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2� 1 ��4� 17 <br /> Upvn receipt of payment of the price�id, Trustee shall deli�ver ta the purchaser Trust�e's d�ed <br /> conve�ing the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie eviden��of the truth <br /> of the statem�nts made there�n. Tru�ee shall apply t.�.e prnc�eds af the sale;n the follawing arder: <br /> (a}to all casts and expe�nses af ex�r�ising the power of sa�e, and the sale, includrng th�payment of <br /> the Trust�e's fees actually incurred and reasvnable attarn��s' fees as permitted hy Applicable Law; <br /> ��to all sums s�cured hy this Security Instrum�nt; and(c�any e�csss ta the person or persans <br /> �egally entitled ta�t. <br /> �3. Recvnv�yanc�. Upnn payment af all srxms secured by this Secur�i�y Instrument, Lender shall request <br /> Trustee to reCvnvey#he Property and shall surrender this Securit�Instrument and all nvtes evidencing <br /> debt secured b�this Securi#y Instrumenf to Trus�ee. Trustee shall recon�ey�he Propert��ithou��r�rarranty <br /> to the persan�r persnns legall�en�itled ta it. 5uch person or persons shall pay any re�arda#ion cas�s. <br /> Lender ma�charge such pers�n or persons a fee far reconv��ing the Proper�, but only if the fee is paid <br /> tfl a third part�r�su�h a.�the Trus�Qe) for ser�ices rendered and the charging af the fee is permitted und�r <br /> Applicable Lavcl. <br /> �4. Su�s�itute Trustee. Lender, at�#s vp�ivn, may fram�ime t�time remvve Trustee and appaint a <br /> successor tx�us�ee�o any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrxunent recarded in the count�is�which <br /> this Se�urit�Instrument is recorded. �'ithout conveyance of�he Property, the successor frustee shall <br /> succeed ta a11 the title, pawer and duties conferred upon Trustee herein and by Appli�able Law. <br /> 2�, Request for IVo��ces. Bvrrawer requests that copies vf the notice of default and sale he sent to <br /> Borrovver'�address vvhich is the Properfy Address. <br /> ��. 1N�Ive�s. B�rro�ver�ai�es all right to hnmestead exemption in the Prop�rty. <br /> �7. At��r�neys' F�es. As u5ed in this Security Instrumen#and�he Nate, attorneys' fees shall i�nciude those <br /> awarded b�r an appellate caurt and an�attnrne�s' fees incurred in a hankruptc�proceeding. <br /> 19365�95g �095152394 <br /> FHA Deed vf Trust WitF+M�RS-NE 513DIz014 <br /> 6ankers 5ystems"t�+ VMP C� VMP4N�NEj�9506}.pD <br /> Woiters K[uwer Fi�an�ial Services Page'I 5 of'[7 <br />