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2� 1 ��4241 <br /> M�RT�A�E <br /> L�ar� Nt�: ��T������ [���t��ued� �a � � <br /> g <br /> ��NDE�NA'Ti�N. The following provisions relating to condemnation proc�edings are a part of�his Mor�gage: <br /> Proceedings. If any proceeding in candemnation is fii�d, Grantvr shal! prom�atly notify Lender in writ�ng, and <br /> Grantor shaif promp�ly�ake such st�ps as may be necessa�-y�o d�fend the activn and obtain the award. Grantor <br /> may be th�nvminal party in such prv�eeding, bu�L�nder shall be entitled tv part�cipate in the pr��eeding and ta be <br /> represented in the proceedfng by counse( ofi its vwn choice, and Grantor wil� deliver or cause to be deliWered tv <br /> Lender such �nstrumen#s and do�um�n#ation as may b� request�d by Lende� �rom #im� to time �v permi� su�h <br /> pa��c�pation. <br /> Appficat�on af Nef Praceeds. !f afl ar any pa�ai`th� Prflperfy is condemned by eminenfi domain prviceed�ngs or by <br /> any proceeding ar purchase �n lieu o�cvndemnation, Lende�may at i#s elect��n require�hat afl or any pv�tivn of the <br /> - ne� proceeds vf the award be applied ta the indebtedness o�- the repair or restaratian af the Praper�y. The ns� <br /> proceeds o�the award shall mean th� award after payment v�af� reasonable costs, expenses, and attarneys'fees <br /> �ncurred by Lender�n connec#�vn w�th�he cond�mnativn. <br /> IMP�SiT1�N flF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY�DVERNMENTAL AUTHQRITtES. The following provisions relatin <br /> tv go�ernmental taxes, f�es and charges are a par�v�this Mor#gage: g <br /> Curren� Taxes, Fees and �harges. Upvn requsst b� Lender, Grantvr shall execute such documents in addi#�vn to <br /> this Mortgage and �ake whate�er o�her act�on is reques#ed by L�nder ta perfe�t and continue Lender's lien ❑n the <br /> Rea� Proper�y. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all taxes, as described below, toge�her wi�h all expenses <br /> �ncurred rn r�cording, perfecf�ng or continuin� this Nfv�tgage, including wi#hvu# limitation ali taxes, �ees, <br /> do�um�ntary stamps, and o#her charges for recording o�-regis�ering this Mortgage, <br /> Taxes. The �oilawEng shail constitute taxes ta whi�h �his sec�ian appliss: �1} a speci�c tax u�on �his type of <br /> Mortgag� or upon al! or any par����he lndeb�edness secured by�his Mortgage; {�} a specific tax on Borrower <br /> which Bvrrawer is authvrized or required fv deduct from paym�nts on the fndebtedness secured by this �ype af <br /> Mortgage; �3} a tax on th�s type vf Mortgage chargeab�e against the Lender or the holder of th� Note; and �4} a <br /> s��cific�ax on all vr any porfiivn of the lndeb#edness or on payments of principa!and in#erest made by Borrower, <br /> Subsequent Taxes. lf any tax to which this section appifes �s enacted subsequent �v th� date of this Mortgage, <br /> thrs e�en# shall ha�e th� same �ffect as an Event of Default, and Lender may exercise any or all of i#s a�aiiable <br />,, remedies fvr an E�ent of Default as pro��ded belvw unf�ss Grantvr either �1} pays the �ax before �� becomes <br /> deiinquent, or ��} cant�s�s the #ax as pra�ided above in the Taxes and Liens sectian and de osits with Lender <br /> cash vr a sufficEent�orporate su�-�fy bond or o�her security sa�isfactory fv Lender. p <br /> SECURiTY AGREEMENT; FINAlVC�NG STATEMENTS. The follawing prv�isions r�lating �o this Mor�gag� as a securit <br /> agreemenfi are a par��f th�s Martgage: y <br /> Security Agreemen�. This instrument shalf constitu�e a Security Agreement to th� extent any o� the Pr�perty <br /> �vnst�fiutes f�x�ures, and Lender sha�l ha�e afl of�he rights o�F a secured party und�r the Unitorm Comme�ciai Cvde <br /> as am�nded from�ime ta tim�:. <br /> �ecurity �nterest, Upon reques� by Lend�r, Granfvr shafl take whate��r action is reques�ed by Lend�r ta perFect <br /> and continue Lender's secur��y interes�in the Rent�and Persvnal Prop��#y. In additifln to recvrding this Martgage <br /> in �he real proper�y records, Lender may, at any time and withaut fur�her authori�ation from Grantar, fi�e execu#ed <br /> cvunterparts, copies or reproductivns of this Mvr�gag� as a financing s�atemen�. Gran�or shafl �-simburse Lender <br /> far af! expenses incurred in perf�ect�ng o�-con#�nu�ng this securi#y interest. Upon d�fauit, Grant��Shal� not�-emo�e, <br /> se�er vr detach the Personaf property fram #he Property. Upan defaul#, �ran�or shaf! ass�mble any Personal <br /> Praperty not affixed to the Prope�#y in a manner and at a piace reasonabiy cvn�enient to Gran#or and Lend�r and <br /> make it avai(able to Lende� within three �3} days after receipt af written demand from Lende� to the �xfen� <br /> permftt�d by appiicable law. <br /> Addresses, The mailing addresses o� Granfior �debtor} and Lender {secured par�y} from whi�h informatifln <br /> �onc�rn�ng #he securi�y interest gran��d by this Mortgage may be vbtained �each as r�quired by �he Uniform <br /> Cvmmercial Code}ar�as s�ated on�he�irst page o��his Mortgage. <br /> FURTHER ASS�RANCES; ATTQRNEY-lN�FACT`. The fvliawing provisions rela�ing tv further assurances and <br /> attor��y-�nWfact are a pa�t af this Mv�kgage: <br /> �u�ther Assurances. A� any time, and ��-om time to#im�, upon reques�of Lender, Grantor wil� make, execut�and <br /> del��er, or will cause tn be made, execu�ed or deii��red, to Lender or�o Lend�r's d�signee, and when reques�ed by <br /> Lerrder, cause to be filed, recorded, r�filed, or rerecorded, as�he case may be, at such times and in such offces <br /> and places as Lend�r may deem appropria�e, any and a�l such martgages, deeds vt trust, s�curity deeds, security <br /> agreements, financFng sta�emen�s, continuatian sfia#ements, instrumenfis of fur�her assurance, certificates, and <br /> o#her documents as may, �n #he sofe vpini�n of Lender, b� necessary or desirable in order tv eff�c�uate, complete, <br /> perfect, continu�, or p�eserve �1} Borrower's and Gran�or's abligations under the Note, this Mo�gage, and th� <br /> Refated Documents, and �2� the liens and security interests created by this Mortgage on �he Prvperty, whether <br /> now owned or hereafter acquired by Grantor. Unless prohibifed by law vr Lender agr�es�a the contrary in writing, <br /> Gran�or shall reimburse Lend��-far al� costs and expenses incurred in connection with�he matters referred to in this <br /> paragraph. . <br /> At�orney-in-Fac�. !f Granta�-fa�ls fio do any af the things re�er�-ed tv in the preGeding paragraph, Lender may do so <br />