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2� 1 ��3973 <br /> ��. B�rrower Not R�[eased: Farbearance By Lender Nvt a Wai�er. E�tensi�n af the�ime for payment or <br /> modifi�ati�n of amor��zation of the sums secured by this Se�uri�y �nstrum�n�gran�ed by Lend�r tn Borrower <br /> or any Successor in In�eres�af Borrovver sha��no�op�ra�e to re�ease the I�abi����r of Borrawer or any <br /> SucGessors in�nter�st of Borrower. Lender sha��not�e requ�red to cammence proce�din�s agains�any <br /> Suc�essar in Interest of Borrower ar�o refuse�o�xtend�.i�me for payment or ather�vis�modif� amort�zation <br /> of the sums s�cured by this Secur���r �r�strum.en�by reason of any demand rnade�y�he origina� B�rrow�r or <br /> any Successars �n Znterest af Barrovver, Any forbearance by Lender in exercis�ng an�right or rem�dy <br /> inc�uding, vwithout limi�ation, Lend�r'� accep�ance af pa�ments from third persons, �ntit�es or Successars �n <br /> Interest�f Borrower�r in arnounts�ess than the amount th�n due, sha�i no�be a wai�er of or preciude the <br /> e�.er�ise of any rxght or remedy. <br /> �3. J��nt and Serrera� Liability; �a-signers: Successvrs and Assigns Baund. Borrovver covenan�s and <br /> agrees�ha� Borrovver's o���gations and�iabiiity shall be�oin�and severa�. �owever, any Barrov�i�er who <br /> co��zgns�h�s Securi�y�ns�ru.ment�u�dfles no�execute the N�te�a "co-signer"}: �a} is co-signing �his <br /> Se�urity �ns�rument anly�o mor�gage, grant and c�nv�y the ca�signer's interes�in�he Pr�per�y under�he <br /> terms of th�s Security�ns�rument; �b} is na�personally a�ligated�o pay�he sums s��ured by this Secur��y <br /> �nstrument; and �c} agrees tha� Lender and an� a�her Borrower can agr��to extend, m�dify, for�ear or mak� <br /> any acconunoda�ians wxth regard ta the��rms of�his 5e�ur����nstrument or the Note vvithout the co-signer's <br /> consent. <br /> Subject��the pr�visions af Section �8, any Suc�essor in Interest�f Borrov�er vWho assumes Borrawer's <br /> obZxgations under this Security Instrument in vvriting, and is appra�ed by L�ender, shal� ob�a�n all of <br /> Borrower's rights and ben��its under�h�s Securi�y �ns�rument. Borr�v�rer sha�� not be released from <br /> Borrower's obligat�ans and liah��i�y under�h�s Security �nstrumen�unless Lend�r agre�s�a su�h release in <br /> writing. Th��ovenants and agreemen�s of�his Security Instrument shall b�nd �excep�as pro��ded in Section <br /> 2�} and benefit the successors and ass�gns of Lender. <br /> 'I�. Loan Gharges. L�r�der may charge Borrower fees fflr se�-�r�ce�performed in connec��on with Borrower's <br /> defau��, for the purpase of pro�e�t�n� Lender's interes��n the Property and rights under this Security <br /> �nstrument, �n�lud�ng, bu�not lim��ed t�, a�t�rneys' fees, pr�p�r�y inspect��n and�a�uation fees. In regard�� <br /> any o�her fees, �he absence of express au�h�rit�in this Secur�ty �ns�rumen��o charge a spec�fic fee�o <br /> Borro�ver shall not be constru�d as a pr�h��i��on�n the char��ng of such fe�. Lend�r ma�r no�charge fees <br /> �ha�are expressly prohib�ted�y this Secur�ty Instrument�r by Applicab�e Law. <br /> �f�h.e Loan�s subjeG�to a�aw wh�ch sets ma��mum loan charges, and that law zs final�y int�rpr�ted so�hat <br /> th� �nteres�or other�oan charges c�l�e�ted or to be co1l�c�ed in cann�ct�on with the Loan exce�d the <br /> perm��ted��m��s, then: �a3 any such �aan charge sha��be r�duced by�h�amount necessary to reduce the <br /> charge to�he p�rm�t��d��mit; and �b� any surns a�r�ady�ollec�ed from Borrawer v��ich exceeded p�rrni�ted <br /> Iim.��s wx�l �e refunded�o Barrawer. Lender may ch�ose to make�h�s refund by reducing the prin�ipa�owed <br /> under the No�e or by mak�ng a�irect payrnen�to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction vvi�� <br /> be�r�ated as a par�ia�prepayment withou�an��repa�men�charge (whe�h�r or not a prepaymen�char�e �s <br /> pravided for under th�Note}. Barrow�r's accep�ance of an�r such refund made b�r direct payment�o <br /> Borrower will cans���u�e a wa�ver of an�right of a�t��n Borrovver m�ght ha�e aris�ng out af su�h overcharge. <br /> '15. Notic�s. A1� n��ices gx�en hy Borrower ar Lender�n connection vcrith�h�s Se�urity �nstrumen�mus�be in <br /> wr���ng. Any nati�e to Borrawer in connect�nn w�th th�s Security �nstrumen�shail be deemed�o ha�e b�en <br /> given�o Borrower when mailed�y first��ass mai�or when actua�Iy deli�ered to Barrower's notice address �f <br /> sent by other means. No�ice to any one Borrow�r shall c�ns�itute no�ice�o a�l Borr�wers unless App��cab�e <br /> Law e�pressly requ�res a�herwise. The no�ice address shail be the Proper�y Address unless Barrower has <br /> N�BRASKA-Singfe Famiiy-�annie MaelFreddie Mac LINIFORM INSTRUMENT �arm 3028 110i <br /> VMP[�a VMP6�N�S�13��� <br /> Walters K�uwer FinanGia!5er�ices Page i 3 of 17 <br />