaily the �i�le �o �he Proper�y agains� a�l clarms and demands, subject to <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> TH�S SECURITY INSTRUMEN�T combines unifarm cavenan�s for na�iona�use and non�-uniform co�enan�s with <br /> limi��d�ar�ations by jurisdiction to�onstitu�e a uniform securi�y ins�rument covering real prop�rty, <br /> UNIF�RM Ct]VENANTS.Borrower and L�nder co��nant and a�;ree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principa�,Interest, �Escraw Items,Prepayment�harges,and Lat�Charges.Borrawer <br /> sha11 pay wh�n due �he principal of, and interest on, th� debt evidenced by �he No�e and any <br /> prepayment charges and late charges du� under th� N�te. Barrower shall a�so pay funds for Es�ro�u <br /> ��ems pursuant to Sect�on 3. Payments due und�r�he N��e and this Secur��y Instrumen� shal�b�mad� <br /> in U.S. currency. Ho�v��er, if any check or ather�nstrumen�rec�ived by Lender as payrnent und�r the <br /> Note or �his S�cur�ty �nstrum�nt is returned ta Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any or all <br /> subsequent paym�n�s due under the No�� and�his Securi�y Instrument be made in one or mare of the <br /> follovving forms, as selec�ed by Lender: �a} cash; �b} money order; �c} �er�if ed check, bank check, <br /> �reasurer's cheGk or cash��r's check, pro�ided any such checl� is drav�rn upor� an ins�itutian whose <br /> deposi��are insured by a fed�ra�agency,instrumenta�ity,�r en�rty; or�d} E�ec�ronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Paymen�s are deemed recei�ed by Lender�h�n received a� �he location designated in the N�te or at <br /> such a�her 1o�atian as may be designa�ed by Lender in accordance wzth �he not�ce provisiflns �n <br /> Section �5. Lender may return any payment or par�ial paymen�if�he payrnen�or partia�paymen�s are <br /> �nsufficien��o bring the Laan current. Lender may accept any payrnen�or partial payment insuffici�nti <br /> �o bring the L�an current, wi�haut waiver of an� righ�� hereunder ar pre�udice to its r�gh�s to refuse <br /> such paymen�or part�al paymen�s �n�he future, but Lender is not ab�igated�� app�y such payments a� <br /> �he t�me such paym�n�s are accep��d. lf each P�ri�d�c Payment is applied as�f its schedul�d due da�e, <br /> then Lender need not pay inter�st �n unappli�d funds. Lender ma� hold such unapp�ied funds until <br /> Borraw�r makes paymen� t� bring �he Loan current. If Borrawer daes n�t do so wi�hin a reasonable <br /> period of tim�, Lender shal� ei�her apply such funds or r��urn�hem ta B�rrower. Zf nat applied earlier, <br /> such funds will be app�ied to the �u��tanding princ�pal balance under the Note immediately pr�or ta <br /> foreclosure. N� �ffset flr claim which Borro�ver might ha�e naw or zn�he fu�ure against Lender sha�l <br /> r�lieve Borrower from making paymen�s due under �he Note and this Security Instrumen� or <br /> performing the covenan�s and agreemEntis secured by�his S�curity�ns�rument. <br /> Zo App��cation of Payments o� Proceed�. Except as o�herw�se described in this Sec�ian 2, a11 paym�n�s <br /> accep�ed and app��ed by Lender shal� be applied in the foll�wing order of priority: �a} in�eres� due <br /> und�r �h� No�e; �b} princ�pa� duc under the N��e; �c} amoun�s due under Sec�ion 3. Such pa�ments <br /> sha1l he appl�ed��each Per�odic Payment in tih�order in which rt b�caxne due.Any remaining amounts <br /> shall be applied �rs�to Ia�e charges, second to any o�her amoun�s due under this Security�nstrumen�, <br /> and�hen�o reduce the princ�pal balan�e af the Nate. <br /> NES�SICA-S�ngte�amily-�'annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFURM INS'�'RCIiVIENT Form 3Q28 11UI <br /> 3 2�Q4-2�16 Cnmpliance Systems,Inc.9d I b3�i��-93dr�k Ob-2Q l 6.112.�.2 <br /> Single Fartiily Real Es#ate-Security Insfrument DL2Q�7 Page 3 of 1�1 www.compliancesystems.coni <br /> i., i[� i i��..: ;E i i ' I��I i;�.,I; � ii.:�41� ,�il I I�i �'€�!;� i:;i : ';;��I ;si �I <br /> ��II;I��l l�I��;��I��I:����II�II���I�I��[�:��I�_:{�������f!,����I�II���1113��II,�I,�������la�llli�����I���;��;;��I I��f�������,��;ll����ll E I I����I��3��i�����II <br /> * o L � f} 4 7 -- 8 $ � 't 8 8 2 0 {l 7 — � T 0 7' 'I 6 �- t}9 S 9 -- P U i� � l. C 2 '[ * <br />