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2� 1 ��4�8� <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> tGvnt[nued} page � <br /> Trustee. Trustee sha11 meet a�l quajifications required for Trustee under applicabje law. !n addit�on tv the rights <br /> and remedies se� farth abo�e, with resp��t to a�� or any part of the P�'operty, the Tru��ee sha�I have �he right t❑ <br /> fi�recIose by no�ice and sale, and Lender will ha�e the right t❑ farecIase by judicial �oreciosure, in either case in <br /> accardance with and to the�ull extent p�vvided by applicab�e iaw. <br /> Su�cessor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's op�i�n, may from time�o�ime appoint a successor T�us�ee to any Trus�ee <br /> appoin�ed under this Deed o�Trus� by an ins�rumen� execufed and acknowiedged by Lender and �ecorded �n fhe <br /> office of �he recvrder of Ha1i County, 5t�te af Nebraska. The ins�rumenf shalI contain, in addition t❑ aII a�he�- <br /> mat�ers required by state law, �he names ❑f the arigir�aI Lenderr Trus�ee, and Trustor, �he bo�k and pag� �or <br /> compu�er system reference� where this Deed o� Trus� is �-ecorded, and �he name and address of the successar <br /> trus�ee� and the instrumen�sha�I be execu�ed and acknowledged ay all�he bene�iciaries und��-this ❑eed o�T�-ust ar <br /> their su�cess�rs in interes�. The successor �rustee, wi�hou� �onveyance a��he P�apertyr shalI suc��ed to al! the <br /> �i�Ie, power, and dut��s conferred upon the Trustee in�his Deed of Trus�and by applicable law. This pro�edu�e�a�- <br /> subs�i�ution o�Trustee sha11 go�ern to the exclusian�f aIi other pro�isions for substituf�on. <br /> N�TICES. Any notice required �o be given under thss ❑eed af Trus�, including without �imitation any notice af defaulf <br /> and any natice of sale shall be gi�en in wr-i�ing, and shall b� effec#i�e when actua[ly deii�ered, when ac�ually received <br /> by�e�e�acsim�le �unless a�herwise required by law�, when deposited with a na�ianally recognized overnight courier, or, i� <br /> mailed, when deposi�ed in th� lJnited Stafes mail� as first cIass, certified ar registered mail postage prepaid, di�ect�d to <br /> the addresses shown near the beginning o�thzs Deed af Trust. A1� copies o� notices of foreciosure from the holder ofi <br /> any jien which has priority o�er this �eed af Trust shall be sent f❑ Lender's address, as shawn near�he beginning of <br /> this Deed ❑f Trust. Any person may change his ar he� address f�r not�ces under this Deed ❑fi Trust by giving formal <br /> written noti�e ta the othe� persan or persons, speci�ying tha� the purpose of the no�ice is ta change the person's <br /> address. Fvr nofice purposesr Trustor�agrees fo keep Lender informed a�aII�imes of Trus�ar's curren�address. Unjess <br /> ❑therwise pravided or required by Iaw, if�here is more fihan one Tru��or, any natice gi�en �� Lender t❑ any Trustar �s <br /> deemed f❑ be notice gi�en to aIl Trustors. I�will be Trustor's responsibifity to telI�he others of the no�i�e from Lender. <br /> MISCELLANE�L]S PR�V151QNS. The follawing mis�el�aneous provisions are a part a��his Deed v�F Tr�ust: <br /> Amendments. What is written in this Deed ❑�Trust and in the Related Documen�s is Trustor's entire agre�ment <br /> wi�h Lende�-concerning the matkers co�ered by this Deed of Trust. To be effective, any �hange or amendment to <br /> this Deed of Trust mus�be in writing and must be signed by whoe�er wii� be baund ❑r obligated by the change or <br /> amendmen�. <br /> Caption Headings. �aptian headings in �his Deed afi Trust are �or con�enience purposes only and are no� fo be <br /> used�a interpret or define the pro�isions o�this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Merger. There sha11 be no merger af the interes�or es�a�e G�ea�ed by this �eed o�Trust with any o�he�interes�or <br /> esta�e in the Property at any�ime heid by or for fhe benefi�o�Lender in any capa�ity, without the writ�en consent <br /> af Lender. <br /> Gavernin� Law. This �eed vf Trust wi�� be gov�rned by federal Iaw appIicable to Lender andr t❑ the extent not <br /> preempted by federal law�the �aws ❑f the State vf Nebraska withvut regard ta its conf{icts of iaw provisions. This <br /> Deed ❑f TrUs#has been accepted by Lender in the State of Nebraska. <br /> Choice vf Venue. If�here is a iawsuif, Trustor agrees upon Lender's request ta submi��a the jurisdiction of fhe <br /> courts of Hal! Caunty, 5ta�e o�Nebraska. <br /> Joint and 5evera� LiabiIity. All o�ligations of Borrower and T�ustnr under this ❑eed ❑� Trust shaff b� jaint and <br /> seWeral, and alE referen�es��Trustor shaii mean each and e�ery T�ustor� and a11 re�erences to Barrower shali mean <br /> each and e�ery Sorrower. This means�hat each Trus�or signing b�low is respansible for aii obligations in this Deed <br /> o�Trus�, <br /> No 1Naiver by Lender. Trustor unde�stands Lender will not gi�e up any o�f Lender's rights und���h�s Deed of Trust <br /> unless Lender does so �n writing. The fa�t tha� Lender deiays or ❑mits to e�cercise any right wilI not mean that <br /> Lender has gi�en up tha� righf. If Lender does a�ree in wri�ing t❑ gi�e up one af Lender's rightsr �hat daes not <br /> mean Trus�o� will not have �o camply with the other pro�isions of this ❑eed vf Trus�. Trus�or also understands <br /> tha� if Lender does cons�nt to a reques�, that does naf inean that Trustor will no� ha�e �a get Lender`s �onsent <br /> aga�n it th�situati�n happens again. Trustor�further undersfands�hat jus#�because Lender cvnsents to one or more <br /> ❑�Trustor's requests� that daes not mean Lender wii� be required to consen�to any of Trustar's future requests. <br /> Trustor wai�es p�esentment, demand far payment. protest, and nati�e of dishanar. <br /> 5everabi�ity. �t a cou�-� finds �hat� any pro�isian o�this Deed ❑�Trus� is na�vatid ar��ou�d nQt be enforcedr fhat <br /> fac�by ifself wi!! not mean that the res�o-�this �eed of Trus�will not be valid or enforced. Ther�fore, a court wiII <br /> enforce the rest❑f the provisions of this Deed of Trust even i�a pr�ouision o�F th�s Deed o�Trust may be fa�nd fo be <br /> in�aCid vr un�nfvrc�able. <br /> Successvrs and Assigns. Subjecf ta any ximi�ations stated in this Deed o�Trust ❑n transfer of Trustor`s interes�, <br /> this Deed of Trus� shal� be b�nding upon and inure fio the b�nefit af the parties� their su�cessors and assigns. lf <br /> ovunership o�F tne Property becomes �ested in a person ❑�her than Trus�or, Lender, wi�hout no�ice �o Trustor, may <br /> deal with Trustar's successars wifh referenGe to this �eed o�Trust and the jndebt�dness by way of forbearan�e ar <br /> extensian withaut releasing Trusfor fram the obtigations of this Deed of Tru��ar 1�ability under�he indebtedness. <br /> �"ime�s af�he Esssnc�. Time is o�the essen�e in�he performance af this Deed o�Trust, <br /> Wai�er of Homestead Exemptivn. Trus�or hereby releases and waives a�� righ�s and b�ne�Fits af �he homestead <br /> exemption laws of t�e Sta�e of Nebraska as�o all lndeb�edness secured b�r�his ❑eed o�T�us�. <br /> DEF[NIT1�N5. Th��ollowing wards shall have the following m�anings when used in�his �eed af Trust: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "Beneficiary" means Exchange Bank, and i�s succ�ssors and assigns. <br /> gorrower. The wvrd '�Borrower" means Frank Paloma�res anr� inc�ude� a�� co-signe�s and �o-makers signing tt�e <br /> Credit Agreemen�and ajt their successors and assigns. <br /> Gredif Agreement. The wot-ds "Credi�Agreement" mean the �redi�agreemen�dated June Z7, ��1 5, with credit <br /> iimit ❑f $6,���-�� from gorrQwer �❑ L�nder, tagetl�er w��h all renewals of� extensions of, madifications a�, <br /> refinancings ofir �onsvIida�ions of, and substitutions far the pramissory note ❑r ag�eement. N�T[CE T� TRUST�R: <br /> THE CRED�T AGREEMENT C�NTAINS A VAR�ABLE lNTEREST RATE. ' . <br /> �eed of Trust. The words "Deed of T�usf" mean this ❑eed of Trust among Trusfor, Lend�r� and Trustee, and <br /> inciudes wi�hout limitation a11 assignment and security inte�est pro�isions reja�ing �o the Personaj Prop�rty and <br /> Rents. <br /> Enviranmental Laws. The words "Enviranmen�al Laws" mean any and all s�ater federal and iocai statutes, <br /> regula�ions and ordinances retating to �he pro�e�tion of human heal�h or the enr�ironment, including without <br /> �imitation the Comprehensi�e En�ironmen�al Response, Campensation, and Liability Ac�of �98�r as amended, 4� <br /> U.S,C, Section 95�1, ef seq. {"CERCLA"�� the 5uperfund Amendments and ft�a�rt�a�izatian Ac� af �98�, P�rb. L. <br /> No. 9J-499 {"SARA"},the Hazardous Mate�ials Transportat�on A�t, 4� U.S.C, Sectian 'f 8Q�{, et seq.r th� Resvuree <br /> Canser�ation and Recorrery Ac�, 4� U.S.C. Section 59D1, et seq., or other applicable s�ate or�edera! iaws, rules, <br /> ar regulatians adopted pursuant thereto. <br />