2� 1 ��4241
<br /> M�RT�A�E
<br /> L�ar� �o: �������� ��r�r�ti�ued� �� e �
<br /> �
<br /> �vr and in the name o�Gran�vr and at Grantor`s expense. For such purposes, �ran�or hereby ir�-e�ocably appvints
<br /> Lender as�rantor's attorney-in-�a�t�vr�he purpose a�making, exe�u�ing, dei��er�ng,filing, recording,and dving al!
<br /> �ther things as may b� ne�essary or desiral�le, �n Lender's s�le o�inion, tv aCcomplish the mat�e�-s refe�-red to in
<br /> � �he preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�#�MANCE, If Bvrrow�r and Grantvr pay all �he Indebtedn�ss when du�, and Grantor othenrvise per�orms al�
<br />: �he obl�ga#�ans fmposed upon Grantor under this Mvr�gage, Lende� shall exscute and deli�er to Gran��r a suitable
<br /> satisfact�on v� this Mortgage and su�table statsments vf �ermina��on of any financing statement vn file evidencing
<br /> Lender's security in�erest in�he Rents and the Pers�nal Pr�pe�ty. Grantar wi�f pay, if p�rm��ted �y applicab�e iaw, any
<br /> reasonabfe�erm�nat�an f�e as determ�ned by Lender from�ime ta#im�,
<br /> EVENTS QF DEFAULT. Each of �he fnllow�ng, a� Lender's option, shall constitute an Event vf Default under this
<br /> Martgage,
<br /> � Payment Default. Bvrrower fails to make any payment when du�under�he lndebtedness.
<br /> ;
<br /> Default on C�ther�ayments. Failure�f Grantflr with�n�he tim� requir�d by this Mortgage tv make an a ment for
<br /> �ax�s or insurance, or any vther paym�nt necessary#o pre�ent fiiing��or�o efFec�d�scharge of an fien. y
<br /> v
<br /> �ther �efaults. Borrower ar �rantvr fa��s to �omply with or fo perForm any o#her t�rm, obligati�n, co�enan� or
<br /> condi#�on contained in this Mv�tgage or�n any❑f the �elated Do�umen�s or tv comp�y w�#h or to perform any t�rm,
<br /> ok�liga#ion, co�enanf�r condit�vn contained in any ather agreement between Lender and Borrower or Grantor.
<br /> De�au�� in Fa►►or o� Th�rd Parties. 5houfd Bo�-rvw�r or any G�-antor de#aul� under any Ioan, ex�ension o� credit,
<br /> secur�ty agreement, pur�hase or sa�es agreernen�, or any other agreemen�, �n �a�or v�any oth�r creditor vr person
<br /> tha� may ma#erialiy afFect any vf Borrvwe�'s vr any Grantor's prape�ty or Bvrrower's abiiity fo repay the
<br /> lndelatedness or Bvrrvwer's or Granto�-'s ability to per�orm fiheir respecti�e obligativns under this Mo�tgage or any
<br /> of the Related Documents.
<br /> Fa�se S�atements. Any warran�y, representation or statement made or furnished tv Lender by Borrvwer or Gran#ar
<br /> o�-on Borrower s ar Grantor s behalf under this Mortgage or�h� R�lated Dvcumen�s is faise or misleading in any
<br /> m�terial respect, e�ther naw or at the #ime made or furnished or b�comes �alse or misleadfng at any time
<br /> #herea�ter.
<br /> De#ec#i�e Cal�ateral�zation. This Mortgage or any vf the #�eia�ed Documenfis ceases ta be in fu�l �vrce and effect
<br /> �in�fuding failure o�any coflateraf dacument to crea#e a�alid and p�rfec#ed security interest or�ien} at ar�y tim�and
<br /> for any reasvn,
<br /> Death or�nsvl►rency. The dissoiu#ion or�ermination of Borrvwer's or Grantar`s existsnce as a going business, the
<br /> Fnsvi�ency�f Bvrt�ower or Grantvr, the appvintment a�a recei�er fc�r any part af Barrvwer's or Grantor's �roperty,
<br /> any assignment for�he benefit v�creditv�s, any type of creditor workvut, or�he commencement of any prvc�eding
<br /> under any bankru�tcy or insol�ency laws by ar aga�nst Borrawer or Grantor.
<br /> Creditior or F�rfe�ture Proceedings. Commen�ement of forec�osurs or�arfieiture pro�eedings, wheth�r by judiciai
<br /> praGeed�ng, self-help, repvss�ss�on or any o�her method, by any creditor t�� Barrvwer or Grantor or by any
<br /> ga�ernmentaf agency against any prvperty s�curin� the Indebtedness. This includes a garnishment af any of
<br /> Sarrvwer's or Grantor`s accaunfs, includ�ng depasit accoun�s, with Lender. Howe�er, this E�ent of C�efauit shal!
<br /> not apply if�her� is a good faifh dispute by E3orrower ar Grantar as to �he �alidity or reasonabfeness of the c�aim
<br /> wh�ch �s the basis of the c�ed�tor or for��i�ure praceeding and if Borrower vr Grantor gi�es Lender written notice o�`
<br /> the credi�a�-or fv�fieiture praceeding and depasi#s with Lender monies or a surety bond for the�reditor or fo�fieiture
<br /> praceeding, in an amvunt determined by Lender, in its svie discre�ion, as being an adequate re�erv�or bvnd far the
<br /> dispu#e.
<br /> Existing Indebtedn�ss. The payment of any installment flf principal vr any interest on the Exis�ing lndebtedn�ss is
<br /> not made wi�h�n the�ime requir�d by the promissory note�videncing such indebtedrtess, vr a defaul#occurs under
<br /> the instrumen�securing such indebtedness and �s nof cured during any applicahie gra�� period in such instrument,
<br /> or any surt vr nther ac�ion is commenced to fvreclvse any existing fien on the Property.
<br /> Brea�h of Q�her Agreemen#. Any brea�h by Bvrrflwer or Gran�vr under th�terms ofi any flth�r agr�emen#betw�en
<br /> Borrow�r or Grantor and Lender fha� is not remedied within any gra�e periad pr�W�ded therein, includ�ng withou#
<br /> limitativn any agreem�nt con�erning any indebtedness or vther obligation o� Borrower or Grant�r tv Lender,
<br /> whether�xist�ng n�w vr later.
<br /> E�en�s Affecfing Guarantor. Any af the preceding e�ents occurs with r�spec� tv any Guarantor o� any o� the
<br /> lndebtedness or any Guarantar dies or becames incompefi�nt, or revokes vr dispu�es the �alidity of, or iiab�li�y
<br /> under, any Guaran#y vf the indebtedness.
<br /> Ad►►er�e Change. A materia! adverse change occurs in Grantar`s #inancial condition, or L�nder belie�es the
<br /> prospect��payment vr per-Formance vf the Indebtedness is impaired.
<br /> �nsecurity. Lender in gvod fai�h belieW�s itself insecure.
<br /> Right to Cure, If any defau��, ather than a de�ault in payment, �s curable and if Grantar has not been gi�en a no��ce
<br /> vf a breach a��he same pro�fsion o�F th�s Mortgage within the pr�ceding twel�e �'!2) months, i� may be cured if
<br /> �ran�vr, aft�r Lender sends writ�en no�ice fio Bvrrower demanding cure of such defauit: �1) cur�s the defauf�
<br />