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<br /> Hame Federa�Sa�ings& Loan Assticiat�an�f �3orne Federal Savings& Loan Association of
<br /> Grand Island Grand Is�and
<br /> 221 Sou�h Locust S�re�t �2I. Sou�h Locust Street
<br /> GRAND ISLAND, NE 688�1 �RAND ISLAND, N E 688D�
<br /> �Spa�e Ab�ve This Line For Recording Data}
<br /> C�MM�R�IAL .R�AI� �STAT� D��13 ��` TR�[JST
<br /> This C�MMER�IAL REAL ESTATE D�ED �F TRUST �"S�curi�y �ns�rument"� is made on Ju�y �3, 2�I6 by
<br /> �he �ran�or�s� RIEF D.�VEL[3PMENT, L.L.�., a Nebraska Limi�ed Liabzlity Company, v�hase address is 7�5
<br /> N We�� Road, �RAND �SLAND, Nebraska �5843 �"Gran�or"�. The �rus�ee is Arend R. Baack, Attorney
<br /> vWhose address rs P.�. Box 79D, �rand �sIan�, Nebraska 68802 �"Trus�ee"}. The benef ciary is Home Federai
<br /> Savings & Loan Assoeiation of �rand Is�and vvhose address is �Z1 South Locust S�r�et, Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska GSH01 �"Lender"}, which �s oraan�z�d and exis�in� under �he Iaws of the Un�t�d States of A�n�rica.
<br /> Gran��r in considerat�on of l�ans extended b� Lender up �� a maximum prir�cipal amaunt of Fiv� �Iundred
<br /> Se�enteen Thousand Three Hundred and UU1140 DolIars �U.S. $517,3�U.OU� �"Maximum Principal
<br /> �ndebtedness"}, and far o�her �aluabie cQnsidera�ion, the receip� of which is ackn�v�ledged, �rre�ocably gran�s,
<br /> con�eys and assigns to Trus�ee, in �rus�, wi�h power of sale, the foltovvinb described prnp�rty lacated in fihe
<br /> ��UNTY of HAL L, State af Nebra�ka:
<br /> Address: 6�7 V� l.3th St, 1.204 Vw ��h S�, �12 N '�'Va�hing�on S�, �5�.5 W Anna St, S�l4 N Washingtan S�,
<br /> �314 W Nor�h Frant St, 15II N Eddy St, 11I � B�a�ne St, 14U9 W �.st St and 42Z tiVhite Ave, GRAND
<br /> ISLAND,Nebraska 688�1
<br /> Le�al Description: See Attached Exhi�it A
<br /> T�gether with aIl easemen�s, appurtenances abut�ing s�ree�s and alleys, impro�ements, buxldings, f x�ur�s,
<br /> ter��ments, h�redi�amen�s, eauipm�nt, rents, incame, pr�fits and ro�alties, personal goods of whate�er d�scrrp�ian
<br /> and al� other ri�hts and �ri�ile�es inc�uding al� minera�s, oil, gas, water �whether groundwater, suhterranean fl�-
<br /> athervvise�, wat�r ri�hts ��vhether riparian, appr�priate or�th�rwise, and whe�her or n��appurtenant to the aba�e-
<br /> des�r�bed real properiy�, we�ls, we�l permits, ditch�s, ditch righfis, reser�o�rs, r�ser�oir ri�hts, reserW�ir sites,
<br /> stora�,e ribh�s, dams and �rater s�ock �hat may nnvv, �r a� any time in �he future, be located on andlar used in
<br /> connection wi�h the abo�e-descr�bed real proper�, payrn.�n� a�vards, am�un�s received from eminent domain,
<br /> amounts r�c�i�ed fr�m any and alI insurance�aymen�s,and timber which may now or Iater be Iocated, situated, or
<br /> aff xed on and used in cannection therewith�here�nafter called the "Praperty"}.
<br /> RELATED D�CCJMEI�TS. The vvards "R.e�ated Do�umen�s" mean aI� promis�or� notes, securi�ry agreerr�en�s,
<br /> prior mar��ages, priar deeds of trus�, prior deeds to s��ure deb�, �U5InE5S �oan agre�ments, �ons�ru���an loan
<br /> agreements, resoiutions, guaran�ies, environm��tal aareemen��, subordination �.breemen�s, assi�nmen�s of leas�s
<br /> and ren�s and any o�her dacument� ar abreemen�s e�ecuted �n connection �vi�h �his Inde��edness and S�curity
<br /> �nstrum�nt,v�hether now or hereafter exist�n�, �n��udinb any rnod�fcatians,extens�ons,subs�itu�ions or renewals of
<br /> any of the far�going. The Re�ated Documents ar� hereby made a par� af this Secur�ty �ns�z-umen� by r�fer�n�e
<br /> there��,with�he same force an�i eff�c�as if fu��y set for�h herein.
<br /> �NDEBTEDN`ESS. This Security Ins�rument secures�he principal amounf shown abo��as may be e�id�n�ed by a
<br /> prom�ss�ry not� or no�es of�ven, prior or subsequent date here�o, including future ad�ances and e�ery other
<br /> �ndeb�edness of any and every kind n�w or h�reaf�er avvinb from RIEF DEVEL�PMENT, L.L.C. to Home
<br /> F'ederai Sa��ngs & Loan Assoc�ation of Grand �sland, hov�rsoe�er crea�ed or arising, whe�her primary,
<br /> secondary or continbent, together v���h any in�eres� �r �harges pra�ided �n or arising out of such indebtedn�ss, as
<br /> well as the agreemen�s and cor�enants t�f �his Se�ur�ty �ns�rumen� and alI Re�ated Dacuments �hereinafter all
<br /> referred tQ as the "Indebtedness"�.
<br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. To fihe extent permi�ted by law, �h�s Securit� Instrume�a�will secure future ad�ances as if
<br /> su�h ad�ances were made an fihe da�e af this 5e�urity Ins�rurr��nt re�ardless of the fact that from time to time th�re
<br /> may be no balance due under�he na�e and re�ar�Iless af whether Lender is ab�iba�ed to make such future ad�ances.
<br /> {�?��4-20]5 Campli�nce Systcros.[nc.GBF�-C6A4-20�5.I 1.3.t�25 .
<br /> C�mmercial Real Estatc Se�urity lnstrutnent-�L4�07 �'a�e 1 af 5 �v�ti�v.can3pliancesystems.com
<br />