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2� 1 ��4� 17 <br /> �9. Safe�f Note; �hang�af Loan Serv�cer; Notice of �rievan�e. The Note or a partial interest xn the <br /> Nvte tt�ge�her with#his 5ecur�ty Instrument} can be snld❑ne vr more times vvithaut prinr no�ice ta <br /> Borrower. A sale might result in a change i.n the entit� �knvwn as�he "Loan 5er�icer"} tha�cvllects <br /> Periadic Pa�ments due under the N'vte and�his Securit�Ins#rument and performs ather m�r�gage loan <br /> servi�ing obligations under the Note, this Securify Instrum�nt, and Applicabie Law. There a�so nught be <br /> �n�vr more changes af�he Loan Ser�icer unrelated ta a sale af the Note. If there is a change of the Laan <br /> Servicer, Borrvwer will be gi�en written notice of the change v�hi�h will state the name and address of <br /> the new Lvan 5ervic�r, the address ta which pa�ments shvuld he made and any o�her information RESPA <br /> requires in connection vvith.a notice of transf�r❑f servicing. If the Note is sald and thereaf�er#he Loan is <br /> serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser�f the Note, the mortgage loan serWicing abligations <br /> ta Bnrra�rer�vill remain with the Loan Servicer vr be#ransferred ta a successvr Loan Servi�er and are <br /> nat assumed�y the Note purchaser unless othervvise provid�d by the Nvte purcha5er. <br /> N�ither Borrower nor Lender ma�cammence,join, or be jained to any judi�cial actian �as either an <br /> i�ndividua�li�igan��r fhe memher of a�lass} that arises from the other part�'s ac�ians pursuant ta this <br /> Security Ins�rument or that alleges that the vther party ha��reached any prvvisivn af, or any duty ow�d <br /> b�reason af, this 5ecurit�r InStrument, until such Barrawer or Lender has n�ti�ed the❑�her part� �wxth <br /> such nvtice gi�en in campliance vvith fhe requiremen�s of Sec�an l�} of such alleged breach and afforded <br /> the❑#her part�hereta a reasonable period af�er the giving af such notice to ta�e corr�c�.ve action. If <br /> Applicahle Law provides a time period Vvhi�h must elaps�hefare cer�ain a�tian can be taken, that�ime <br /> perivd w�ill be deemed to be reas�nahle for purpos�s af i�his�ection. The not�ce�f acceleration and <br /> �pp�rtunit�r ta cure given to Borravver pursuant to Sec#ion 22 and the notice af acceleration given tv <br /> Borrovver pur5uant tn Sec�ion 17 Shall be deemed#o sa�isfy�he natice and opp�rtunity ta�ake correc�i�e <br /> act�on provisi.ons of this 5ecti�n 19. <br /> 2�. Borrower N�t Third�Par�y Beneficiary to Contrac� �f lnsurance. Mortgage Insuran�e reunburses <br /> Lender �or any�nt�ty that purchases�he No#e} for certain lasses it ma�incur if Bvrrv�ver does no�repa� <br /> the Laan as agreed. B�rrovver ackn�wledges and agrees tha�the Sarrovver is nat a third part�benef�ciary <br /> ta the contract of insuran��bet�veen the Secretary and Lend�r, nor is Borrower en#itled to enforce any <br /> agreement 1�e�reen Lender and the Secretary, unless explici�ly authari2ecl to do s�by Applica�ie La�r. <br /> �'I. Hazardvus Substances. As used Yn this Sectivn�1: �a} "Hazardnus Substances" are�hose substances <br /> defined as toxic or hazardous suhstan�es, pallu�ants, ❑r wasfes hy Environmenfal La�c�v and the follawing <br /> substan�es: gasoline, kervsene, flther flammable�r ta�c petroleum produc�s, t�xic pesticides and <br /> herbic��es, ���atile s�l�ents, mater�als cvnta�ning asb�stos or farmaldeh�de, and radxnac�ive materials; <br /> t�} "Environmenfal Lavv" means fed�ral�a�rs and Ia�rs vf th�jurisdiction where the Proper�y is Iocated <br /> that relate tv hea�.th, safet�'or en�ironmental prntec#ion; �c} "En�ir�nmen�a�.Cleanup" includes any <br /> response action, remedial.actian, or rema�al action, as defined in Env�iranmental Lavti; and �d} an <br /> "En�rvnmentai Condi�ian" means a cond�ti�n tha�can cause, cantribute tv, ar athervvise trigg�r an <br /> Environm�ntal Cleanup. <br /> Borrav�r�r shall na#cau5e 4r perm�it#he presence, use, dispvsai., storage, ar r�lease of any Hazardnus <br /> SllI75ti�C�S, or threaten t�release any Ha2ardous Substances, on or in th�Prapert�. Bnrrower�ha11 not <br /> do, nor allavv anyone else tv do, anything affecting the Praper#�r (a} that is in�iolatian of any <br /> Environmental Lav�r, [b}which creates an En�rironmental Conditian, vr {c) which, due fo the presence, <br /> use, ar release of a Hazardaus Substance, cr�ates a condition that adverseXy affects the value of the <br /> Prvperty. The preceding tvv�senfences shall not app�y tv�he presence, use, or storage on�he Prnperry of <br /> 193G66959 ��95152344 <br /> FHA�eed af Trust UVith M�RS-N� 913�12�'i4 <br /> Bankers 5ystems� VMP C�7 VMP4N[NE)(�5a6].DO <br /> Wolters Filuwer Finan�ial Ser�ices Page'i 3 vf 17 <br />