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2� 1 ��4438 <br /> in v�ri��ng, hawe�er, that in�eres� sha�� be paid on the Funds. Lcnder shali gi�e to Borrow�r, w��haut <br /> charge,an annual acc4unt�ng af�he Funds as required by RESPA. <br /> If �here �s a surp�us of Funds he�d �n es�raw, as de�ned und�r RESPA, L�nder shall account to <br /> Barro�ver for the �XC�55 funds rn acc�rdance wi�h RESPA. If there is a shor�age ❑f Funds he�d in <br /> escrow, as d�f n�d und�r R�SPA, Lend�r sha��no�ify Borrnwer as required�y RESPA, and Borrower <br /> sha��pay to Lender�he amount ne��ssary �o mak� up the shor�age in accordance�vith RESPA, bu� �n <br /> no more�han 12 mQnth�y paymen�s. �.f�here is a deficiency of Funds held in cscrow, as def�ned under <br /> RESPA, Lender sha�l natify Borro�nr�r as required by RESPA, and Borr��ver sha�1 pay �a Lender the <br /> amoun� necessary �o make up �he deficiency in accordance with RESPA, but in no mor� than 1� <br /> month�y payments. <br /> Upon paymen�in full of all sums secured by�his Secur��y�ns�rument, Lender shall prompt�y ref.und to <br /> B�rrawer any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens.Borro�ver shall pay all�axes,assessrnen�s,charges,fines,and�mpos��ions a��ribu�ab�e <br /> �a the Pr�per�y which can at�ain pr�orxty over this Secur��y �nstrumen�, leasehold paym�n�s or ground <br /> ren�s on�he Proper�y, if any, and�ammunity Associati�n Dues,F�es, and Assessmen�s, if any. T�tihe <br /> ��tent�ha��hese i�ems are Escrflw Items, Barro�er sha11 pay th�m xn�he manner provided in Sec�ion <br /> 3. <br /> Borrawer shal� promptly discharg� any iien v�hi�h has pr�ority over this Securi�y Instrum�n� un�ess <br /> Borro�ver: �a} agrees �n wri�ing tt� the paymen� of�he �b�xga��an secur�d by �he Iien in a manner <br /> accep�able�o Lender,bu�only so long as Borrower is performing such agreemen�; �b}con�es�s th�lien <br /> �n good farth by, or defends against enfarcemen� of�he lien zn, �ega� proceedzngs which in Lender's <br /> opinion operat� �o preven�the enfor�ement of the Iien whi�e those proceedings are pending, but anly <br /> un�il suCh prac�ed�ngs are concluded; or �c� secures from �h� holder of �h� �ien an agreemen� <br /> sat�sfactory�a Lender subord�na��ng�he l�en�o th�s Secur�ty Instrumen�. �f Lender de�erm�nes�hat any <br /> par�of the Proper�y is sub�e�t to a l�en�rhi�h can at�ain pr��rity over this S�curi�y Instrumen�, Lender <br /> may gi�e B�rro�er a no�ice identifying the lien. �Vithin 1� days �f�he date �n�h�ch that n��ice is <br /> given, Barrawer sha�� sa�isfy the l�en or ta�e one or more of the actions set forth above in�hzs Sectian <br /> 4. <br /> Lender may require Barrower �o pay a one-�im.e charge for a real es�a�e tax verif�ca��on andlar <br /> repor�ing serv�ce used by Lender in connectian��th this L�an. <br /> �. Property Insurance. Borrower shal� kee� �he improvements now exis�in� ar hereafter erected on the <br /> Pr�per�y ir�sured agains��oss b�r �re, hazards included v�ri�hin �he �erm "ex�ended co��rage," and any <br /> o�her ha�ards in�luding, but no� ��mi�ed t�, earthquakes and flaodsy for which Lender r�quires <br /> insurance. Th�s insuran�� sha��be ma�n�a�ned in the amoun�s ��ncluding deduc�ible �evels} and for�he <br /> p�riods tha� Lender requires. �]L�ha� Lender requires pursuan� �o the preceding sen�ences can change <br /> durzng the �erm �f �he Loan. The insurance carr�er prflviding �h� �nsurance shal� be �hosen by <br /> Borrower sub�ec��Q Lender's righti to d�sappr�ve Borrovver's choice, wh�ch righ�shall not be exerc�s�d <br /> unreasor�abl�. Lender ma� require Borrower �o pay, in connec��an with this Loan, ei�her: �a) a <br /> ane--��me charge far flood zone de�ermination, c�r��f�ca�ian and track�ng serv�ces; or �b� a one-��me <br /> charge for flood zone determina��on and cer�ification s�rv�ces and subsequen� charges each time <br /> remappings or similar �hanges occur �r�.ich reasonably m�ght affect such determina�ion ar <br /> cer�if�ca�ion. Borraw�r sha�l a�so be responsible f�r the payment of any fees impos�d by th� Federal <br /> Em�rgency Management Agency in cannectian wi�h �he revxew of any flo�d zone determinatian <br /> resul�ing from an objec��on by Borra�ver. <br /> If Borrower fazls to rnain�azn any af�he coverag�s described abo�e, Lender may ob�a�n insurance <br /> coverage, a� Lender's flpt�an and Barro�er's expense. Lender is under no ob��gation �o purchase any <br /> par�icular type or amount of coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall caver L�nder, bu� might or <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiiy-Fa�n#e Mael�'reddie Mac LINIFURM I;�STRllM�NT Form 3428 il�l <br /> D 2Q04-2�16 Campiiance Systems,Inc.9d�h3d4�-93dc41�b-201�.1�2.�.2 <br /> Single I'amily Real Eslate-Securify Inslrumcnt DL�047 Page 5 of l� www,cvmplian�esystenis,cam <br /> �� I I�I II�� ;�I I ; I I:?s ��I '.:� I; E ;i IE :;�' `i� I II�j I I��r i..I i���� [',� I I ' ��;; �� <br /> ��I���I I I�f I I������I::l I���,I��I�ll�����f��,C i�l���I��;I���I�.��I��1���II,I�����..���I C Il:���fll��I�I I�f��I��I�����l l�I�I�;����i�ll���l��I I���I���I��<<����II��l���E <br /> * a �. aoG � -aso � ss � Qo7 - ornr � � � o9s � --� nw � �. c z � * <br />