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2� 1 ��3973 <br /> con�inu�to pay�o Lender��1�amaunt�f the separate�y designa�ed payrnents�hat were due when the <br /> insuranc��o�erage ceased t�be in effect. Lender will accept, use and retain�hese paymen�s as a <br /> non-refunda��e lass reserve in lieu of Mortgage�nsurance. Such i�ss reser�e sha11 be non�refundable, <br /> no�wxths�anding the fact tha�the L�an is ultima��l�paid in full, an.d Lender shall not be required ta pay <br /> Borrower any �nterest ar earr�ings on such loss res�rve. Lender can no ionger require loss reserve pa�men�� <br /> �f M�r�gage �nsurance coverage�in th�amoun�and for the per�od�hat Lender requir�s}provid�d by an <br /> �nsurer se�ec�ed by Lender again be�ame� ava�lab�e, �s ob�ained, and Len�.er requires separa�e�y designa�ed <br /> paym�.ents��ward the prem�ums far Mor�gag��nsuranc�. If Lend�r requ�r��.Mar�gage In�urance as a <br /> cflndi���n of making th�L�an a�ad Bflrrower�vas requ�red ta mal�e separate��desi�nated payments toward�he <br /> premxums for Mor�gage Insurance, B�rrower sha11 pay the premiums requ�red�o�z�.a�ntain Mortgage <br /> �nsurance�n effect, or to prov�de a n�n�refundab�e l�ss reserve, until Lender's requ�rement for Mar�gage <br /> Insurance ends in accardance w�th an�r written agreement be�vveen B�rrawer and Lender prov�d�ng for such <br /> �erm�natian or un�il term�natian�s required by App��cable Lavv. No�hing in�i�s Section ��affec�s <br /> B�rrower's obiiga�ion to pay interest a�the rate pr�vided in th�Note. <br /> Mortga�e Insurance reimburses Lender�or an��n�it��hat purchases�h.e N���} for certain losses ��may incur <br /> if Borrower does not repay �he Laan as agreed. Borro�ver is nat a par�y�Q�he Mortgage Insurance. <br /> M�r�gage insurers e�a�uate the�r ta�ai r�sk on aIl such insurance in force from�ime�o time, and may enter <br /> into agreem�n�� w�th other parties tha�share or modify�heir risk, or redu�e��sses. These agreements are on <br /> terms and conditians �hat are sa�isfac�ory ta the mor�gage insurer and �he other par�y �or par�ies� ta these <br /> agreemenfs. These agreements may require the mor�ga�e insurer to make paymen�s using any source of funds <br /> that the mor�gage insurer may ha�e a�a��ahle�which may inc�ude funds ob�ained from Mortgage�nsurance <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a r�sult of�hese agre�ments, Lender, ar�y purGhaser of the No�e, ano�her insur�r, an� reinsurer, any other <br /> en��ty, or any affi�ia�e of any af the forego�ng, may r�ce�ve�dxrec���or ind�rec��y} amounts that derive from <br /> �ar might be characterized as} a p�rtion of Borrower's pa�men�s for Mortgag��nsurance, in exchang� for <br /> sha�-ing or mod�fyin�the martga�e insurer's r�sk, or re�uc�ng l�sses. �f such agreement pravides that an <br /> affi�iate af Lender�akes a share of the�nsur�r's risk in exchange for a share�f the premiums pa�d ta the <br /> ir�surer, the arrangemen�is �ften termed "capt��e reinsuran�e." Fur�her: <br /> �a� Any such agreemen�s w�Ii not affect the amoun�s that Borrower has agreed to pay for IVlortgage <br /> Insurance, or any ather terms of the Loan. Such agreem.ents wil�not increase the amount <br /> Borrower will nwe for Mortgage Insurance, and they w�I�not�ntitle Borrower ta any refund. <br /> �b 3 Any such agreemen�s►�v�ii na�affect the r�ghts Borrov�ver has-�f any-�wi�h respect to the <br /> Mortgage Insurance under th�Homeawners Protec��on Ac�of 1998 or any o�her law. These rights <br /> may inc�ude the r�ght to rece��e certain disc�o�ure�, �o request and ob�ain cance��ation of the <br /> Mortgage Insurance, to ha�e the Mortgage Insurance term�nated au�amatically, andlar to recei�e <br /> a refund of any M�r�gage Insurance premiums tha� were unearn�d a��he�ime of such <br /> cancel�at�on or termina�xon. <br /> 'i'1. Assignment vf Miscelianeous Prvc�eds: Forfeiture. All M�scei�aneous Praceeds are hereb�assxgned�o <br /> and sha�i be paid to Lender. <br /> If the Property is damaged, such Miscel�aneous PraGeeds sha�I be applied �o restorati�n or repa�r of the <br /> Proper��, if�he restaratian or repair is econom�ical�y feasib�e and I.�nder's secur�t� �s not �es�ened. During <br /> such repaxr and res�aration per�od, Lender sha��ha�r�the r�ght to hald such Miscel�aneous Proceeds untx� <br /> Lender ha�had an oppor�unity to inspect such Proper�y�o ensure the vvark has b��n cflmpleted�o Lender's <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM lNSTRUM�NT F�rm 3�28 71�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfitNE}{13n2y <br /> Walters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices Page 9 of 17 <br />