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2� 1 ��4� 17 <br /> Subject ta fhe pr�visivns af Section I.7, any 5uccess�r in Interest of Borrovver wha as�umes Borrawer's <br /> vbligations under this Securi#y Instrument�n�r��ing, and is approved b�Lender, shall nbtain all of <br /> B�rrower's rights and benefits under this 5ecurity Instrument. Sarrawer shall nvt��released fram <br /> Borravv�r's nhligatinns and liah' '�y under this Security Instrument unless Lender agrees tv such release <br /> in writxng. The covenants and agreements of�us Security�nstrument sha1�bind �e�cept as provided in <br /> Sec�ivn 19) and bene�t the suc�essor�and as5igns of L�nder. <br /> 'I 3. L�at'1 Gh2u'�es. Lender may charge Borrower fees for services perfarmed in connection wifh Borra�v�r's <br /> defau�t, for the purpose of pratecting Lend�r's�nterest in the Propert�and r�ghts under this 5ecuri�y <br /> �nstruxnent, in�lud�ng, but not ' 'ted ta, at�arne�s' fees, property inspe��ian and valuatian fees. Lender <br /> may collect fees and�harges authorized b�the 5ecretar�. Lender ma�not charge fees that are expressly <br /> pruhibited by this 5ecurity Instrument ar hy Applica�Ie La�. <br /> �f�he Lvan is subject tv a law vvhich sets-maxi.mum�oan�harges, and�hat Iaw i5�inally in�erpreted so <br /> tha��he interest vr other loan�harges collected or to be cnlle�ted in connection�rith�he Lvan exceed#he <br /> permitted 1imi�s, th�n: �a} any su�h l�an charge shall be reduced�y the amount necessary t�reduce the <br /> charge t❑the permitted limit; and �b} an�sums a�'eady collect��fram Borrovver vvhich exceeded <br /> permitted ' '�s will be refunded to Borrower. Lender ma��hoose to make � refund b�redu�ing the <br /> pr�n�ipa�4wed under the Nofe or by makxng a direct payment to Barrawer. If a r�fund reduces principal, <br /> the reduction vvill�e treated as a part�al prepayment vvith na changes i.n the du�date or Yn the mon�hly <br /> payment amaunt unless the Lender agrees in wri#ing t�those changes. Bflrrower's accepfance vf any su�h <br /> refund made by direct payment ta Borrovver Vvill canstitute a vvauver af any r�gh�of ac�ian Borrower <br /> might have arising au t of su�h avercharge. <br /> 14. No��Ces. All notices�i�en by Borrower or Lender in conn�ction vvith this Se�urit�r Ins�rument must h�in <br /> v�riting. Any natic�t❑Barraw�r in�vnn�cti�n`rvith thi5 5ecurit�Ins�rumenf shall be deemed�o hav� <br /> �een gi�ren t�B�rravver�rhen mailed hy�irst class maii❑r when actually deli�ered to Borrv�ver's notice <br /> address if sen�b�r other means. Not�ce to any vne Barrower shall constitute not�ce to a11 Bvrrawers unless <br /> Applicable Law expressly requires atherwise. The noti�e address shall be the Fraperty Address unless <br /> Borro�rer has designated a subs�tute noti�e address by notice tv Lender. Borrower sha11 promp#1� <br /> no�ify Lender of Borrawer'S change of addr�ss. If Lender specifie5 a procedure far rep�rting Bvrrovver's <br /> change vf address, then Borro�rer shall only report a change of address through tha�spe�i�ed procedure. <br /> Th�re may�e only one desxgnated no�ice address under this Securit�Instrument a�any one time. Any <br /> notice ta Lender sha�1 be given by delivering i�or h�ma�iling zt by fu's�class mail to Lender's address <br /> stated herein unle5s L�nder has designated anather address by natice to Bnrrower. A.ny nodce i.n <br /> cann�c�ian with this Secur"xty Instrument shall not be deemed to ha�e been gi�en to L�nder until actualiy <br /> received by Lender. If any no�i�e required by thi5 Security Instrument is also required under Applicable <br /> Lavv, the Applical�le La�r�quir�m�nt�i sa�isf��he�vrresponding requirement under this Security <br /> Ins�rument. <br /> 'I 5. �overning Law; Se��rabiiity; Rules of �anstructian. This 5ecurity Ins�rument sha11 be governed b� <br /> federal iaw and the�aw of�he jurisdiction in which the Praperty is 1oca�ed. All rights and abligativns <br /> contained i.ri this Securi�y Instrument ar�subjec#to any requiremenfs and limitatians of Applicahle Lavv. <br /> Appli�a�le Law might expli�itly ar implicitly all�w the parti�s ta agree��c4n�ract ar it might be si��n�, <br /> but such silence sha1�n�t be construed as a prohib��an against agr�ement by con�ra�t. In the ��rent that <br /> an�provisxan or�lause af�his Se�wr�.ty�ns�rument or the N�fe canfxic�s�ith Applicable Lavv, such <br /> confli�t shall not a�fect ofher provi�sions of this Securi�y Instrument or the Nvte�vhich can be given effec� <br /> �rithout the conflicting pra�rision. <br /> 1936�G959 0�9515�344 <br /> FHA Deed aF Tn.i�t With MERS-NE 913n1��14 <br /> Barkers 5ystemsT^A VMP 0 VMP4N{NE]['[5�fi).0❑ <br /> Waiters I[luwer Financia!5ervices Page'�'I af'I 7 <br />