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2� 1 ��4241 <br /> �I�F�T�A�E <br /> L�an N�: °1?`DI]���� �o�tinU�d <br /> [ � ���e � <br /> intere�f at the Nate ra�e�rom the da#e o�the�xpend€ture un�i1 repaid. Expenses co�ered by this pa�agraph include, <br /> w�thout I�mitation, howe�er subJec�tv any limits under appli�able law, Lender's atto�neys'f�es and Lender`s legai <br /> expenses, whether or not there �s a lawsuit, in�luding attvrneys' fees and expens�s f�r bankru tc <br /> {including effvrts tv modify vr�acat�an automatic sta ar in unc��on a p Y i��'oCeedings <br /> Y Y 1 }, ppeais, and any anticipated post judgment <br />;' callec#ian s��vices, the cost o�s�ar�hing recards, abtaining fiitle repor�s �inciuding foreclosure re or�s surve ors' <br />��'` p �� Y <br />°- ° repor�s, and appraisal fees and ti#le insurance,fio�he extent permitted by applicable 1aw. Grantor afso wi11 pay any <br />�::_.;:� <br />'�::::� cour�costs, in addition�o all other sums provided by law. <br /> i: � <br />�;y::; N�TICES. Any notice required to be given under this Mvr�gage, inc�uding withvut limi�ation an not' <br />'��� any nv#ice of saie sha�l be gi�en in writing, and sha�l he effec#i�e when actualf deli�ered rrvh n a�tu ������ault and <br />���`� te��facsimife �unl�ss otherwise required by law}, when deposi#ed with a nativn if reco n�zed ❑�erni ht�caec�iW�d by <br /> s � Y g g ur�er, ar, �f <br />`�:;' mailed, when depvsified �n�he United States mai�, as first class, ce�tified or registered mail posfa e re aid directed to <br />`��� the addresses shown near th� beginning of fihis Mvrtgage. Ali cvpies v�no�ices af f�recfasur� f�ram the holder v�F an <br />{;,:; y <br />��;<�: <br />;��;: Iien which has priori�y over �his Mottgage shall be s�n� �a Lend�r's address, as shawn near th� beginning o� this <br />'�=` 1Vlor�gage. Any pa�ky may chang� its address far notices under this Mortgag� by g���n forma( wri#t�n notice t <br /> 1'�"` 9 o th� <br />'=:'� other parties, specifying that th� purpase of th� notice is to change the party's address. Fvr notice purposes, Grantor <br /> agre�s to keep Lender informed at al�#imes v�F�rantar's current address. Unless�thenrv�se pro�ided or required by law, <br /> if there �s more than nne Gran�or, any natice gi�en by Lender to any Grantvr is deemed tv be notice ' <br /> Grantors. <br /> g��en fia a!f <br />; NlISCELLANE�US PR�VISf�NS. The foflowing m�scelfaneaus pro�isions a�-e a par�of this Mvrtgage: <br /> Amendm�nts. This iVlo�tgage, tvgether with arry Re�a��d Dacumen#s, canst�tutes the entir� understanding and <br /> agreement vf #he par��es as �#o the matte�-s s�t fo�th in �his Mortgage. No al��rativn v� or amendm�nt to �his <br /> Mor�gage shali be effecti�e unless gi�en in writing and signed by th� party ar parties sought tv b� charged or <br /> bvund by th�altera�ion �r amendmenfi. <br /> Annua� Reports. If the Proper#y is used far purpases other than Gran�ar's r�sidence, Gran#vr shal( furnish to <br /> Lender, upvn request, a certified sta�emenfi of net operating �ncome recei�ed from th� Prvper#y during �rantor's <br /> p����ous fscal year in such form and detai! as Lender shal! r�quire. "Net operating incame" shal! mean afl cash <br /> receipts from the Property less a(I cash expenditures made in cannec#ion with the operativn o�the P�vper�y. <br />�� Capti�n Headings. Captivn headings in th�s Mortgage are for convenience purpases only and are nvt to be used tv <br /> �nt�rpr�t or define the prv�isions of this Mor�gage. <br /> Applica�le Law. The Loan secured by �his l�en was made under a United States Sma�! Business Administrativn <br /> {SBA� na�ionwide program which use�tax dollars�o assis#small business owners. If the �ni�ed 5�a�es is seeking <br /> �v en�vrce th�s documen�, then under SBA regu�ations� €a}INhen SBA�s the holder of the Note,this do�ument and <br /> all dvcuments e�idencing or securing this Lvan wiii be construed in acCordance wi�h federal law. �b} Lender ❑r <br /> SBA may use �ocal or state pracedures for purposes su�h as filing papers, re�ord�ng do�uments, g�ving no#ice, <br /> f�reclvsing i�ens, and other pu�rposes. By using these procedures, SBA daes no#wai�e any federa� immuni�y from <br /> lvcal or s�ate control, penalty, tax or liabi�ity. No Borrawer or Guarantor may claim or asse�t aga�nst SBA any Iocal <br /> or state law tv deny any vbliga�ion v�Borr�ower, ❑r defea�any�laim of SBA w��h respect to�his Loan. Any clause <br /> in �h�s document requiring arbitration is not enforceable when SBA �s �he ho�der of �he No�e secured by th�s <br /> �nstrument. <br /> �hoi�e af Venue. !�F#here is a lawsui�, Grantor agrees up�n Lender's r�quest fo submit �o the jurisdiction of�h� <br /> Gaurts of 5alt Lake County, Stat�v�Utah. <br /> Jvint and Se►reral Liabil��y. All abligations vf gorrower and Grantor under�h�s Mortgage shafl be jaint and s�veral, <br /> and af! references tv Grantor shall mean each and euery Grantor, and afl references to Barrower shaif inean each <br /> and e�ery Borrnwer. This means that each Grantor signing below is responsi�le for afl o�i�ga�ians En�his Mo�tgage. <br /> No VI1a��er by Lender. Lender shalf nvt b� deemed ta ha�e wai�ed any righfis und�r this Mvr�gage unless such <br /> wai�er is gi�en �n writing and signed by Lender. Na d�lay or vmission vn�he par�o�Lender in exercising any r�ght <br /> shafi operafie as a wai��r vf�uch right or any o�her righ�. A wai�er by Lender o�a prv��sion af this Mvr�gage shall <br /> no#prejudice or constitute a wai�er of L�nde�-'s right otherwise to demand strict cam�aliance with tha�pravision or <br /> any other pra�ision of#his Mvrkgage. N❑ priar wai�er by Lender, nor any course of dea�ing befinreen Lender and <br /> Grantar, shall constitute a wai�er of any v# Lender's r�ghts ar v� any o� Grantvr`s c�bligations as ta any fu�ure <br /> transact�ans. VVhen��er the consent v� Lender is �e uired under#his Mar� a e, <br /> q g g the granting af such consent by <br /> Lender in any instanc� shali no� constitu�e con#inuing cvnsent to subsequen# instances where such cansent is <br /> required and �n all cases such cvnsent may he grant�d ar withheld in the sale dis�retion of Lender. <br /> 5e�e�abii�ty. !f a cou� of c�mpe�en� jurisdiction finds any prvvisivn of this M�r�gage to be il��gal, in�alid, or <br /> unenfvr�eable as fa any person or cir�ums�an�e, #hat f nding shall nofi make#he offending prv�ision i(legaf, in�alid, <br /> ar unen�'orceable as tv any vther person or circurn�tance. If f�asible, the vffending pra��sion shall be considered <br /> modifed so tha# it becomes legaf, �alid and enfo�-ceable. !f�he vffending prv��sivn cannot be so modifed, i� shalf <br /> be cansidered deiet�d fram �his Mvr�gage. Unless othen�v�se required by law, the �llegal��y, invalid�ty, or <br /> unen�arceab���ty of any prv�ision ���his Mor�gag�shal� no�af�ect the legali�y, �aiidity or enfvr�eab�lify a�any other <br /> prvvis�on vf�his Mvr�gage. <br /> Nlerger. There shall be nv merger vf�he interesf vr es�ate created by this Mot�gage with any other interest or <br />