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2� 1 ��4241 <br /> M�F�T�A�� <br /> L�ar� Nv: ���v���� ��t���ir�u�d} �� e � <br /> � <br /> within thir�y �3�} days; or �2} if the cur� r�quires more than thirty �30} days, immedfately initiates steps which <br /> Lender deems �n Lender's sole discretion tv be su�f cient to �ure the defauft and thereaf�e�- continues and <br /> completes a!I reasonable and necessary s�eps sufficient to praduce compliance as soon as reasanably pract�caf. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMED�ES(]N DEFAULT. Upan th� vccurrence❑�an E�ent vf Defau�t and at any time thereafter, Lender, <br /> � at Lender's opt�on, may exercis�any one or more vf the fvflowing rights and remedies, in addi#ion ta an other ri h�s ar <br />,. <br /> � remedies pro�ided by law: y g <br /> Acce�erate Indebtedness. Lendet-shall ha�e the �-ight at i#s opfion to declare �h� �ntire lndebtedness immediatel <br /> due and a ab�e, includin an y <br /> � Y g y prepaymen�penafty that Barrower would be required to pay. <br />�v;� UCC Remedies. With r�spect ta afl or any par� ❑f the Personaf Prflperty, Lender shall ha�e all th� ri hts and <br /> r�medies of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code. g <br /> Coi�ect Ren#s. Lender shall have #he �ight, without notice to gorrower or Grantvr, to take ossessian o�F the <br />�` Property and cvllect the Rents, includ�n amot�n�s � <br />'��`� g past due and unpaid, and apply �he ne# proc�eds, o�er and <br />,�:::I <br /> aba�e Lend�r's �os�s, a�ainst the Indebtedness. �n �ur�herance a� #his right, Lender may require any tenan� vr <br /> a�her us�r vf the Prvper�y to make payments of rent or use fees d�re�tly fo Lender. If�he Rents are cvllected by <br />_ Lender, �hen Gran�or irre�ocabfy desi�nates Lender as Granto�-'s attorney-in-fa��to endorse ins�ruments received in <br /> paymen�the�evf in�he name o�Grantor and ta negotia�e�he same and cvliect the prviceeds. }'aymen�s k�y tenan�s <br /> or a�h�r users tv L�nder in �esponse to Lender's demand sha�l sat�sfy the obligations far which the payments are <br /> made, whe�her or no# any proper grounds for the d�mand exisfed. Lender may exe�c�se its rights under this <br /> subparagraph either in person, by agent, or thr�ough a receiver. <br /> Appa�nt Recei►►er. Lender shalf ha�e�he righf to haue a �ecei�er appnin�ed t�tak� possess�fln of a�f or any part vf <br /> the Proper�y, w�fih the pvwer ta protect and pr�serve the Property,fo❑p�rate�he Pro�aerty precedEng f�reclosu�-e ar <br /> sale, and to �vliec� the Rents from the Property and apply �he proceeds, oWer and abo�e the cost of the <br /> recei�ership, against the fndebtedness. The recei�er may serve withvut bond if permitted by law. Lende�-'s right <br /> �o the appvintment of a recei�er shall �xist whe#he�- or not the apparen� �alue ofi the Properfiy exceeds the <br /> lndeb�edness by a substanfial amount. Employment by Lender shali nvt disquali�y a person from serving as a <br /> recei�er. <br /> Judicial Fvreclosure. Lender may vbfain a judicial decree forsclosing Grantar`s in�e�est in all or any par� ofi the <br /> Prvperty. <br /> Nonjudic�a� Saie. If permi�ted by applicable�aw, Lender may fvreclose �rantor's �ntsrest in all or in any part of the <br /> Personal Praper�y or the R�ai Proper�y by non judicial sale. <br /> Deficien�y Judgment. �f permFtted by appiicahle law, Lend��may ob#ain a judgment for any deficiency rema�ning in <br /> the Indebt�dness due�a Lender af�er application of a�l amaunfs �-eceived�rom �he ex�rcise af the rights pro��ded in <br /> this sect�on. <br /> Tenan�y a� Suiferance. If Grantvr remains in possession vf�he Prvperty after #he Property is sold as pro�ided <br /> abo�e �r Lender otherwise b�comes entitf�d tv pvssess�an of the Praper�y upon default ❑f Borrower ar Grantvr, <br /> Grantor shaf� become a tenant a# suiferance af Lender or the purchaser ❑f �he Praperty and shall, at Lender`s <br /> �ption, either �'I} pay a reasanable rental fvr fihe use o��he Proper�y, or �2} �aca�e �he Prop��y �mmedia�eiy <br /> u�on�he demand of Lender. <br /> ��her Remedie�. Lender shall ha�e all ather rights and rem�dies prvvided in�his Martgage or the Nvte or a�aiiabfe <br /> at!aw or in equity. <br /> Sale vf'#he Prvperty, To �he extent pe�mitted by applicable iaw, Borrower and Grantvr hereby wai�e any and ali <br /> r�ght tv ha���he Property marshalled. �n exercising its rights and remedies, Lender shafl be fr�e tv sell all or any <br /> par�o�the Praperty tog�ther or separately, in one sale or by separa�� sales. Lender shali be ent�tl�d to bid afi any <br /> pubf�c sa�e on ali o�-any partion of the Proper�y. <br /> Not��e o�Sale. Lender shall gi�e Grantor reasonable no�ice af the time and pfac�vf any public sale o��he Persona� <br /> Prope�ty or v�th� tim� after wh�ch any pri�ate safe or other infended disposition o��he Personaf P�-ope�ty is fo be <br /> mad�. Reasvnable no#ice shall mean notice gi��n a� least ten (1 D}days before the time vf the sale or disposi�ion. • <br /> An�sale of�he Persona� Properky may be made in conjunctfon with any sale of the Rea! Prape�ty. <br /> Ele�tivn vt Remedies. Elect€on by Lende�fv pursue any remedy shal� not exclude pu�-sui#v�any o�h�r remedy, and <br /> an efect�on to make expenditures or to �ake activr� �o perfarm an obligativn of Gran�o�-under th�s 1Vlortgage, ai�er <br /> Grantor`s failure ta pe�fiorm, shaff not affec� Lender`s right to declare a defaulfi and sxercise its remedies. Nflth�ng <br /> under this Mvrtgage or o�herw�se shafl be construed so as to �imit or r�s�ric��he rights and remedies availabl� to <br /> Lender following an E�ent of Defau�t, or in ar�y way to limi� or resfirict the righfis and ability of Lender ta proceed <br /> directly against�rantar andlvr 8vrrower andl��against any other co-maker, guarantor, sursty or endarser andlor tv <br /> proceed against any o�her c�llateral d�re�tly vr indirectly securing the lnd�bfiedness. <br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. !f Lend�r ins�itu��s any suit or act�an tv enfor�e any af�he terms of this Mor�gage, <br /> Lender sha�! be ent�#led to reco��r such sum as the court may adJudge reasonable �s attorneys' fees af tr�a� and <br /> upan any appeaf. Vllhether or not any cou�t ac�i�n is in�oi�ed, and tv #he exten# nvt prahibi�ed by law, al� <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lend�r's opinion are necessary at any time fnr the pro�ec�ion of its <br /> infi�rest or�he enfflrcement vfi i�s rights shall becorr-ie a p�r�of�he Indebtedness payabl�on demand and sha�f bear <br />