2� 1 ��4�8�
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> {�ontinued} Pa�e 5
<br /> r�nts, issues and pt-ofits of�he P�operty, including fhase pas� du� and unpaid, and apply the same, less
<br /> cos�s and expenses of operati�n and co!lection attorneys' fees�to any indebtedness secur�d by this Deed
<br /> of Trus�t a!! in su�h arder as Lender may dete�mine. The entering upon and taking Qossess�an of the
<br /> Praperty, �he cv��eG�ion o� such ren�s, issues and profits, and �he appii�ati�n thereof shali not cur�: or
<br /> waive any default or n�tice of defauit unde�th�s need afi Trust or in�a�idate any act done in respons�tv
<br /> such d�-Fauit❑r pursuan�to such notice ofi defaulf; and, natwithstanding the continu�nce in passession�f
<br /> �he Property a�the collectian, receipt and appli�ation a� rents, issues or profits, Trustee or L�nder shari
<br /> be en�itlecf to exe�cise every righ� pra�ided #�� in th� �redxt Ag�eement or�he Rejated Dacum�nts or by
<br /> law upon the oGcurrence a�any event af default, incIuding �he righ�t❑ exercise the power of saie;
<br /> �b} CommenGe an action to fareclose this Deed of Trus�as a mortgager appoin�k a recei�er or spe�ifically
<br /> en�rarce any of the co�enants hereo�r; and
<br /> {c} D�4ive�to Trus�ee a written decfaration of defaul�and demand fiar sate and a written notice of default
<br /> and elec�zan�a cause Trustor's inter�st in the Property�o be said, which notice Trustee shall cause f❑ be
<br /> duly filed f�r record in�he apprap�iate offices o�the County in which the Property is �o�ated; and
<br /> �d� Wi�h respe�t ta all or any part❑f the Persnnai Properky, Lender shaI1 ha�e al! the righ�s and remedies
<br /> o�a secured party under the Neb�aska unifarm Cnmme�cial Cade,
<br /> Fore�Iosure by Pawer❑f Sale. I�Len�e�e�ects�❑foreclase by exerG�se o-�the Power a�5ale hereiR co�ta�ned,
<br /> Lende�- shall notify Trust�e and shall dep�si� with Trustee this Deed afi Trus� and �he Credi� Agr�ement and
<br /> such �ece�pts and e��dence of expenditures made and secured by this �eed o�r Trust as Trustee may �equire.
<br /> �a) lJpon receip�❑�such notic�fr�m Lender�T�us�ee sha�� cause�o be recorded, published and deiivered
<br /> to Trustor such Notice of Defaui� and Notice v�5aie as then required by law and by this ❑ee�i ot Trust.
<br /> Trustee shallf withoufi demand on Trustor, after su�h time as may then be required by iaw and after
<br /> rec�rdatian of such Notic� of Defaui� and after Nat�ce of Sale ha�ing been given as requi�ed by law, se!!
<br /> �he Proper�y at the time and p�ace o� sale fiixed by it in such IVati�e afi 5ale, eithe� as a whale, �r in
<br /> s�pa�ate jots or parcels or items as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such ord�r as i�may determine,
<br /> a� pubIic auction to the highes� bidde�for cash in lawtul money of�he Uni�ed States payable af the time
<br /> ofi sal�. -T'rustee shall deli�er �o such purchaser or purchasers thereo� its good and sufficien� deed �r
<br /> deeds con�eying the property so sold, bu� without any covenan� �r warranty, express or implied, The
<br /> recifals in such deed af any ma��ers or facts shall be conclusi�e pr�af ❑f the truth�ulness thereof. Any
<br /> person, inciuding withaut iimitation Trustor,Trustee, or Lender, may pu�chase at such sale.
<br /> {�} As may be permi�ted by �aw� ai�er deduc'�ing all �os�s, fees and expenses afi Trustee and of this
<br /> Trust, inGluding casts of e�idence of tit�e in c�nne�tion wi�h saIe,Trustee shall apply the praceeds�fi saie
<br /> �o paymen� ofi {iy all sums expended under the terms af this ❑�ed ❑f Trus� ❑r under the terms of fhe
<br /> Credi�Agreemen� na�t then �epaid, inc�uding but not ii�nited fa acGrued interes� and fate charges, tii� all
<br /> ��he�sums then secured hereby, and �iii} �h� remainde�-, i�any� to �he person or persans legally �ntitI�d
<br /> thereto.
<br /> {c} Trus�ee may in fhe manr�e�pro�ided by Iaw pos�pane sale ofi a11 or any partion af the P�operty.
<br /> �emedses Not Exclus��e. T�'ustee and Lender, and ea�h of them, shafi be entitied to enfvrce paymen� and
<br /> performance❑f any indebtedn�ss ar obIigatians secured by�his ❑eed a�F T�+ust and�o exercise aI1 righ�s and p�wers
<br /> under this Deed o�Trust, under the �redit Agr�emen�, under any a�F the Reiated Dacumen�s, or under any o�her
<br /> agreement ar any �aws now or hereafter in force; notwithstan�iing, s�m� or a�� v� such indebtedness and
<br /> ❑bligations secured by this De�d o�Trus�may nQw ❑r hereafter be otherwise secur'ed, whethe�by mortgage, d�ed
<br /> o��rus�,, pledge, Sien, assignment or atherwise. Neither the acceptan�e of this Deed nf Trust nor its en�arcement,
<br /> whether by courk a�tian or pursuant-�o the pawer afi sale ❑r other powers contained in this Deed of Trust, sha��
<br /> prejudice or in any manner affec�Trustee's or Lender's right ta reaiize upon o��nfi�rce any other se�uri�y now or
<br /> hereaft�r held by Trustee or L.ende�, it being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and ea�h o'��hem, shatt be entitled to
<br /> enf�rce this Deed of T�ust and any o�her securify now ar hereafter held by Lend�r or Yruste� in such order and
<br /> manner as they ar either o-F them may in their absalu�e discretian de��rmine, Na remedy canferred up�n ❑r
<br /> rese��ed to Trus�ee ❑r Lender� is in�ended �o be ex�iusi�e ❑f any other remedy in this Deed n# Trust or by iaw
<br /> pro�ided or permitted, but each shaii be cumu�a�i�e and shall b� in addi�ion �ko ��ery ather remedy given in fhis
<br /> Deed o�Trust ar now or herea#ter extsting at iaw or in equity v�by sta�ute. E�ery pvwer or�remedy gi�en by �he
<br /> Credit Agreement nr any �f the Re�ated Documents t❑ Trustee or Lender or �a whi�h either of them may be
<br /> otherwise en�itled, may be exercised, concu�rentfy or independent�y, fram time �to tim� and as often as may be
<br /> deerr�ed expedient by Trust�e a�- Lende�r and either �� them may pursue inconsis�ent remedies. No�hing in this
<br /> Deed ❑f Trust shall be consfrued as prohibiting L�nd�r firom seeking a defici�ncy judgment against the Trustor to
<br /> the exten�such action is permitted by�aw.
<br /> Esectfon vf Remedies. Aft of Lend�r's rights and remedies will be cumu�ati�e and may be exercised a�one or-
<br /> fage�her, !f Lender decides to spend man�y or to perform any of Trustor`s obligations under this ❑e�d o�T�ustf
<br /> after Trustar`s failure to da so, that decision by Lender will not aff�ct Lender's righ��� declare Trus�or in defau��
<br /> and to �xerc�se Lende�'s r��n��iies.
<br /> Request for Natice. Trus�a�, an behal�af Trus�a�and Len�Sef� hereby requests that a copy of any Notice of Defiault
<br /> and a copy af any Notice o�Saie under this Qeed of Trus� be mailed ta them at the addresses s�t farth in �he firs�
<br /> paragraph of this �eed ofr Trus�.
<br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. �f Lender insti�u�es any suit or ac�ion t❑ enfo�ce any vf the terms of �his Deed of
<br /> Trust� Lender shalf be en�itied t❑ reco�er su�h sum as the caur� may adjudge reasonable as atkorneys' fe�s at trial
<br /> and upon any appeal, Whether ar not any �ourt a�tion is in�ai�ed, and �o fhe �x�en� not prohibited by law, all
<br /> reasanable expenses Lender in�u�s �hat in Lender's opinion are necessary at any �ime for the protection o� its
<br /> interes�ar the enforcemen�❑f its rights sha�! became a part❑f the Indeh�edness payabie ❑n demand and shal! bear
<br /> interest at the Credi� Agreement ra�e �rom the date �� the expenditure un�il repaid, Expenses cv�e�-ed by �his
<br /> paragraph include� withou� limitatian, howe�er sub�ec�ta any lxmits und�r appli�able law, Lender's at-tarneys' fees
<br /> and Lender's legal exp�nses, whether ❑r nbt �here is a Iawsul�, including attorneys' fiees and exp�nses �or
<br /> bankrupt�y pro�eedings {inc�uding E:ffOt"�5 �D modify ot-�aca�e any automa�ic stay ar injunction}, appeais, and any
<br /> anticipated pvs�judgmen� colle�tian ser�ices, �he cos� of sear�hing recordsf obtaining �itle reports {including
<br /> fiore�lasure reports}, sur�eyors` reports, and appraisa� fees, title insurance, and f�es for the Trustee, to the extent
<br /> permitted by applicable Iaw, Trustar also vviE� pay any �ourt c�sts,in a�ditfon to a4! �ther sums pro�ided by iaw.
<br /> Rights of Trustee. Trust�e shatl have aI! of the rights and duties of L�nd�r as se��orth i�this section.
<br /> P�WFRS AND OBLIGATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The-�o!lawing pro�isians relating �a �he pvwers and ❑bliga�ions af Trust�e
<br /> are par�of this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Pvwers of Trustee. �n addition�to a1I powers of Trustee arising as a matter of Iaw,Trustee shall ha�e the power ta
<br /> take the�fal�owing actions with respec�to �he Pt'operty upon the written �eques�flf Lender and TTustar: {a� join in
<br /> preparing and filing a map or plat a� the Rea! Property, in�luding the dedi�atian a� s�Creets or othe� rights ta the
<br /> public; {b� sosn in gran�ing any easement ar creating any restriction on the Rea! Property; and ��� �oin in any
<br /> subordina�kion❑r other agreemen�k affecting this Deed ❑f Trust�r the inte�est of Lender under this ❑eed ❑�T�us�,,
<br />