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2� 1 ��4� 17 <br /> 5ma11 quantitie�af Hazardous Substance5�hat are generall�recogni.zed tv 1�e apprapria�e to normal <br /> residential uses and to maintenance vf the Property �inciuding, but no�limited#a�, ha2ardous substan�es <br /> in consumer products}. <br /> Borrovver sha11 pramptly gi�e Lend�r►�vritten notice of�a) any in�res�igatian, claim, demand, lawsuit vr <br /> ❑ther acti�n by any governmental ar regulatary agen�y ar pri�ate party Yn�olving the Prnperty and any <br /> Hazardous Substance ar Environmenta�.Lavv of vvhich Barrnv�rer has actual know�edge, �b} an� <br /> En�rirvnmental Canditi�n, including but nvt limited ta, any spilling, Xeaking, discharge, release ar�hrea# <br /> of release nf an�Hazardous Sul�stance, and ��� any condition caused�y the presen�e, use❑r release❑f a <br /> Hazardvus Substance which ad�ersely afFects�he value vf the Property. If Borrower learn5, or is nvtified <br /> �y any goWernmenta�❑r regulator�r autharity, or any privat�party, that any remo�al�r❑ther remediation <br /> of any Hazardvus 5ubstan�e affect�ng the Propert�is n�cessar�, Borrower shall pramp#ly take all <br /> necessary remedial ac�ons in a�cordance�rith En�ironmental Law. Nothing herein shall create any <br /> ohligation on Lender for an Envirvnmental Cleanup. <br /> [V�hi�UNlF�RM ��VENANT�. Bvrr��rer and Lender further co�enant and agree as follows: <br /> ��. Accelerat ian; Remed ies. Len�er shall gi�e natice t�B�rr awer pr ior to acceler ati.on follaw�ng <br /> Bvrrow�r's breach of an�cv�v�aant vr agr eement in this Security Ins�trument�but nat prior to <br /> ac��ler atian under Sectian 17 unless Applicable Law pr ovides 4therwise�. The notice shall specify: <br /> (a�the default; [b)the acti�n r�quired ta�ure the default; �c)a dat�, not xess than 3�days fr�m th� <br /> dat�th�not�.ce i.s g�v�nn ta Barr ower, b�which th�defaul.t mu�t b e cur ed; and�d}#hat failur e to <br /> cur e the default on or b efar e the date sp ecified in the nnti�e may r esult in acc� atian�f the sums <br /> secured by thi�Secur ity Instrum�nt and sal.e af the Pr operty. The nati.ce shall further inf�rm <br /> Barrower af the right to reinstate after acceleratian and th�right to bring a court a� ta assert <br /> the non-exi�tenc�af a defaul.t�r any other defense af B�rrawer to accelerati�n and sale. If the <br /> default is not cur ed vn or befor e the date spe�i�`ied in the notice,Lender at its apti�n may r equir e <br /> imm�diate payment in full of all�ums secured by this Security Instrument w�ithout further demand <br /> and may invake the power of sale and any vther remedies permitted by Applicab�e Law. L�nd�r <br /> shall be entitled t�callect all��penses i�ncurred jn pursuing the remedies provid�d in thi�Section <br /> 22, in�luding, hut nut limited to, reasonable attvrneys' fees and casts of title ev�denc�. <br /> If the pawer of sale i�invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of d�fault in�ach county in which any <br /> part of the Property i.s lvcated and shall mail copies of such noti�e in the manner prescribed b� <br /> Applicab�e Law tv Borrawer and ta the ather persons prescrihed l�y Applicab�e Law. Af�er the time <br /> required hy Applieable Law, Trust�e shall give public notice af sa��to th�persans and in the <br /> mann�r prescribed by Applicable Law. Trustee,without demand on Barrower, shall sell the <br /> Property at public auctian ta the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms <br /> desig�ated�n the notiCe�f sa�e in on�or mare parceLs and u�.any order Trust��determines. Trustee <br /> may postpone sa�e of all ar any parcel of the Frop�rty l�y public annauncement at th�time and <br /> plac�4f any previ�usly scheduled sale. L�nder ar its designee may purchase the Property at any <br /> sale. <br /> 1�3656959 a�95152344 <br /> �HA❑eed af Tn�st Wth MERS-NE 9I3�l20'14 <br /> Bankers Systems� VMP O VMP4N�N�)(i 50fi).0� <br /> Waiters Kluwer Financial 5ervices Page i 4�F'I 7 <br />