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2� 1 ��3973 <br /> sa��sfaction, pra�ided that such inspect�on sha�l be under�ak�n pr�mptly. L�nder may pay far the repa�rs <br /> and res��rat�on in a s�ngle dis�ursemen�or�n a s�ries af pragress paymen�s as the work is compteted. <br /> IJnles� an agreeme�a� is made in writing or Applicab�e Law requires int�rest to b�paid an such <br /> Miscellaneous Praceeds, Lender shall n��be required to pa�r Borrower any interes��r earnings on such <br /> Miscellan�ous Proceeds. �f the restora�ion ar repair zs not economically feasible or Lender's s�curity wou�d <br /> be lessen�d, the Mis�e��aneaus Proceeds �ha�� be appl�ed�o�he sums secured by th�s Security �ns�rument, <br /> whe�her or not�h�n due, w�th�he excess, �f any, paid to Borrow�r. �uCh M�scel�aneous Pracee�s sha��be <br /> app�ied in the nrder pro�rzded for�n Sec�ian Z. <br /> �n t�.�e��nt of a total�ak�ng, �i�s�ruction, or��ss in value of the Proper�y, �he N.�isc��la�eous Proce�ds sha�� <br /> be app�xed to the sums secured�by th�s�ecur�ty �nstrum�nt, whether ar nfl�th�n due, w�th�he excess, if an.y, <br /> pa�d t� Borrower. <br /> �n�he event of a par��a� ta.king, d�s�ruction, �r�oss �n va�u��f the Property �n wh�ch the fair marke�value�f <br /> the Proper�y immed�a�e�y bef�re the par�ial �aking, destructzon, �r��ss in va�u�zs equa� to nr grea�er�han�h� <br /> amount of the sums secured by thi� Secur�t� Instrur��nt�mm�d�ately bef�r�the part�a� taking, destruction, or <br /> �o�s in value, unles� Barrawer arad Lender�therwise agree�n wr�t�ng, the sums secured by �his Securi�y <br /> �nstrument shall�e reduced by the amoun�of�he M�scel�aneous Pro�eeds multipl�ed by�he fo��ovving <br /> fra�t�an: �a}the ta�al amoun�of th�sums secured immediately bef�re the par�iai taking, destruct�an, or�oss <br /> in�alu�div�ded by �b} the fair market va�ue af the Pr�per�� irnmediate�y before�he partia� �ak�ng, <br /> d�struc�ion, ar�oss in value. Any balanc�sha��be paid to Barr�v�er. <br /> �n�he ev�nt af a par�ial taking, destruction, or loss in�ra�ue of the Proper�y �n wh�ch the fair marke�value of <br /> �he Pr�per�y immediate�y�efar��he part�al taking, destru�t��n, or l�ss in Walu�is l�ss �han the amount nf�h� <br /> sums s�cur�d immediately b�far��he par�xal taking, destruc�ion, or loss in�alue, unl�ss Borrower and <br /> L�nder oth�rwis�agree in wri�ing, �he M�scellan�ous Praceeds sha��be app�i�d to �he sums secured by th�s <br /> Securx�y Instrument whether flr n�r the suxns are then du�. <br /> �f�h�Property is ahandaned by Barrower, or if, after n��i�e by Lend�r ta B�rro�er that the�pposing Par�y <br /> �as defined in the next sen�ence} off�rs �o make an award t�set��e a cla��n f��damages, Borrawer fa�1s to <br /> respond to Lender�i�hin 30 days after the date the natice�s g�ven, L�nd�r is authorized tn�a��ec�and app�y <br /> �he M�sc��lane�us Proce�ds e�th�r�a restorat�on or repair of�he Prflperty�r t�the sums secur�d�y �h�s <br /> Se�urzty Iris�rument, vvhether or n���hen due, "�pposing Party" means �he th�rd par�y that owes Borro�v�r <br /> Miscel�ane�us Praceeds�r�he party agazns�vvhom Borrn�er has a righ�of acti�n�n regard�o Mis�ellaneous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> B�rrow�r sha�i be in defau���f any action or proc�eding, wheth�r c���� or criminal, is begun�hat, �n Lend�r's <br /> j udgmen�, cou�d result in f�rfez�ure of�he Proper�y�r other materia.��rm�r��flf Lend�r'� in�erest �n the <br /> Pr�per��or r�ghts under this Secur�ty Instrumen�, B�rrower can cure such a default and, if a�cei�ration has <br /> o�curred, reins�ate as provided in S�ct�an 19, by causing the action or proceed�ng�n b�dismissed w�th a <br /> ru�ing�hat, in Lender's�udgment, prec�ud�s farfe�ture of the Proper�y ar ather mater�al �mpai�-ment of <br /> Lender's in�er�s� �n the Praper�y or righ�s und�r�his Securzty�nstrum�n�. The proceeds of any award or <br /> claim for damages tha�are at�ributable to�he�mpa�r�ment of Lender's interes�in�he Property are hereby <br /> assigned and shall be paid t� Lender. <br /> AlI MiscellaneQus Prnceeds tha�ar�n�t app��ed to r�st�ratiQn or repa�r of th�Property sha�� be app��ed zn the <br /> order pro�ided fflr in Se�t�on�. <br /> NEBRASKA-SingEe�amily-�annis MaelFreddie Mac LfNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Farm 3028�1�1 <br /> VMP� VMPS�NEy{�302� <br /> Walters Kluwer�ir�ar�cial Ser�ices Page 10 af 17 <br />