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- 2� 1 ��4� 17 <br /> As used in this 5ecurit�Instru�men�: �a}vv�rds af�he masculine gender shal.l mean and i.nclude <br /> �arresponding neuter vvnrds nr wards of the femiYune gender; �b} vvvrds in the singular shall mean and <br /> include the plura�and�vice versa; and �c} th�vvord "may" giv�s sole discretivn vvx�hout any ohligation to <br /> take any a�tion. <br /> �I s. Bo�`�'pw��'s Copy. Borrower shall�e gi�en one�opy of the N�t�and vf this Se�urify InS�rument. <br /> 17. Transf er af the Property �r a B�nef�cial lnteres� in f�arrow er. As used in�us Section ].7, "Interest <br /> in the Property" means an�1ega1 or hene�cial.intere5t in#he PrapeY-t�, including, hu�not ' 'ted to, <br /> those bene�icial i.nterests transferred in a bond fvr deed, cnntract for deed, installmenf�a�es cantract or <br /> escraw agreement, the in#en�vf whi�h is the transfer of�it1e b�Borro�rer at a future date to a purchaser. <br /> �f all❑r an�part af fhe Prnperty or any Interest in the Propert�r is sold ar�ransferred �or if Barrvwer is <br /> nat a natura�person and a hene�cial interest in Borrovver is s�1d or transferred}wi�hau�Lender's prior <br /> wr�tten consent, Lender may require immedia�e pa�ment in full of all sums secured by this SQ�urity <br /> Instrumen�. Hvwever, this option shall not be exercised h�Lender if such exercise i�prahibx�ed h�r <br /> Applicabie Lavv. <br /> If Lender exercises this np�vn, Lender sha11 give Bflrro�er natice of accelera�ion. The nntice shall <br /> prav�de a period af naf 1e�s than 3�days fram the date the no�ice is gi�en in accardance�vi�h 5ection 14 <br /> vvithin vvhich Barrovver must pay all sums secured b�this Security Instru�ment. If Borr�wer fai�s t�pay <br /> th�se sums pariar tn the expira#ian of this per�od, Lender ma�r invok�any remedies pernut�ed by thYs <br /> Securit,�Instrumen��ithout further notice or demand an Barrower. <br /> 'I 8, Barrow�r's Right tv R+einsfafie After Acceferati�n. �f Borrv�er meets certain cvnclitions, Borrvwer <br /> shall have#he right fo reinstatement af a m�rtgage.Thvse cvnditions are that Borravver: �a� pays Lender <br /> alI sums�vhich then would be due under this Security Instrum�nt and the Note as if n�a��eleration had <br /> occurr�d; �b� cures an�r default of any other c��enants or agreemenfs; tc} pays all expenses Yn�urr�d in <br /> enforcrng this Security�nstrumen�, in�luding, but nat ' '�ed to, r�asona�ie at�vrneys' fees, pr�perty <br /> inspection and valuatian fees, and ather fees incurred far the purpase of protecfing Lender's inter�st in <br /> the Propert�and rights under th�s 5ecuri�Instrumenf; and �d� takes 5u�h ac�ian as Lender ma� <br /> reasonabl�require to assure that Lender's interest in�he Propert�and rights under�his Security <br /> Instrument, and Borrower's obliga�ion ta pay th�sum�secured hy t�is Securit�'Ins�rument, shall <br /> con#inue unchanged. Hvvtiever, L�nd�r�s not required ta r�insta�e if: �i� L�nder has accepted <br /> reinstatemen�after the commencement of foreclosure proceedi.ngs vvithin two years isnmedia�ely <br /> precedutg the commencement of a�urrent fare�l�sur�prviceeding; �u} reinstatement will preclude <br /> forecivsure �n d�fferen�grounds in the future; nr �'ui} reinstatement vvYli adverse�y affect the priorify af <br /> the lien created��this Security I�n�trument. Lender may reqture that B�rra�er pay such reinstatement <br /> sums and expens�s in one ar more of#he following forms, as sel�cted by Lender: �a} �ash; �b} money <br /> vrd�r; �c} �er#i�ed check, hank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any such check is <br /> drawn upan an institutian whose depasits are insured by a federal agency, inst�vmentalit�or enti�y; or <br /> �d} E�e�troruc Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement b�r Barrvv�er, this Secur�ity Instrument and obligations <br /> secured her���sha1l remain full�effective as�f na accelera�on had❑ccurred. Hawever, �us right ta <br /> reins�ate shall nvt apply in#he case of accelerativn under Secti�n 17. <br /> 1936�6959 a�9515�34� <br /> FHA Deed of Trust WitF�MFRS-NE 91301�0'1�4 <br /> Barikers SystemsT� VMP� VMP4N[N���9506].DO <br /> Wojters Kl�.�wer Financial Services Page'12 of'{7 <br />