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2� 1 ��4388 <br /> �R�S� �4LY�AT�RALxZATI�N. It is �he e�pressed �n�ent of �"rr-an�or t� cross collatera�ize aI� af its <br /> Indebtedness and obliga�ions to �ender, haws�e��r arising and �vhensoever incurred, excep� any obl�batian <br /> existing a�arising agains��he principa� dvve��ing of any Grantor. <br /> WARRANT�ES. Grantar, for itself, its heirs, p�rsona� representat��es, successors, and assians, repre��ents, <br /> warrants, covenants and agr�es vwith Lender, its successors and assigns,as fol�ows: <br /> Performance af �biigations. Grantar promises to perfQrm al� �erms, conditions, and co�enants of this <br /> 5ecurity Instrument and Related Docum�nts in accordance v�ith�he terms contained ther�in. <br /> Defen�e and Title t� ProPerty, At the time of executian and de�i�ery �f this ans�rument, Grantor is lawfully <br /> sei�ed of the estate hereby conveyed and has the exclusive right to mor�gabe, �rant, convey and assign the <br /> Properry. Crrantar covenants that the Pi�aperty is unencumbered and fre�of a�� �iens, except Far encumbrances <br /> of record acceptable to Lender. Further, Crantor covenants that Grantor wil� warrant and defend �en�rally <br /> the ti�le �o the Praperry a�ainst any and al� cla�ms and demands whatsaever, subj ect to the easements, <br /> res�rictions, o�- o�her encumbrances of record acceptable �o Lend�r, as may be 1is�ed in the schedu�e af <br /> excep��ons ta co�erage in any abstrac� of title nr �i��e insurance policy insuring Lender's interest �n the <br /> Proper�y. <br /> �ondi�ion of Property. �rantor pr�mises at all times to preserWe and to maintain �he Praperry and �very <br /> par� there�f in �oad repa�r, working arder, and condition and v�ili from time �o time, make a�l needfu� and <br /> proper repairs so that the value�f�he Proper�y shali not in any way be impaired. <br /> Remova� of any Part Qf the Property. Gran�ar pramises no� Ca remo�e any part of the Property fram i�s <br /> p�esen�location, except far r�placement, main��nance and relacatian �n th�ardinary course of business. <br /> A�teratians to the Pra�erty. Grantar promzses ta abstain from the commission of any waste on ar in <br /> connection v�i�h�he Praperty. Further, Grantor shal� make na ma��rial a�terations, addi�ians or improvements <br /> of any type �hatsae�er ta �he Property, rebard�ess of whether such alterations, addi�ions or impro�emen�s <br /> would �n�rease the value �f�he Praperry, nor perm�t anyone t� da so except for tenant �mpravemen�� and <br /> completi�n of items pursuan� �a apprc�ved pians and specif eations, v�vithaut Lender's priar �vritten consent, <br /> which cflnsen� may be withheld by Lender �n i�s sole discre�ion. �rantor urill comply with a1� �av�s and <br /> regulations of all publi� autho�ities having j urisdiction over�he Property �neluding, v�ithaut limitati�n, thase <br /> relating to the use, o�cupancy and maintenance thereof and shall upon request promptiy submit to LEnder <br /> e�idence of such��mp�iance. <br /> Due on Sa�e- Lender'S Cons�nt. Grantar sha��nat se�l, further encumber or o�herwise dispase af, except as <br /> herein provided, any ar aI� of its in�e:res� in any par� of or a�l of the Prop�rty �vi�hout first abtainin� the <br /> writ�en c�nsent of Lender. If any encumbrance, f�en, �ransfer or sale or agreement for these is created, <br /> Lender may declare immediately du�and pa�able,the en�ire ba�ance of the Indeb�edness. <br /> Znsurance. Grantor promises ta keep the Praperry �nsured aaains�such risks and in such form as may within <br /> the s�le discretion of Ler�der be acceptab�e, �ausing Lender to be named as loss payee ar if requested by <br /> Lender, as mort�agee. The insurance company shall be ch�sen by �rantor subje�t �o Lender's appr�val, <br /> which shall not be unreasonably wiChhe�d. All insurance po�icies must pro�id� that Lender wili �e� a <br /> minimum of 1 U days natice prior to canceliation. At Lencier's dis�re�ion, �rantor may be required ta produce <br /> receip�s of paid premiums and renev�►�ai policies. �f��an��r fails to obtain�he required covera�e, Lender may <br /> do sa at Grantflr's expense. �rantar her�eby directs each and every insure�of the Properry to make payment af <br /> loss tn Lender with th� pr�ceeds to be applied, anly at Lende�-'s op�ion, �o the r�pair and replacement of the <br /> damage or lass ar ta be applied�o the Zndebtedness wi�h the surplus, if any,to be paid by Lender�a Grantor. <br /> Payment af Taxes and �ther A�p�icab�e Charges. Grantor pramises to pay and to drscharbe liens, <br /> encumbrances, taxes, assessmen�s, ieas�payments and any other charges relat�ng to the Proper�v�hen le�ied <br /> or assessed a�ains��rantor or the Praperty. <br /> �nv�ronmen�al Lavvs and Hazardous or Tox�c IV�a�erials. Gran�or and every tenan� have been, are <br /> presently and shall cont�nue ta be in strict campliance �ith any applicable local, s�ate and federal <br /> en�ironmental �aws and regulations. Further, nei�her Gran�or nor any tenan�sha�l manufacture, s��re, handle, <br /> discharae or dispose of hazard�us or �oxic ma�eriais as may be defned by any state or federal law on the <br /> Praperty, except ta the exten� the existen�e of such materials has been presen�ly d�sclosed in rn�riting �o <br /> Lender. �rantar will immediately natify Lender in wri�ing�f any assertian�r c�aim made by any parry as ta <br /> �he po�sible violati�n of app�icab�e state and federai en�ironmer�ta� laws including the �oca�ion of any <br /> hazard�us ar taxic materials on or abou�the Prtiperty. Grantor indemnifies and holds Lender harmless f.rom, <br /> withou� limitatian, ar�y �iab��ity ar expense of v�hatsoe�er na�ure incurred direct�y or indirectly out of a� in <br /> ��nnection wi�h: �a}any env�ronmenta� laws affecting aI� ar any part of�he Prop�rfiy ar�rantar; (b} the pas�, <br /> presen� or future exis�ence �f any hazardous materia�s in, �n, under, about, flr emana�ing fram or passing <br /> through �he Praperry ar any part thereaf or any prQper�y adj acent �hereto; �c} any past, pr�sent or f��ture <br /> hazardous activity at or in connectian �vi�h the Proper� or any par� �hereof; and �d� the noncomp�iance by <br /> Gran��r ar�rantor's failure to comply fully and timely with environmental laws, <br /> Financial znfarmatiari. Grantor a�rees to supply Lender such f nancial and o�her informa�ion concerninb its <br /> affairs and the sta�us of any of �ts assets as Lender, fram time to �ime, may reasonably reauest. Cr�rntor <br /> further agrees to pez•mit Lender to �erify accaunts as weli as �o inspec�, copy and to exam�ne �he ba�ks, <br /> records and files of Grantor. <br /> �?00�-2C�15 Cvn�piiance.S}�atenis,Inc:.d$F'�-C6A-�-2Q 15.1 E..i.l�?S <br /> CammcrG':ai R�al Estat�Securicy Inytrurzyent-DL�}�0? Page 2 vf5 tivww.campliancesy5� <br />