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2� 1 ��3972 <br /> �n the Property and rights under�h�s Securi�y �ns�rument; and �d} takes such action as Lender may <br /> reasonabiy r�qu�r�to assure that L�nder's interes��n�he PrQper�y and rights under th�s Securi�y Instrumen�, <br /> and Borrower's obligat�on to pay�he sums se�ured by this Security �ns�rumen�, sha�l �on�inue unchanged. <br /> Lender may require that Borrower pay such r�ins�atement sums and expenses in one or more of th� fo�Iowing <br /> forms, as s�i�cted by Lender; �a} cash; �b}money order; �c} c�rtifie�. check, bank check, treasurer's check ar <br /> cash�er's check, pro�ided an� such ch�ck is drawn upon an institution vvhos�depos�ts are insured by a <br /> fed�ra� agency, in�trumenta�i�y or en��ty; or�d} E�ec�ronic Funds Transfer. Upan re�ns�at�m�n�b� Borr�wer, <br /> �his S�curi�y�nstrum�n�and flb��gations secured hereby shali remain full�effecti�e as �f n� acc�lera�ion�ad <br /> �ccurred. Hov�e�er, th�s right to reinstate sha�l nat appiy in th�case�f acceieration under Sec�i�n �$. <br /> �0. Sai� �f Nvte; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Gr�e►►ance. The Note or a partial interest in th� <br /> Not� ���gether with�h�s Se�urxty �nstrun�ent� can b�sa�d�ne or�nore��mes w�thou�prior na�ice to <br /> Borr�wer. A sale migh�resu�t�n a change in the en�i�y (known as the "Loart Servicer"}that collects Periodic <br /> Payments due under the No�e and th�s S�curit��ns�rument and performs�ther mor�gage�oan servic�ng <br /> �b�igations under the Na�e, �his �ecurit�Ins�rum�nt, and App��cable Law. Ther�ais�m�ght be one ar more <br /> �hanges of the Laan Servicer unrelated�o a sale nf the No�e. �f there�s a change af�he Loan Ser��cer, <br /> Borr�w�r will be g��en written no��ce af the chan�e which will state th�name and address of the n�w Lflan <br /> Serv�cer, the address�a whi�h paymen�s shou�d b�mad�and any oth�r inf�rmation RESPA re�uires in <br /> connec�ion vWi�h a natice of transfer of servic��.g. �f�.he No�e is sald and thereafter the Loan is ser��ced by a <br /> Loan Servicer other�han�he purchas�r of the Note, �he mor�gage l�an serv�c�ng obligations��B�rrower will <br /> remain wi�h�he Loan Ser�icer or be transferred to a successor L�an Servicer and are not assumed by the <br /> No�e purchaser un�ess �therwise pr�vided by the Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may cammence,�oin, flr��joined to any�ud�cial action�as ei�her an <br /> indi�ridual 1iti�an�ar the member of a elass� �hat arises from.�he other party's actions pursuan�ta �his <br /> Securi�y Ins�rument or�hat a1leg�s�ha�the other party has br�ached any provision of, or any duty awed hy <br /> reasan af, �his Secur�ty �nstrumen�, until such Borrower or Lender has n��ified the other party �with such <br /> notice gi�ren in compl�anc�with the requ�r�ments of Secti�n �5} of such a��eged�r��ch and af��rd�d the <br /> o��er party here�o a reasanable period af�er�he giving af such nat�ce to�ake corrective ac�ion. If Appli�ab�e <br /> Law provides a time p�rind wh�ch must e�apse before cer�ain acti�n can be taken, �hat time period will be <br /> deemed to be reasanab�e f�r purp�ses�f fih�s paragraph. The no�ic�of accel�ratian and oppor�un��y�o cure <br /> g���n�o B�rrower pursuant�o Sec�ion�2 and�he no�i�e of a�ce�era�ion given to Borrower�ursuan�to <br /> Section 1 S shal� �e deemed�� sa�isfy the n�t�ce and app�r�unit�to take corrective a�ti�n provisi�ns of this <br /> Sec�ion 24. <br /> ��. Hazardous Suhstances. As used�n�h�s Sec��on��.: �a} "Ha�ardous Sr�bs���tces"are�hose substances <br /> de�n�d as�axiG or hazardous subs�ances, pollu�an�s, or v�rastes by Envxronmental Lav�and the fo��awxng <br /> su�s�ances: gaso�ine, kerasene, other f�ammab�e or�ox�c pe�ro�eum pr�duc�s, �oxic pestic�des and herbic�des, <br /> vola��le solvents, mater�als c�n�aining asbest�s or formald�hyde, and rad�oac���e ma�erials; �b} <br /> "E��virannzental Lav�"means federa� �av�rs and laws of the jurisdi��ion v�here the Pr�per�� is ��ca�ed that <br /> r��ate�o hea�th, safety or en��ranmen�a�pro�ect��n; �c� "Envir�n�raental �reanu,�"includes any response <br /> ac�ion, r�medial ac�ion, ar rem�va� ac�ion, as def�ned �n En�ir�nmental Law; and �d} a�� "Er�viron�r�et�tal <br /> �'otaditiot�rr means a cond�t�an that can cause, cfln�ri�ute�o, �r o�h�rwise trigger an En�ir�nmental Cleanup, <br /> Barrower s�lal� not cause or permit the presenc�, use} d�spasa�, stara��, or re�ease of any Hazardaus <br /> Substances, or threa�en to re�ease any Ha�ardous Subs�a�ac�s, o�or in�he Proper�y. B�rrower sha�� not do, <br /> nor al�ow anyone e�se to do, an�th�ng affecting the Pr�per�y (a} �hat is in vifllation of an� Enviranmental <br /> Law, �b} whxch creates an Environmen�at Cand�t�on, ar tc} �hich, due tfl �he presence, use, ar release of a <br /> Ha.zardous Substance, creates a conditian�ha�adverse�y affec�s �he�alue of�he Pr�per�y. The prec�ding �wo <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNlF�RM lfVSTRl,7MENT Form 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP[� VMPfi�NE1 t�3�21 <br /> Wn#ters Kluwer Financ�al 5er�ices Page 13 of 17 <br />