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2� 1 ��4388 <br /> Lender's Right�a Enter. Lender or Len��r`s abents shal�have�he ri�ht and access to znspect the Proper�y at <br /> all reasonable �imes in arder �� at�end �� Lender's interesfis and ensure compliance with �he t�rms of this <br /> 5ecuri�y �nstrument. If the Prope�-t�y, or any part thereaf, shail require inspectian, repair or maintenanc� <br /> which Gran�or has failed to proWide, Lend�r, after reasonable notice, may enter u�on the Pr�p�rry�a effect <br /> such �bli�ati�n; and �he cost th�reaf shali be added to the Indebtedness and paid �n Lender's demand by <br /> Grantor. <br /> ASSIGNMENT �F LEA�ES AND RENTS. As additiona� se�urity f�r�he paymen�of�he Indebtedness and the <br /> performance of�he co�enan�s Con�ained herei�, Gran�or hereby assigns and �ransfers a��r �� Lender a�l ren�s, <br /> incame and profits ("Ren�s"3 under any presen� ar fu�ur� iease�, subleases or 1�c�nses �f the Pr�per�y, inc�uding <br /> any buaran�ies, ex�ensiQns, amendnnen�s or ren�vva�s �hereof, from th� use af�h� Properry. So Iong as Gran��r is <br /> n�� in default, �rantor nnay recei��, co�le��and enj�y al� Rents accru�ng from the Property, bu�no�more�han one <br /> man�h in adWance of�h� due date. Lender may also require �rantor, tenant and any other user of�h� Pr�p�r�y to <br /> make paymen�s of Rents d�rectly to Lender. Hnav��er,hy r�ecei�ing any such payments,Len�er is no�,and sha��nat <br /> be�onsidered, an agent for any party or entity. Any amaunts c�llec�ed may, a�Lender's s�l�discre�ion, be appl�ed <br /> �a pro�ect Lender's interes� in the Pr�per�y, inciudina but n�t limi�ed �o the paym�n� �f �axes and i�surance <br /> prem�urns and to �he �ndeb�edness. A� Lender's sole discre�ion, al� �eases, �ubleases and Iicenses rnust f rst be <br /> approved by Lender. <br /> C�NDEN�NAT���C. ��-antor sha�l a�v� Lender nat�ce of any ac�ion taken ar threa�ened ta b�taken by pr��a�e �r <br /> pubi�c ent�ties�a appr�pria�e th� Praperty or any par��her�af,�hrouah condemnation,eminen�dnmain or any other <br /> ac�ion. Further, Lender shail be permit�ed�o par�ic�pa�e or in��r�ene �n any nf the above d�s�ribed proceeding� in <br /> any manner it shall at its sale discre�ion dete�rmine. Lender is herehy giv�n fu�l power, right and autharity to <br /> receive and receipt for any and a�l dama;es awarded as a resu�t�f the full or par�ial taking or apprapr�a�ian and in <br /> its soI� discretion, to apply said award� �o �he �ndebtedn�ss, whether ar not then due or otherwise in accordance <br /> wvith applicabie �aw. Unless Lender othervv�se agrees in �ri�in;, any appli�a�iar� af proceeds to the Indebtedness <br /> shall nat extend or postpone �he du� da�e of�he paymen�s due under the Indebtedness or chang� the amount �f <br /> such payments. <br /> GRANTQR'S ASSURAN�ES. At any time, upan a request of Lend�r, Gran�or v�ill execu�e and deii�er to <br /> Lender, and �f app�-apriate, cause to be record�d, su�h further mor�ga�es, assignm�nts, assi���nts of l�a�es and <br /> rents, se�uri�y a�re�ments, pledges, f nan�ing sta�emer��ss or such o�her doc��m�nt as Lender may require, in <br /> Lender's sole discretzon, �o effectua�e, comple�e and�o perfec�as wel� as to cont�nue to preser��the �ndeb�edness, <br /> or�he Iien or se�urity in�erest created by this Se�urity�ns�rument. <br /> ATT[]RNEY-IN-�"ACT. Gran�nr app��nts Lend�r as at�orn�y-in�fact on b�half of�rantor. �f Gran�or fai�s to <br /> fulf Il any of �rant�r's �bligations under this Secu�ity �nstru�men� or any Related Dacuments, inc�uding thos� <br /> �b�i�ations men�ioned in the preceding paragraph, Lend�r as a�torney-in-fac� r�nay fulf II th� �bligatians w��hout <br /> notice to Grantor.This pav�er af at�nrney shali no�b�aff�c��d by th�disabi�ity�f th��ranto�. <br /> EVENTS �F D�FAULT. T�e foilowinb e�ents shall consti�u�e default under this Secur�ty Ins�rument �each an <br /> "E�en�af Default"�: <br /> �a} Failure to make r��u�red paymen�s when due under�ndebtedness; <br /> �b� Failure �a p�rfo�-�n ar keep any of�he covenan�s of this Securi�y Instrument �r a default under any of <br /> the Re lated Dacumen�s; <br /> �c} Th� mak�ng of any oral or �r�tten stat�ment or assertion �a Lender that is false ar �isleading in any <br /> materiai respec�by Gran�or or any person ablibafied on fihe Indebtedness; <br /> �d} The death, dissoiution, insoI�en�y, bankruptcy ar recei�ership proceedina of Granti�r or af any person <br /> or enti�y obligated on the �ndeb�edness; <br /> �e� Any assianment by Granfior for the benefit of�ran�or's creditars; <br /> �#� A material ad�erse chan;e occurs in the finanG�al condition, ownership or mana�ement of�ran�or or <br /> any person ob 1 igat�d on the �ndebtedness;or <br /> ��� Lender deems itse�f for any reason�hatsoever. <br /> � <br /> REMED�ES �N BEFAULT. Upon �he accurrenc� o� an EWent of Default, Lender may, without d�mand or <br /> no��ce, pay any or all taxes, assessn�ents,prem��rns, and ��ens required to be paid �y Grantor, effec�an}� in�urance <br /> provided for herein, nr�ake su�h repairs, cause�he abs�racts of tit�e or titie insurance policy and tax historie� of�h� <br /> Prope�-ty to be cer�ified �o date, ar procure ne� abstrac�s of tit�e �r tit�� insurance and tax hist�ri�s �n case none <br /> v�ere furnished t� it, and pracure �itle repor�s ca�erinb�he Property, including sur��ys. The amounts paid far any <br /> such purposes will be added�o th� �ndebtedness and will bear interest a��h�ra�e�f zn�er�st otherwise accruin�on <br /> �he �ndebtedness until paid. �n the event of f�rec�osure, the abstracts of�i�Ie �r titie �nsurance shal� b��om� �he <br /> property of Lend�r. AlI abstrac�s of���Ie, �itle �nsurance, �ax h�s�ories, surveys, and a�her documents p�r�aining fa <br /> the Ind�btedness vviil remain in Lender's possess��n unt�I the �ndeb�edness is paid in fuil. <br /> �N THE EVENT aF THE SALE�F TI-�IS PR�]PERTY UNDER T�E PR�CEDLIRE F�R F�R.E�L�SURE UF <br /> A SECURITY INSTRUNIENT BY ADVERT�S�MENT,AS PR�VZDED BY APPL��ABL�LA�, QR IN THE <br /> E�ENT LENDER E�ERC�5�5 �TS R��HTS UNDER THE ASSIGNMENT �F LEASES AND RENTS, THE <br /> LENI3ER SHALL PR�VIDE ALL STAT[JT�R.�LY REQU�RED N�T�CES C)F SALE A�D N�T�CES �F <br /> JUDI�IAL HEARINGS BEF�RE LEND�R EXERC�SES ANY �F ITS RZGHTS UNDER T�IS <br /> INSTRUMENT. <br /> Upon the accurrence of an Event of Defau��, L�r�der may, wi�hou�noti�e unless re�uired by law, and at its o��ion, <br /> declare the entire Indeb�edness due and payable, as it may el�ct, regardIess af�he date�r dates af maturity thereof <br /> and, if permitted by state Iaw, is authari2ed and empower�d�o�ause the Proper�y�� be sold at puhlic au���on, and <br /> �24�4-ZD!5 Camp[ianc�Systerns,Inc,d8F9-CbA4-2�15.11.3.i�25 <br /> Commercial Re:al Estate Sec�irity[nstrument-DL4�a7 Pag�3 of S www, <br />